A/N I know it's super late, but this is my Christmas ficlet. There's still Christmas movies on television and the temperatures sure feel like winter, so hopefully y'all consider it a late present finally arriving through customs.

HUGE thank you to Artistia and MonsterGalore for putting up with how ridiculously long this story is and how long it finally took me to buckle down and write it. I've spent about seven solid days on this.

Hope you enjoy.


"Emma! If I have to come up there you won't get to see Santa today."

Kat chuckled as she slowly sipped her coffee, watching Regina flutter around the kitchen getting things ready they'd need for the day.

"I thought for sure going to pick out toys would get her running."

Regina sighed and set a plate in front of her best friend. "Someone went to bed late last night because that little puppy dog face conned me into an extra Christmas movie and a story."

"You can't possibly say no to those big green eyes. Speaking of green eyes, what's happening this holiday with Jeff? Is he going to see Emma?"

"No. That bastard said he's taking his family to New York to see the Nutcracker with his parents. No matter what I do, the only one who won't spend time with my baby is the one person she always asks to see."

"Reg, babe, I understand he's a fine piece of ass and that Emma gets her looks from him, but you can't make the man have a brain. He made his choice, and his choice is to not be a father. Emma will start making her own decisions soon, and she'll see what a lousy man he is. You just need to keep being the best mom and dad possible for her."

Emma padded barefoot into the kitchen holding her boots. She dropped them next to the chair and climbed up into Regina's lap. Snuggled into her mama, Emma yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Mama, Daddy said that Santa is going to New York with them. Does that mean he's going to forget about me?"

"No, Baby! Santa can be everywhere. He has his helpers all over the world that dress up like him so that everyone gets to see his spirit in them. When you tell Santa's helper today what you want, they're going to tell Santa himself to make sure you get everything you want."

Frowning, Emma stares at the coffee cup in her mama's hand for a few minutes. "Mama, can Santa bring people?"

Kat looked at Regina, both puzzled. "What people do you need Santa to bring you, Bean?"

"I just need to know if he can bring people. Mama?"

Regina moved a stray lock of hair from Emma's face. Green eyes peered up at her expectantly and she took a moment to compose herself.

"I need to know, Mama. Can Santa bring a person?"

"Emma, Santa can't bring anyone to you that isn't alive anymore, but he can do his best to make it so anyone who is alive could see you."

"Not see, Mama, bring. Can Santa deliver me a person?"

"It's -" Regina took a breath and mulled over her options here. "It's possible, yes."

Emma smiled and wrapped both her arms around her mama. "Santa's going to bring me them. I know it."

"Did you want to put it in your letter to drop off in the mail for Santa?"

"This one's a secret. I can't tell."

Before either woman could get in another word, Emma handed her mama her socks and her boots.

"Baby, you can't wear your boots with your tutu. Wouldn't you rather your nice dress shoes I got you?."

"No. Why can't I wear my boots? Santa wears boots."

Regina tried not to chuckle. "Yes, but his are functional so he doesn't fall in the snow trying to walk on the roofs."

"But there's snow outside here. I don't want to fall. Asides, they my favourite."

"She does have a point."

Kat dodged the grape Regina threw at her and stuck out her tongue.

"If you remember we're only picking out toys for the orphans today, not shopping for you. We've got the tree lighting tonight, and Mama has a lot to do before then."

"One toy for me. I gots to pruhtend to like Sidney as he takes our picture all day. He's creepy."

A dark brow raised and a tiny blonde one soon mimicked. Kat looked between the two and giggled. "You two act exactly alike. Emma, you excited to see Santa today?"

"I'm excited to see all the little kids cry. It's funny. Gracie said she once saw a boy pee his pants on Santa."


Emma looked up at her mama. "What? I'm doing this for the picture. I don't actually want to sit on a stranger's lap and talk to them."

Regina scoffed and pretended to be miffed. Her daughter's attitude was certainly all her. "Well then, I guess Santa might have to rethink bringing one little girl her presents."

Green eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't tell Santa that."

"I so would, now go put your coat on so we can go." Regina lightly tapped Emma's boots now that they were on and tied.

Emma hopped off Regina's lap and raced to the front closet. The white tutu had black lace trim. Regina sighed. She knew by the end of the day that the white outfit would need washing with some heavy stain removers.

They drove to the mall and met up with Sidney, one of the local journalists. Kat scooted closer and wrapped her arm around Emma. She disliked the sleazy journalist as much as Emma did, but he was always writing raving articles about Regina's mayoral activities.

"Bean, I brought you something."

Emma stopped glaring at her mama and Sidney long enough to look up at her Aunt Kat. "What is it?"

Kat produced a pink lace crown and put it on Emma's head. "A princess should always wear her crown for pictures."

"Aunt Kat?"

"What is it, Bean? You look awfully serious for such a fun day."

"I need to get Mama a present, but she's with us, and we're supposed to look good for the pictures. I need to get people the best gifts."

Kat pretended to think about it before nodding. "You pay extra special attention when we're shopping today and I will bring you back another day and we can shop then."

"I want to get Gracie the tea party set. She been wanting it forever. Daddy told his friend Eric that Alice's gift is in Gaston's, but Mama said I can never go in there."

Regina eyed her best friend talking animatedly with her daughter. She paused greeting Sidney to interrupt them. Nothing good ever came of their deviousness. "Emma, say hello to Sidney."

Tiny, thin lips curled in distaste before Emma schooled her features. She knew how to put on a good face.

"Emma, go on and say hi."

"Hello, Mr. Glass. Your camera is doing a poor job of hiding the fact you've forgotten to do up your zipper. You washed your hands before shaking my mama's hand right?"

Sidney's gaze narrowed before he excused himself. Kat and Regina released the laughter they'd been trying to hold in. Regina had to admit that while Emma's looks were all Jefferson, her daughter acted just like her. Emma had a knack for putting people in their place, and it made her proud to know that Emma could fend for herself.


They moved into the short line for Santa. The jolly fat man wasn't officially open to seeing the public for a few more hours, but a handful of children and parents were in line, mostly politicians and certain rich benefactors that funded much of Storybrooke.

"Yes, Emma?"

"We must get Gracie her tea set. She's been after it for ages, and I know Mrs. Potts has one. I gots to talk to her. She'll let you buy it if I talk to her."

"Alright, Baby. I thought tea was Alice's thing though."

Emma sighed. "Gracie and I are good tea hosts. We do town meetings over tea time. You should try it. People would listen better."

Before Regina could reply, Emma ran off to another spot in line to talk to one of her friends. Little Ruby Lucas was the daughter of Anita Lucas and Neal Cassidy-Gold. Neal's father owned most the town. Emma and Ruby were the best of friends, pretty inseparable. Regina really didn't care for her step brother or his partner, but Emma always seemed to connect to the people she wanted nothing to do with.

"Hey, so Emma told me Jeff got Alice something from Gaston's sex shop."

"What?! Why would Emma know that?"

Kat rolled her eyes at her friend's shock. "It's no secret that they want another baby. Have you thought about getting back into the dating scene?"

"I, I might consider it for the right person."

"By the gods! You've been seeing someone! Who is it?"

The high pitched vocals coming from Kathryn got the attention of everyone around them including Emma and Ruby, who had stopped talking and stared at them. Emma's face scrunched in concern, and she was about to rush back over when Ruby dragged her forward. They were almost at the front of the line now.

"I've been trying to keep things casual, away from Emma. I want to be sure it's going to work out before I let Emma know we're dating. She's been paying a lot of attention to me lately. I don't want her worrying."

"Bean just wants to see everyone she cares about happy. Do you remember how hard she tried to play matchmaker for me and Fred? Despite your reluctance to admit it, Emma changed your mom and your stepfather. They actually try to be decent people now. She brought Archie into Widow Lucas's life. They're the oddest of pairs, but they're happy. Archie helped repair her relationship with Anita. Our little Emma is quite the savior."

Emma nervously glanced up at Santa before squeezing Ruby's hand. She knew this wasn't the real Santa, but she just had to risk that this helper would tell the real one her biggest wish this year.

"Ems, what's wrong? He's not going to hurt you. He's going to give you presents."

"I don't want stuff for me, Rubes. I need to ask him for something extra special for my mama."

Anita looked down at the girls. She knew Ruby was going to ask for one of the wolf hybrid puppies that their neighbour Graham had just bred. Her baby was so into the wolves at Graham's sanctuary that Ruby might as well be a wolf herself. Emma's request shocked her, but then again, the pint sized blonde was always looking after other people. She'd have to help Ruby pick out a fabulous present for Emma.

When it was Emma's turn, Emma insisted Ruby go first. Nerves were getting the better of her. She had to ask in just the perfect way. Her mama's happiness hung in the balance, and she couldn't screw it up. Kat noticed Emma wringing her hands together as Ruby sat on Santa's lap telling him what looked to be a long winded story. She nudged Regina to get her to notice how frantic Emma suddenly looked.

"Emma, baby, what's wrong? I thought you were excited to be doing this?" Regina crouched down in front of Emma and lifted the girl's chin so blue-green eyes met brown. "Baby?"

"I don't know how to ask for what I want. What if this is like wishes from a genie and if you don't say it exactly right it turns out bad? I changed my mind. The picture isn't worth it."

"Honey, Santa isn't a genie. Whatever you ask for, it'll be delivered, even if you don't have all the words right. Santa will know. You just have to ask."

Emma pulled at the hem of her white tank top, unsure. "Promise?"

"I promise, Emma. Now it's your turn. You're going to be fine, sweetheart. Chin up, shoulders square, and and smile through it. You might even find it's not so bad once you're done."

"Right, meeting mode."

Regina watched Emma square her shoulders before marching up the steps to see the person dressed as Santa. Sidney fumbled with his camera, rushing to capture Emma smiling in his direction for a change.

Santa smiled as Emma climbed up onto his lap. He'd been waiting for her. Henry didn't tell Regina he'd volunteered to play Santa for the opening day. He was hoping to find out what Emma wanted most, and be able to give it to her.

"Ho-ho-ho. How have you been, Emma?"

"Whoa! I didn't know Santa's helpers knew my name too!"

"Helpers? No. Can I tell you a secret?" Emma nodded. "I'm the real Santa. I took a break from helping make toys today to be here."

"What's my favourite fruit then? No, that's too easy. Hmm, what colour did I fingerpaint the inside of my mama's desk?"

Henry's eyes widened. He almost blurted out 'you did what?!', but luckily he stopped himself. Emma's favourite colours were currently black, purple, and red. He had a one in three chance at guessing right. "Your mama's desk is beautiful, but her office lacks colour. I'm betting you thought your name in purple looked nice so that you'd be with your mama even when she's working."

Emma gasped. "It is you!" She hugged Santa tight and inhaled a familiar scent, peppermint and pipe tobacco. "I wore my boots just like yours! This is so cool!"

"It is, my little princess. Your boots are much nicer than mine. You have fantastic taste. Now, what can I bring you for Christmas? A doll? A truck? Maybe a pony?"

"No, silly. I want, well you see my mama over there?" They both looked over to glance at Regina. "Well, Mama works real hard, and she's all by herself. Daddy has Alice. He doesn't love Mama. Sometimes he doesn't even love me. Well my mama is the mayor and she works so hard. She said you could bring people, so I want you to bring a grownup to love her like Daddy loves Alice."

"Emma, I'm sure your Daddy loves you. I can try and deliver a person, but it might take a while. Will you be patient with me?"

"Don't take too long. My mama deserves her happiness too. She gets sad sometimes. I think it's because of my daddy. I am not big, so Mama needs someone big to love that can be just for her. You got to deliver them by Christmas. Mama likes boys and girls. She doesn't think I know she likes girls, but I do, so whoever makes her happy you gotta bring."

Henry hugged his grandbaby. He'd never been more proud that Emma was his grandbaby than he was in this moment. "I'll do my best, Emma. I promise. Now, is there anything that I can get you?"

Emma returned the hug. "My mama has that covered. A pony for Rocinante might be nice. I like riding with Mama on him, but he's her horse. Soon I'm going to get so big and need my own. I'd like a dapple grey Andalusian mare."

"That's very specific."

"I know what I want. Mama always said when you want something to know exactly what you want before asking for it to avoid mis'terp'tations or mistakes. I have loads of horse books."

"I'll look into that pony for you, Emma. Merry Christmas."

Emma climbed off Henry's lap and raced over to her mama and Kat. Anita and Ruby were waiting for her too.

"That looked like an awfully intense conversation, Bean. Care to tell me what you talked about?"

"Aunt Kat, I can't tell you. It's like birthday wishes. If you tell, it takes away the magic and you won't get what you want"

"Yeah, but she helped us write our Christmas lists in class." Ruby put her hands on her hips waiting for Emma to explain that.

"Aunt Kat would know anyways. She knows all the gossip. It's her job to know secrets about people. Asides, everyone knows you want a puppy from Graham. You want a whole pack so that -"

Ruby rushed forward to put a hand over Emma's mouth. "Hey, that is a secret! We danced on it."

The women all turned to stare at Sidney after the man cleared his throat and pointedly looked at his camera.

"Sorry, Rubes. We got mayor stuff to do today. You coming to see the tree light up?"

"Yeah. Granny is making hand pies and cocoa."

"Mama, can we get cocoa and pies tonight? Please!"

Regina stared down at two matching puppy dog expressions. Emma's always got her. Ruby's she wasn't expecting. It wasn't as effective on her as Emma's was, but she couldn't say no. Today was going to be long, and Emma wasn't going to be happy doing "mayor stuff" all day. Pie and cocoa were the least she could give in to.

"Of course we'll get you pie and cocoa, kiddo. We can't have you out in the cold night without cocoa."

Kat stepped in and put her arm around her friend who seemed lost in debate. She knew Regina hated town functions that took time away from Emma. Every night from Thanksgiving to New Year's Regina and Emma watched one holiday movie and read one holiday book every night.

The town tree lighting would prevent that tonight. Regina would have to leave Emma with Ariel in the City Hall daycare to get all the meetings and press events. As soon as night fell, Regina needed to be out front speaking to the town. Emma needed to be with her, but they wouldn't be getting the quality bonding time either needed and craved. After the tree lighting, people usually went inside City Hall for a Christmas show. There was spaghetti for dinner, and all the children got a bundle of random toys. Emma had yet to make it through the entire thing awake.

Sidney ushered Kat, Regina, and Emma around the mall trying to get in as many stores as possible to take more than enough pictures. He tried to dissuade Regina from letting Emma go into Mrs. Pott's shop, but Regina wanted to let Emma have some part in this day.

"Mama, I need pet supplies for Ruby. She needs a leash, and a collar, and some toys, ooh and some treats, and some bowls, and -"

"Whoa, slow down, Emma. Ruby isn't a wolf or a dog, despite how much time she spends at Graham's sanctuary. Wouldn't you rather get her something she wants?"

"Ruby is gonna get a puppy. She needs stuff for her puppy, cute stuff she'd actually use for her puppy. Graham's puppy stuff is all brown and boring."

"Alright then. We'll go to the pet store tomorrow. I'm sorry we can't go today. Did you want to shop for your dad or Alice while we're here?"

"Daddy is getting a hat, like always. I don't want to get Alice anything."

Regina frowned and raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

Shrugging, Emma fiddled with her fingers before running off to the toy store to get more presents for the orphans. Regina looked and Kat who just shrugged. They stared at each other in silence for a few minutes.

"Perhaps there's a bit of jealousy going on there? Maybe Emma would be happy if you snuck in a toy for her?"

Regina was about to say something as they reached the storefront, but Emma ran back out to them, arms raised to be picked up.

"Come see all the stuff! I've got loads of help getting all the cool stuff. They'll be so happy this year."

"Honey, we've gotten lots already. Shop smart, not just with your eyes."

Emma directed them to the shop assistant guarding a pile of toys. Regina was surprised at how large the pile was. There was stuffed animals, figurines, action figures, dolls, and balls. They'd only left Emma alone for a few minutes, so that was pretty impressive.

"Hi, Madame Mayor. I'm Nicolas. We're running a red tag special 'Buy One, Get One Half Off'. Emma has been picking out a bunch of our reg tag toys. Did you need anything else?"

"Pick out a few more toys so I can get some shots in here."

Regina and Emma turned to look at Sidney. Emma was already tired of the photos and being around Sidney. They had been going at it for a few hours now, and the day was far from over. Shooting him a reproachful glare, Regina carried Emma around the store and let her pick out toys until the pile was taller than her.

"Mama, I want lunch. My tummy says it's hungry."

"Oh shit. It's noon, Reg. Emma hasn't eaten in five hours. We should go to the food court. Emma, do you want to share a cheese steak with me?"

The four walked to the crowded food court with their many bags. Emma hadn't moved from her spot in Regina's arms. Regina tried to put Emma down, but Emma locked her limbs.

"Baby Bean, want to come to with me to Charlie's?"

"No! Mama."

Kat squeezed Regina's shoulder before going to grab herself a cheese steak. Regina stayed with the bags. She rubbed Emma's back.

"Maybe it's nap time?" Sidney eyed the pair and knew a crabby preschooler wouldn't be good for photos.

"I'm five. I don't need a nap. Maybe you need a timeout."

"Emma, that is not the way we talk to people. Sidney, please refrain from giving me parenting advice. You are not a parent, and you aren't helping the situation."

"Madame Mayor, hi! It's so nice to see you out. Can I take a picture with you?"

Regina sighed. She knew the teenager meant no harm, but this was the worst possible time. Emma was in a mood, and she doubted the rest of lunch would go without further spontaneous meetings.

"Mama, I'm hungry."

"Oh, Emma! Hi! You've gotten so big. My cousin Ariel watches you. You're so cute! I think I have a toy for you."

Emma twisted around to stare at the girl. She had auburn hair and blue eyes kind of like Ariel. The girl was overly excited much like Ariel was all the time. Sometimes it was nice, but mostly it was annoying.

"I'm Aurora. I've come to the daycare once or twice. She said your favourite toy was the Skip-It." The teen smiled as she pulled a purple Skip-It from one of her shopping bags.

Emma looked at Regina, who nodded, before pulling the toy to her. "Thank you. I can't give you my toys though. They're for the orphans. We're gonna have a big party for them. Mama and me gots them clothes, and mittens, and hats, and new coats, and lot of toys."

"It's Mama and I, Emma sweetheart."

"That's very cool. I'm sure the kids will love them.

Kat came back holding a large wrapped sandwich, a large order of fries, and two drink cups. Regina again tried to put down Emma so she could go get food, but Emma wasn't ready to be put down yet. Regina sighed and carried Emma to the salad stand. More people came over, and Regina noticed Emma hiding and clinging tighter. Today was a horrible time to not be able to devote attention to her baby.

"Emma, my little swan, do you want to stay with me today? You don't have to go to daycare if you don't want."

Sidney looked up alarmed. This was going to ruin the rest of the press photos if Emma was glued onto Regina. "No! I won't be able to get decent photos. Surely one day away won't hurt her."

"There's something you don't seem to get, Sidney. Mayor is my job. Emma is my life. Emma doesn't fit around my mayoral duties. My mayoral duties fit around her. If Emma wants to stay with me today, she can and she will. This town could do well being reminded that I am a single mother more than capable of being mayor as well. Emma is staying with me, and that's final."

After a quick lunch, Regina, Kat, and Emma dropped the gifts off in the room at City Hall that'd host the party.

"I'm going to check on the crew decorating the town square. Are you going to be okay?"

"Yes, we'll be just fine. Thank you, Kathryn. I've got the Holiday Foods Festival competition to judge at 2 that should last until 4:30. I'll be outside to see the square afterwards. If there's a problem, text me."

"Madame Mayor -"

"No, Sidney, I have a half hour to myself before the food festival. Please, go take a break or something. I'll meet you in the auditorium just before 1:30 to meet all the competitors."

Regina turned and marched up the steps to her office leaving the journalist to himself for a while. She needed a break, and she knew Emma needed a break from him.

"Good afternoon, Madame Mayor. You've got twenty phone messages. Oh, Emma… did you want me to call the daycare?"

"No need. Emma will be staying with me. Thank you, Ms. Duncan. Anything else?"

The poor woman looked positively nervous. "I, uh, you have a visitor. I tried insisting you were unavailable all day, but it didn't seem to register."

Emma broke into a smile. "Nonna is here!"

Sighing, Regina walked into her office and closed the door. Sure enough, in one of the guest seats was her mother casually reading a book.


Cora looked up, startled, before breaking out into a grin to match Emma's. "Hi, baby. How are you?"

"Mama's keeping me today. We got so much stuff for the orphans. I'm gonna pick the food winners later."

Regina thought about objecting to the fact her daughter just volunteered herself as food judge. Emma was an incredibly picky eater. She also tended to eat like a bird, a few bites of things here and there instead of one meal three times a day. Dr. Abbott assured her that Emma would eventually grow out of it, but for now it was a contest every meal. Her mother was a bigger issue right now though.

"Mother, what are you doing here? I don't have time."

"Mama, can Nonna stay with us today? Sidney is scared of her, and he's being really mean today."

"I'd love to spend the day with you, if you'd let me."

"You're actually asking me instead of just taking liberties? My, my. This is a change. I don't have much time to socialize with you today. What did you come here for?"

"I came to ask if you would consider joining us during the holiday. Zelena and Walsh are bringing Tess and Sam. Your father is joining us. Anita and Neal are bringing Ruby. Anita's mother is coming too."

"Poppy is coming to our house for Christmas." Emma's brows furrowed in confusion.

"The day after Christmas, my dear. You want to come over and see Ruby?"

"Can Gracie come?"

Cora looked at Regina, uncertain as to what was going on with Jefferson and his family. Regina just shook her head no, sadness quickly masked so Emma didn't see.

"Sorry, Emma. They're going to be in New York still. We can see them a different time for Christmas."

"Will you come over on the 26th? It'd be nice to have everyone together."

"Please, Mama!"

"I'll think about it. I have a lot of holiday plans to work through. Emma, do you want to colour while I make my calls?"

"No. It's cuddle time."

"Ems, I do have to work a tiny bit. Please understand. We can cuddle, but I've got to make some phone calls too."

Emma snuggled into her mama and put her thumb in her mouth. It was a habit Regina tried hard to break, but when Emma was upset or tired that thumb always found a way to her mouth. Cora watched the two of them together for a while. Regina didn't say anything about her tagging along to the food festival, so she happily stood next to them. Emma was happy Sidney was too afraid of her nonna to say anything about her being the judge.

Regina sampled the different foods from appetizers all the way through desserts. She would share a tiny spoon with Emma, and together they decided the winners. There were photos and awards to hand out to the winner. The townspeople seemed extremely receptive to Emma being there.

The tree lighting was beautiful as always. Right in the center of the town square stands a massive fifteen foot tree that sported festive holiday ornaments, tinsel, and lights. A few feet away was the ice rink that opened right after the lighting. Regina handed Emma the controller and let her daughter send the tree into a rainbow of lights as soon as the sun set.

"Mama, there's Ruby. Can we have pie now?"

"Here's some money, angel. Why don't we go get some treats and let your mama mingle for a minute?"

Emma took Cora's hand and practically dragged her nonna to Ruby's grandmother. "Granny, I get pies. You gots apple?"

Eileen Lucas smiled down at Emma. "I do have apple. I also have chocolate or smores if you'd rather."

"Ooh, chocolate. I never had that before. Mama will want apple though. Maybe just apple. Nonna, you want pie?"

"How about I get a chocolate pie and you get an apple for you and your mama. You can share mine if you like it."

"$12 for three pies and three hot chocolates."

Emma handed her a handful of bills before running off to talk to Ruby and Gracie. Cora stayed nearby talking to Anita and Alice. Cora noticed Alice watching Emma closely.

"Dear, if you stare any harder your eyes will freeze open in this cold."

"Huh, oh, sorry."

"What's going on with Emma that you have to stare so hard at my grandbaby?"

Alice shifted nervously and was completely lost to Regina stepping over to the group. "I might have told Emma to call me 'Mom' like Gracie does, and it went over poorly."

"You did what?!"

Regina was fuming. She tended to get along with Alice. The last thing she expected was Alice to try and steal her daughter from her.

"Not cool, Al. Not cool." Anita watched the fury ignite in matching pairs of brown eyes. Regina and Cora separately were terrifying. Them angry together was absolutely in a class beyond frightening.

Sidney crept over and decided to give Regina his present for her. He'd searched long and hard all year to find a piece of jewelry to perfectly capture her. He hoped the delicate black chain with a tiny blood red ruby heart. He was completely oblivious to the fight when he interrupted.

"What do you want Sidney? I was in the middle of something."

"I, I, um got you something. I was hoping maybe we could also ring in the new year together."

"You interrupted a family discussion to ask me out on a date? Are you serious?"

Cora didn't like the man, but he was good for her daughter's career. "Mr. Glass, it's not appropriate to give the mayor jewelry. Perhaps you should attempt to win over your coworker that writes the advice column? Jasmine, I believe. She's had an eye on you for quite a while."

Just as Sidney slinked away, a man dressed in a Santa outfit walked over. Robin had been eyeing Regina for a while. He hoped the magic of Christmas and his smooth moves would help Regina see that she needed someone like him in her life.

"Ho-ho-ho Regina. Have you been a good girl this year?"

The entire group looked at Robin like he'd grown a second head.

"Excuse you?"

"Robin Locksley, owner of Merry Men Camping and Outdoor Supplies store."

Regina did her best to keep her lips from curling in distaste. Despite what she could recall of his roguish looks hidden beneath the fake beard, the man smelled like a pinecone air freshener. She was also positive he was Tess's father, being the last man Zelena had tried to seduce before finding Walsh, but she wasn't going to say anything about that.

Robin smiled and held up a sprig of mistletoe above Regina's head. Cora stared horrified at this man's audacity. Anita and Alice snickered. Regina for her part seemed frozen.

Emma watched from across the way as first Sidney and now this Santa tried to flirt with her mom. There was no way this guy was getting near her mama. She said bye to her friends and ran over, shoving between her mama and Santa. "Mama, gots you a pie."

"Thank you, Emma."

Once Emma was picked up, she reached over and snatched the mistletoe out of the man's hand. "Mama gots to kiss me."

Regina smiled at her daughter's quick thinking and peppered her baby's face in kisses until Emma was laughing uncontrollably.

"Well that didn't go as planned."

Emma turned to look at the man dressed as Santa. "My mama isn't for you. Her true love is gonna be a princess with long blonde hair and fancy dresses who doesn't try and play kissy games without a fantabulous date. You aren't fantabulous. Santa is not allowed to date my mama."

"I'm not Santa though." Robin pulled his beard and hat off only to realize his mistake as all the children around stared in shock. Some started crying. Emma screamed and hid her face in Regina's neck.

"If you're through being thoroughly humiliated I do believe Emma has spoken. Please go before you upset any more children."

Regina gave a brief smile at Cora for dealing with the man while she rubbed Emma's back and tried to coax the small sniffles and the tears to stop. Anita and Alice went to scoop up their scandalized children as well.

"Bean, what's going on?"

"Too many boys trying to kiss my mama. Santa can't date her. He can't."

Kat tickled Emma's ribs until watery blue eyes met hers. "Why not? You'd get toys all year round That sounds awesome."

"Santa would never be around. He'd always be gone. Daddy is always gone, and that's not a good love. Mama needs someone who will stay around every day. Santa can't be for us."

"Emma, honey, you told Robin that my true love was a princess. Why do you think that?"

"You're a people person, not just a boy person. You can like girls so long as they're nice to me. I just knewed that pruhtend Santa wasn't gonna be nice. He's like the kings in my book who just stomp on everyone and don't listen. Everyone knows the queens are the smart ones."

Kat laughed at Regina's shocked expression. Her best friend had tried so hard to keep that part of herself from Emma. "And you were worried she'd be unhappy."

"Hello, ladies. I hoped to speak with Miss Emma."

Emma whipped around to face the intruder to their conversation. She recognized the woman immediately. She worked in her mama's favourite clothing store, and she sometimes worked in the school library. She was Emma's favourite librarian. "Hi Miss Mal! Did you get a pie?"

"I saw some tiny blonde sneaking some with a little Red. Maybe you'll share with me."

"Miss Mal, I think you got snowflakes in your eyes. You seeing things."

Regina suppressed a chuckle while managing to raise an eyebrow and deliver a stern look to her daughter. Tonight would be another late night apparently since Emma would be on a sugar high. Her mother looked amused, though she wouldn't meet Regina's eye.

Emma launched herself at Mal, who barely caught her. Regina's eyes widened in fear until she realized Emma wasn't about to go hurtling face first to the cement sidewalk. Mal nodded at Regina, hiding a small smile, as she adjusted Emma fully on her hip.

"So, Miss Emma, how is your holiday going so far?"

"I got to spend the whole day with Mama. It was the best asept for Sidney. I don't like him. He's yucky."

"Emma, that's not very nice."

Ignoring her mother, Emma rolled her eyes. She offered Miss Mal a bite of her hand pie. Regina's jaw dropped while Kat and Cora gasped. Emma rarely shared food. If she did, it was usually only with her mama after much begging.

Mal eyed them all a moment before taking a bite of the pie. "Thank you, Emma. That was very good."

"What'd you wanna talk about?" Emma's face blushed bright red in embarrassment as she realized everyone was staring at her.

"Straight to the point, eh? Well, you know A Christmas Story is playing at the theatre, and I was wondering if you'd accompany me to see it."

"Mama and I always watch that on Christmas Eve on the television together in our jammies. She makes me cocoa with extra cinnamon, and we stay up all night waiting for Santa. Santa somehow always puts me in Mama's room after leaving presents acause Mama says the couch is no decent place for sleeping,"

"Oh, she's quite right. It's always more fun to run downstairs Christmas morning to open presents than to be down there already."

Emma noticed the sad look Mal suddenly got in her eyes. "Don't be sad. Mama and I watch on television. We can go see people playing it. I've never seen it played before. I shall expect you. Mama handles my schedule. Have her write it in, but in pen so it can't be changed." She leaned over and kissed Mal on the cheek before squirming back over to her mama.

"The play is on Friday evening. I thought with the kids off school that it'd be the perfect time."

"I'll expect you then. Thank you. Emma, what do you say?"

"You should wear purple. It'd look very pretty on you. Oh look, mistletoe." Emma smirked as she held the mistletoe between her mama and Miss Mal. She giggled when both blushed.

"You've got to do it. It's tradition," Kat chimed in, thoroughly enjoying the show Emma was giving them.

"Yes, well then. I suppose if it's tradition."

Regina cleared her throat and blushed further when Mal smiled at her. Mal leaned forward and pressed her lips to Regina's cheek leaving a dark red lipstick stain behind. Sidney and Robin both watched the scene from opposite sides of the square, entirely displeased at the situation. Emma on the other hand clapped gleefully. Both turned their attention to her and kissed the girl's cheeks, causing Emma to blush again.

Emma turned her face into her mama's neck before she started twirling the ends of dark hair between her fingers. "Mama," was barely above a whisper.

"What is it, darling?"

"I've a date."

Smiling, Regina looked down at her baby and stroked curls from her face. "Yes, I know. You're getting so big. Soon you'll be much too big to even live at home. You'll move away and forget all about Mama."

Blue eyes widened in fear before Emma quickly, forcefully shook her head in dismissal. "Never, Mama. I'll never be too big to forget you. I love you!"

"I love you too, Baby."

Regina got Emma bundled up in a few blankets in the car upon noticing how red her daughter's nose was. At home she got Emma into a warm bath, and them both into pajamas straight away. Halfway through their short movie, she paused it to look at Emma.

"Mama, why'd you stop?"

"Baby, Alice told me something tonight. She told me she upset you."

"Nope, don't know a thing about that."

Regina looked her daughter square in the eye. "Emma, you don't have to call her anything but Alice. Is that why you don't want to get her a Christmas present?"

"She's not my mama. She's Gracie's mom. I won't call her mom. She got embarrassed cuz some lady made funny faces that Gracie said we were sisters, but I called her Alice. She's not my mom. Daddy never came tonight, and she's not my mom."

Emma broke free of Regina's hold and raced up the stairs, knocking a lamp off the end table in her haste to retreat to her room. Regina chose to ignore it as she followed Emma. She found her daughter face down on her bed, muffled sobs heard clearly.

"Baby, Emma please look at me." She waited and rubbed Emma's back until her daughter turned over to look at her. "Emma, I know you wanted your dad to come. I'm sorry he didn't show up, but you had fun tonight, right? You got to see your friends, and you had a lot more pies than Mama normally allows. You got asked on a date, and you got rid of Sidney. That's pretty good, right? Isn't Mama enough?"

"Yeah, but Alice said I had to call her mom too or I couldn't tell people we were sisters. I got real mad at her. She's not my mom. A different princess will be, but not her. Daddy promised to show up today. Why didn't he?"

"Bean, I don't know. Maybe something at work came up. You have to try and have a good time without him there, okay. Alice isn't your mommy, and you don't have to call her that. You do have to listen to her rules though. She's still an adult."

"I not getting her a present. You mad at me?"

"No, Emma. I'm not mad at you being upset. You need to use your words and tell me about it though. Are you excited for your date?"

Emma blushed and moved to bury her face in Regina's chest. "Mama, I has to get her flowers. Do you think she'll wear a dress?"

"I think Mal might be the type to wear a pant suit. Why don't you wear a dress?"

"I told her to wear purple though. Suits don't come in purple. How we gonna match? I gots to know what colour suit then so her flowers don't look bad. Dis so much work. What if we stay inside and we order pizza? Do you think she'd like a pizza date?"

Regina couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter. She was in for a world of trouble when Emma started dating for real. Chivalry was alive and well in her baby, and she'd be damned if just anyone was going to get near her. "I think that Mal invited you on this date, so you should consider going to the play. You'll have lots of fun. I'll help you pick out flowers. Don't worry. Mama will help you."

"Oh no!" Emma's face fell and looked utterly devastated. "What are you gonna do all by yourself? That's a long time to be without me."

"It is, but I'm sure I'll be okay. If I get lonely I'll call Aunt Kat to come keep me company. She'll want to hear all about your date too. Now, let's go finish the movie in my room."

Emma giggled when she pointed up to the mistletoe taped to her mama's door. Regina didn't know how or when Emma managed to put it up there, but she'd never deny her baby. She kissed Emma's face and blew raspberries in her neck until Emma was squealing and arching herself backwards trying to get away. Overall they'd had a great day, and hopefully things would get even better as the holiday season went on.