Hello everyone. I decided that I would change stuff up. If an effort to organize and de-confuse my work I'm putting all my 'dear reader' responses in one page. They will be in the order I wrote them and their will be probably two authors note a chapter. I've decided that the authors notes will no longer accompany the chapters themselves and that you will have to come back to this page if you want to hear from me. Ready? Here it goes:



Hello dear readers! Salutations, greetings, top of the morning/afternoon/evening and any other greeting under the sun.

As many of you might have already read my "I'm not alone" project I'm really glad you did.

Now none of you panic with the news I'm about to deliver: I'm shelving said project for a while. Actually I'm technically not even shelving it as there will still be updates but it just won't be as often as they use to be. It's probably going to go from the 3-5 day update time frame to 2 weeks at the most.

The reason for this is simple. My work quality.

I got to tell you something about my creativity folks; it's like a glass of water you leave sitting there undisturbed. At first it's good but soon it starts to taste funny and before long it's gone stagnant and flat.

I intend for "I'm not alone" to be this massive awesome project that is longer than 35 chapters and I intend for these chapters to be even bigger. I might even go back, combine old chapters and make the new ones just as large as the combined chapters. Imagine chapter one completely edited and fixed of all errors and chapter two on the same page along with one. The chapters are going to be that big. I'm going to be a brutal taskmaster on myself to get those chapters long and with good quality. Its going o take creativity and a big vocabulary (something I'm certain I have both of).

I also have some creative ideas, drama, new characters, events and awesome plot bunnies (that I hope will blow your mind) in store for the "I'm not alone" project in the future. But as I said my writing quality goes downhill if I keep a one track mind for too long. Think of it as an add child whose reading a book. I have to find something to wake my head up again and bitch-slap awake my creativity bones. To that end I'm going to take up a second writing project and will be switching back and forth between these writing projects. I hope I can do well.

This is also a story I have been wanting to do for a long time. I'm no master silver-tongued writing genius but I pride myself in the ability to make up characters complete with back stories, facial features, habits and quirks quickly and finding ways to make them slide their way into the story.

I promise that I will do no more than two (2) stories at once so that I don't forget about any of my projects.

*giggles* I'm not telling you the plot of my new story-your going to have to find that out if you read it. (heh. I'm so evil. They so don't know I'm creating a blood relative of Naruto's who will take him out of Konoha for a couple years and then return with him or that it will be an adorable naru-hina with Hinata and Naruto being childhood friends. Nope. Completely unaware of my diabolical plans.)

In other news:

"I'm not alone" story stats: Reviews: 68 hits: 7,736 favs: 34 alerts: 41

Its gotten popular… *sniff* my little baby is growing up. We have already passed the 50 review mark and I have over 5,000 hits! I'm going to need someone to take a sewing needle to my head to keep from swelling over this.

Keep reviewing guys. I love reviews, big informative reviews. Keep reading too.

-He will knock four times.



Dear readers,

Many of you are probably pissed as hell and wondering why I haven't updated yet. Well in my efforts to double the amount of words per chapter I combined chapters. Somehow somewhere in the process I accidentally deleted part of the chapter 5. Well… more like all of chapter 5. When you loose a major chapter part it kind of burns you out on a story. That's when I started writing my other story. I managed to recover some part of the story but now I'm going to have to rewrite the chapter from scratch. And yes I am picking up the story again so you can call off the lynch mob now.

I came up with new ideas for the I'm not alone storyline. It's got more drama going on than an episode of jerry Springer. (seems like every week someone is cheating on someone in that show. I only watch it because then I can look at my family and go 'we are all right. Its not so bad to be around them'.)

I also want to ask something. Im a lazy person and we all know it. if by some miracle of fate some of you there decided to copy down my work to a word document for a read, NOW would be the time to send it to me. I am not entirely sure I can write the chapter as well as I did before or if I will remember everything I'm supposed to write. So it would be AWESOME if you guys have it.

In other news im going to be focusing on the "im not alone" project again so put down the pitchforks people. You aren't the villagers and I'm not Frankenstein. It has come to my attention though that some on my work needs revising to make sure things are of good quality so I will be taking down the chapters and resubmitting them. I promise that I will have the lost chapter rewritten and back up as well as a new chapter ready hen I resubmit them so be prepared for that.

Till next time-

-He will knock four times



Dear readers:

wow has it really been so long? well im back. sorry about the wait.

Alonzy Alonzo. always wanted to say that.

-He will knock four times