Author has written 7 stories for Twilight, and Once Upon a Time. Music. School. Work. Writing. Gym. Sleep. Oh yeah, my life is freaking awesome. Hate on it. I enjoy this site a lot, it's pretty awesome...when it's not down, and I was just about to update. -_- rude... I have tons and tons of stories I wanna share with you guys and I most likely will! Writing is seriously my outlet besides the gym and music, and driving around. I will type until my fingers fall off. SWANQUEEN IS MY ENDGAME. SWANQUEEN IS LIFE!!!! Also, I will probably dedicate a lot of time into GP and GB (gender bending) work. Follow me on FB @ MonsterGalore Or you can head to Tumblr and follow me @ Bounce With It... Mass Effect/ OUAT character visuals... DBZ Vegeta tail (armor) http:///20dc/i/2013/080/6/c/an_empire_reborn_tail_armor_by_ncfwhitetigress-d5yr5a9.jpg Monster Galore |
fiend89 (3) |