hey. yes, another new story.
prompt from shae Wild. regina and emma sleep together. afterwards, regina rejects emma in order to keep her happiness with robin. meanwhile, emma ends up pregnant.
yes, yes, i know Rowark is writing this prompt too. Row is so graciously my beta on this. We've entirely different spins on the prompt, so I hope you enjoy.
"See, the difference between me and you is I don't mind being alone."
The words rang through the Dark One's mind. Zelena was right. Emma was terrified of being alone. She'd forced Hook into being the Dark One with her, even if he wasn't aware. She tried to cling to Henry despite knowing how badly she was hurting him with Violet. Her parents told her flat out they didn't trust her. It was how she found herself inside Zelena's psych ward cell at 3am.
"Well, this is a surprise. Do make yourself comfortable. I'd offer you something, but as you can see, I'm not set up for social hour."
Emma paced the small space next to the bed. The slivers of moonlight illuminating her features and making her seem impossibly paler.
"Get on with it, darling. I was pretending to try and sleep in this hovel."
"You were right." The words were barely above a whisper, but they were heard.
"Speak up. I didn't hear you."
"You damn well did. I said you were right. I don't want to be alone. I just want someone in my corner."
Zelena gave a wicked smirk. "And how do you think I can help? I'm caged in here, dear. My little green bean is the sole reason Regina hasn't attacked me physically yet."
"I can protect you from her. Using Robin to hurt Regina was pretty shitty, but if you two just gave each other a chance I think you'd get along. I've met Cora. She's a real piece of work. You should be glad you weren't abused your whole life."
"Please, Mother would have loved me. I'd have made her happy, been the perfect daughter."
"You have a wilder spirit than Regina. She'd have been worse to you. You'd have had to marry Leopold. I have all Rumple's memories, and I think it's time to tell you a story."
Emma sat and told Zelena of all Rumple had witnessed Cora doing to Regina, what Leopold had done, what countless others tried to do. "You see, you are wicked, but not wicked enough to make it through that. Regina is a bitch because she's scared of getting hurt. She was evil because people drove her to madness. Instead of trying to hurt her, maybe you should try and get to know her. You're family, and our kids should get to know one another."
"You'd let Henry around me after I tried to hurt him?"
"Rumple tried to kill him on more than one occasion. Regina put him under a sleeping curse. Henry was dead before true love's kiss. Being wicked is a part of who you are, but it doesn't have to be all you are."
"And what do you get out of this, Dark One?"
"A friend."
Zelena eyed the blonde warily. Emma might not be known for her tricks and deals as the Dark One like Rumple, but that didn't mean she wasn't just as dangerous. "Fine, but you protect me against my sister until I have assurances she won't hurt me or my child."
Emma conjured a platter of food next to the nightstand. "I know Regina better than she knows herself right now, Greenie. Enjoy. I'll be back later."
"Wait, the protection spell."
Muttering a few phrases, Emma waved her hand over Zelena's entire length. "There, you're tied to your baby. You cannot be separated from each other. If anyone tries to send you out of this realm you will appear in my house. Regina won't be able to harm you. Try and sleep. The baby needs it."
Zelena watched Emma disappear in a cloud of white smoke. Playing with the Dark One was dangerous, but those idiots would have Emma back to herself soon, and befriending the blonde might be just what she needed to keep her child. She'd provided her with a lot of insight on Regina, and based on the food choices, Emma knew a lot about her as well. She may not entirely like Emma, but being her friend might just be her best move at the moment.
Emma spent a month making progress towards being friends with Zelena. She tried every day to reach out to Henry, to fix the damage she'd caused, but he hadn't wanted to see her. Regina didn't stop insisting that the 'real Emma' was in there somewhere still, and it was time to act like it. Her parents gave her a wide berth, too focused on their new baby to spend much time checking in on Emma.
"Swan, where are you taking me?" Zelena grumbled as Emma took her arm and practically dragged her upstairs and down the hall.
Without saying a word, Emma opened the door. Zelena gasped as she stepped inside the room that was painted a soft mint green. There were a few things on the wall, and a rocker and ottoman in the corner. Mostly there were boxes and boxes of furniture.
"Is this for me?"
"I figured Regina won't let you out of that cell anytime soon or unleash you on Storybrooke, so I thought you might want to have a nursery here. There's a bathroom through there that connects to a bedroom you can make your own if you want."
The silence stretched on as Zelena stared around in amazement. No one had ever done anything like this for her before. Tears swam in blue eyes as her hand covered her mouth. The baby kicked prompting Zelena to move her free hand over her belly protectively.
"It was a stupid idea. You don't have to. I just thought -"
Zelena cut Emma of with a hug, well as much of a hug as she could manage being so pregnant. "Thank you, but why?"
"We're friends, aren't we? I know what it's like to be jailed and pregnant, to feel you can't provide for your baby. I wanted you to know you could do this without Robin and Regina."
"How do you know I won't turn on you and take everything here for myself?"
Emma shrugged and looked impassive. "You could try. Even if I took off your cuff, you can't hurt me here. This house is enchanted to protect me from all harm. Maybe I just want to have a little hope that you wouldn't."
Zelena pursed her lips. Being wicked was her thing. It's all she knew how to be. Could she really just reform and be someone completely different? Did she want her daughter to see her as wicked?
The night they finished the nursery, Emma had just sent Zelena back to her cell for round check the nurse did, when frantic ringing of the doorbell jolted Emma out of her happy moment. No one really visited her. She pulled her red tank top hem just below the waistband of her yoga pants before throwing open the door.
"Heeyyy, love." Hook stumbled and slumped against the door frame as he slurred his greeting.
"What are you doing here?"
"The cricket won't warm my bed anymore until we're through with our farce. He seems to disbelieve that we, that we…"
Emma stepped back as Hook fell into her home. "You're sleeping with Archie? What happened to Tink or Smee or one of the many Lost Boys you brought back?"
"The cricket- he- he has this thing he does -"
"Okay, that's enough. Get up and go sleep it off on your ship. You can tell anyone that asks that we're over."
"You're a- you're a good- friend, Swan."
Emma shook her head as she watched Hook pull himself to his feet and stumble back down her path. Damn pirate had been a horrible beard choice, but he made a hell of a drinking buddy. She watched him disappear down the street before closing the door.
Ten minutes later the doorbell began a frantic, incessant buzzing yet again. Emma had already stripped down to her red lace underwear. Her hair was in a ponytail, face freshly washed. Shrugging, Emma made her way to the door. The last person she expected to see was Regina.
"It's you! You're back! I've missed you, Miss Swan."
Before Emma could say anything, Regina had pulled Emma's half naked body flush against her, full red lips crushing against thin, pale ones.
"Regina, Regina stop."
Regina pulled back immediately, looking confused and hurt. "What is it?"
"Are you sure? I mean -"
Rolling her eyes, Regina resumed kissing Emma before pulling back slightly. "Just be quiet for once, Em-ma. I know what I'm doing."
The front door barely closed before Regina practically tackled Emma to the floor, attacking her lips in demanding kisses and small nips. Emma moaned as Regina bit down on her bottom lip and tugged. Tan hands delved under the thin tank top and quickly covered ample breasts. Emma was about to suggest moving this upstairs to her bedroom, but the suggestion quickly died out to a moan as Regina attached her lips to Emma's neck and sucked hard. Her neck had always been her weakness, and Emma rapidly became putty under those wonderful red lips.
Cool air washed over Emma before body heat overpowered the cold. When teeth sunk into the junction where her neck met her shoulder, Emma came back to herself. She finally had the opportunity to touch the magnificent body before her and she wasn't about to waste it. Emma quickly flipped their positions
"My show. My house, my show. I've been dreaming of this since I first met you. Just lay back and enjoy the ride. You can repay me later."
"Oh hell no!"
Regina cursing stunned Emma into a daze that allowed Regina to regain the upperhand. The pair tossed and twisted in a battle for dominance as hands roamed, squeezing here, stroking there. Once would never be enough with them. They christened multiple rooms in their exploration. Emma discovered Regina enjoyed being marked, despite her protests. Regina found out just how sensitive Emma's body was.
The sun was beginning to peek across the horizon by the time the pair found themselves in Emma's bedroom, naked and sated. Emma snuggled into Regina, head on the brunette's chest, an arm and a leg haphazardly thrown over preventing her from escaping.
"Mmm, that was amazing."
Absentmindedly Regina ran a hand through Emma's tangled curls. As Emma succumbed to slumber, she had time to reflect on what they'd just done. They shared magic. Sure, the sex had been mind-blowing, probably the best Regina'd ever had, but they'd literally made magic. Tendrils of purple wisps could still be seen weaving themselves into Emma's skin. Emma, the woman who'd given her Henry, the best gift in her entire world. The woman who had been her biggest nightmare and her greatest cheerleader; the woman who had sacrificed herself in order to give her a shot at happiness.
Robin was safe. Emma was fire, the epitome of the unknown, the wild, dangerous nature that can both save and end lives. Robin was traditional. He knew the Enchanted Forest lifestyle. He could provide her a "normal" lifestyle. Normal was something Regina had never had or been before. The idea of blending in and becoming a standard statistic was appealing. Emma provided challenge and excitement. She was Regina's balance, wouldn't kowtow to her. Emma accepted all of Regina, had seen her in her Evil Queen days, and still cared for her. Robin loved her, but he also desired to be with Zelena, to raise their child together. Emma was the daughter of her enemy, the granddaughter of the pig Leopold. There were less strings with Robin. Regina had no idea what to do until she heard Emma's sleepy mumble.
"Love you, R'gina."
Regina stiffened under Emma's hold. Emma was definitely a terrifying unknown. The blonde had come to mean so much to her. Regina couldn't risk losing Emma or what'd they'd built. The safest thing to do to protect her heart, and protect Emma, was to leave and go back to Robin. He would have to be enough. Anyone Regina loved had only gotten hurt, her father, Daniel, her son, Cora, even Snow. There was a fine line between love and hate. Regina wasn't going to risk Emma's life by letting this love happen. She wasn't going to let Emma's sacrifice for her happiness be for not by throwing it all away on the unknown when Robin had been proven with magic to be her happiness.
The obnoxious ringing of her phone finally brought Emma out of her slumber. Blinking open one eye, Emma read the glowing blue numbers on her alarm clock that told her it was well past two in the afternoon. Her body was stiff and ached in various places. She smiled at remembering what had led to the twinges and throbs. Reaching over, Emma expected to encounter a warm body. Greeted by cold sheets she flipped over to find the half of the bed Regina should have occupied perfectly done up like no one had ever been there.
"Maybe it was just a dream. I finally wanted it bad enough that it was all a hallucination."
Groaning as she sat up and stretched, Emma pushed herself out of bed and answered Ruby's text before going into the bathroom. She turned on the shower before turning to the mirror.
"Hallucination my ass." Emma smiled as her fingertips trailed over a particularly vivid set of bruises on her hips as she remembered how they came to be.
"Harder, Miss Swan. I need more."
"I think by now you can call me Emma. Three fingers deep should mean I get that much at least." Emma drove her fingers in harder, slamming her hips into her hand in aide.
"Fuh- yes, Emma! Just like that."
Emma grinned wickedly down at the mayor who had her head thrown back, back arching off the ground in ecstasy. When Emma curled her fingers upward on each stroke Regina had reached out and latched onto her hips. Emma knew that would bruise, but to have Regina completely undone underneath her was the best sight in the entire world. Leaning down, Emma pressed her lips to swollen red ones, swallowing the sounds she was responsible for as Regina let go.
Emma's fingers trailed upwards and regarded the red scratches from just under her breasts all the way down her abs. Her back had matching scratches, some broken open in places she knew she'd feel as soon as the hot water hit them. There were teeth impressions just above her left breast and a deeper one on her right shoulder where Regina had bitten her as payback for continuing to pleasure her after she'd pleaded to stop after her third orgasm. Emma hadn't listened, and the results were going to be on her body for weeks.
"Emma, no more. Can't"
Emma had lazily kept thrusting the toy inside Regina to prolong her second orgasm with it, but she had asked a question and until Regina answered she wasn't going to stop torturing the brunette. "I believe you know how to make me stop, but you really don't want that do you? You're quite naughty, Regina. You want me to push your limits, take you places no one has ever been able to before don't you?" Silence met her so Emma twisted the toy, turning on the vibration to the lowest setting.
"By the gods! Yes, only you. Wanted so long. With you. Miss Swan. Please. Emma!" Regina couldn't formulate whole sentences, brain overrun with pleasure that somehow only Emma was able to bring her. She'd had countless lovers as the Evil Queen, and none had taken her to these heights of ecstasy. They were about an hour into giving in to their heated passion. It'd taken an hour for Emma to ask why now. Regina really couldn't handle another orgasm without passing out, but Emma was relentless, and Regina found herself loving it and whatever else Emma did or wanted to do.
The toy suddenly pulled out of her leaving Regina to whine in protest and thrust her hips to seek it out once again. "Uh-uh, gorgeous. Not until you tell me why now."
"Emma, please!" Emma shook her head, and Regina felt her peak slowly slipping away. "Fine, Miss Swan. Surely you must know it was inevitable. I was ready to fuck you senseless the day you cut down my tree. Now please, get back to fucking me like a good girl."
The answer really didn't sate Emma's curiosity or answer the question really, but she wasn't about to deny Regina any longer. They both needed this. Turning the toy on the highest vibration setting, Emma slammed it back into Regina sending liquid heat pooling down the mayor's thighs and onto Emma's sheets. A few hard thrusts and Regina was set into orbit yet again. Emma knew she wasn't going to be washing these sheets for a long time. She continued to pound the toy into Regina until her own orgasm left her collapsing on top of the brunette with a satisfied smirk.
Why had Regina left then? Emma replayed the entire night and early morning in her head over and over as she washed her body and hair on autopilot. She frantically ran over everything said during their lovemaking. Standing under the stream as suds dripped down into her eyes, Emma suddenly remembered her post coital revelation. Shit! She told Regina she loved her. Sinking down to the floor, Emma pulled her knees up to her chest. Regina wasn't ready for that. Sure they'd been flirting and fighting for years like an old married couple, but Regina still had Robin. Whatever caused her to come over last night Emma needed to figure out if she wanted to have a romantic relationship with Regina. She'd waited years for this opportunity and she wasn't going to let it slip through her fingers now because she'd scared the woman of her dreams away. The icy blast of the shower suddenly registered. Shivering, Emma pulled herself to her feet.
"Get your shit together, Swan. You've a mayor to woo."
"What's with you?"
"Huh, sorry. What?"
Zelena rolled her eyes. She'd watched Emma staring at her coffee cup for the past twenty minutes completely oblivious to the fact she was even there. "Either that coffee contains the secrets of the universe or you're plotting its demise. What's going on, darling?"
"I did something kind of stupid last night."
"Ooh, do tell. I assume it's related to the sex bruises your shirt isn't hiding very well?"
Blushing, Emma nodded but didn't elaborate.
"So, who was it? I never pictured you the type to get emotional over sex."
"I'm not, really. I mean, not usually. I don't just give myself to anyone, but still. It's just that –"
"Oh for heaven's sake, spit it out, Swan. It can't be that bad."
Blue eyes widened as red brows shot skyward. "You did what?"
Emma took a deep breath and repeated herself. "I slept with Regina and then I told her I loved her. She snuck out on me. I think I royally screwed everything up."
"About bloody time, Emma. I was beginning to think I'd have to see you two dance around each other making everything awkward for everyone for the rest of my life."
"What? You knew? How?"
"Darling, the fighting, the suggestive innuendos, the hungry looks. Everyone with half a brain knows. Now, you told her you loved her and she left? Seems like Regina. You know she and Robin had sex in her vault repeatedly thinking that I didn't know. He was supposed to be finding a way to prevent my death from that bloody bitch of an ice queen, but they were shagging up all night. Regina had many pets and bedmates as Evil Queen you know."
"I know that, but ew, I didn't need to know about Robin. I can't stand him. He's so self-righteous and backwards. Ruby made a remark one night at the Rabbit Hole about being bi-sexual and he went on a rant for hours about how disgusting and immoral it is for a woman to be with anyone but a man. Do you think he knows about Regina?"
Zelena flicked her wrist in dismissal. "Doubt it, dear. Regina tries very hard to put on a front. I imagine after all the showcasing she's done all she wants is to blend in and be normal. Normal is so very boring, and so very beneath her. It's beneath us. If she was normal she wouldn't have made such a name for herself. So, what's your plan then?"
"My plan?" Blonde brows furrowed in confusion.
"Yes, darling. Your plan to win over Regina. We both know she's only with him because that insipid little green moth told her that he was who she was supposed to be with. Regina followed her heart with Daniel, and he's dead. She won't follow her heart with you. She's too chicken. Tink told her that Robin is her happiness, and she won't let that go no matter how unhappy it'll make her to not follow love. So, what's your plan? It can't be just any plan after all. She's got magic, and several decades on you."
Emma's head came crashing down on the table as her hands flew up. "Damn it. I don't know. I've never tried to do something like this. My only relationship was with Neal, if you can even call it that. I tried to do the math on his age and after 300 years I just gave up, too disgusted that he would go after a teenager. It could have been anyone else if it wasn't me. I'm just glad Henry has Regina to raise him into a decent man, even if he's a spoiled shit."
"Ahh, yes, the boy you raise together. He is known for his…" Zelena snapped her fingers trying to remember. "Right, he's known for his operations, yes?" Emma nodded skeptically, green eyes staring warily at the heavily pregnant witch. "Operation…. Operation True Love? No, that sounds awful. Hmm…"
"Henry gives obscure names to his operations so people won't have any idea what they're about. The operation to get me to believe and break the curse was called Operation Cobra. Operation Mongoose was supposed to bring people their happy endings."
"Right, wait your only relationship was with the Dark One's son? You and One Handed Wonder never?" It was Zelena's turn to be skeptical.
"No. I wanted my parents off my back, and he wanted people to give him a chance to change. I know what it's like not to escape a label, so we pretended to date. We just broke up actually right before Regina came over. Hook is sleeping with Archie, and the man has a conscious not to do so while he was dating someone else. Hook must really enjoy him." Emma shrugged, just happy that Hook was finding himself and was happy.
"Right. He's an idiot if he didn't take advantage of your body." Emma's eyes widened comically. "What? As your friend I think I should be allowed to tell you that you're attractive. Surely you know that. Your jeans are practically painted on, and that white tank top does little to hide anything."
Blushing, Emma rolled her eyes. "Whatever. So, the operation?"
"Operation Hot Pants?" Emma glared and Zelena laughed, hands coming to rest on her belly. "Sorry, it was too good to pass up. Operation Cinnabuns."
Emma threw her hands up in the air in defeat, fearing the names were just going to get worse and worse. Zelena may be trying to turn her life around, but she was definitely still wicked. "Fine, whatever. Operation Cinnabuns it is."
The two spent the next several hours coming up with a game plan for Emma to woo Regina. Zelena had trashed more than a few of Emma's suggestions already. Emma was ready to throw something in frustration when the doorbell began to ring frantically. The sound had Emma remembering last night, and her heart rate skyrocketed as she stood up and wiped her suddenly sweaty palms on her jeans. "Stay here. Don't let anyone see you. If I can't take care of it, I'll send you upstairs to be safe."
Emma didn't wait to see Zelena nod her understanding as she practically sprinted to the door. She was in utter shock to see Henry there. He still hadn't really forgiven her for the Violet thing, not that she blamed him, but he was the last person she expected on her doorstep.
"What did you do to Mom?"
"Wh- I'm sorry, what?"
Henry stormed past her into the foyer before spinning around to face Emma again. "Mom, what did you do to her. She wasn't there when I woke up for school, and when I came back from school she had bruises all over. I asked her what happened and she said Emma before locking herself in her study. Are you guys fighting again? How could you hurt her?"
"I didn't. Well, I mean we hurt each other, but it's not what you think. We weren't fighting."
Henry's face twisted in confusion. "If you weren't fighting, how'd she get those bruises?"
Emma contemplated it for a few minutes before Henry interrupted again. "Don't lie to me. I didn't let my mom do it at ten. I'm not going to let you lie to me now."
"Fair enough. Your mom and I weren't fighting, kid, but we did get physical." Confusion was still written all over Henry's face as he tried to comprehend. "Oh for the love of, we had sex, Henry. Your mom and I got a bit rough during sex. We weren't fighting. Quite the opposite actually."
"Ew! I didn't need to know that."
"You asked, kid. Do we need to have 'the talk'?"
"No, not again. I still remember our talk in New York, and Mom gave me another when we came back since I like Violet. I don't need another, really."
Emma laughed and ruffled his hair. "Alright. So, did you want to help your aunt and I?"
"Zelena's here? Didn't Mom lock her up?"
"Yeah, but you can't turn your life around if no one lets you start. She's doing real good, Henry. It'd actually probably mean a lot if you stayed. You could have dinner with us. You'll see. Zelena is great."
"You're not in some evil plan with her are you? You are the Dark One still."
Green eyes narrowed and cut at her son. Pulling her shirt over to reveal her shoulder, Emma chuckled at Henry's widened eyes. "Your mom seems to think I'm still a decent person. I think she even praised Snow White at one point for having me so I could ravish her."
"Ew! If I stay for dinner you have to never tell me anything like that again."
"Darling, could we make something fried for – oh, Henry. I didn't know you were here. Sorry, Emma."
"You want something fried? I can make fried pickle chips and turkey burgers if you'd like." Emma threw an arm around Henry and smiled.
Both Henry and Zelena seemed too shocked and apprehensive to move less they startled the other and broke whatever bubble this seemed to be. Emma rolled her eyes at the pair. She pushed Henry forward slightly. "Why don't you two discuss Operation Cinnabuns while I make dinner?"
"Since when do you cook? I know you have memories from New York, but you've never before."
"Emma's been cooking me meals since she brought me here to start our little friendship. We've been learning together. I will eventually have to feed this baby somehow. It's far better than the mountain of broccoli that Nurse Ratchet tries to force on me per your mother's orders. It's a real bother when one can't indulge their cravings while pregnant."
"So what's Operation Cinnabuns?"
Emma could only smile to herself as she set about making dinner. She hoped one day soon that Henry would come around, and now he could start giving both her and Zelena a new chance, a fresh start so to speak. If Henry believed that Zelena had changed, if he could see it, then she knew Regina would eventually have to come on board too. The mayor rarely went against Henry anymore. Sure, Emma knew that Regina would forever be stuck in a difficult position between the pinecone and her sister, but if she could win over the mayor then they stood a chance at all getting along one day. The voices floating through the house animatedly discussing the plan without issue fueled Emma's hopes.