A/N: Hello! This is my first time writing a Jurassic World Fanfic. Constructive Criticism is very appreciated on this Jurassic World Fanfic! Feel to PM me if needed! ;)
~Jurassic World Lover
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Jurassic Park or Jurassic World Franchise.
Chapter 1: Imprinted
Claire Dearing, Senior Assets Manager of Jurassic World sat patiently at her work desk while she silently checked her meeting schedule. "No meetings today or tommorrow...that's a relief." Claire pressed her lips at the thought of having two meetings in a row.
Claire gave a slight jump when she heard a knock at her office door. The redhead quickly straightened her blouse and skirt before saying, "Come in!"
A dark haired, woman slowly walked in before she patiently stood in the center of the room as she waited for Claire's response.
"Oh, Zara what brings you to my office today?" Claire barely managed to force a smile. Zara only nodded in response, "Miss Dearing, Dr.Wu wants you in his office immediatley." Claire cursed under her breath, what did he want now?
Claire gave Zara a quick thank you before heading towards Dr.Wu's main office.Taped on Wu's office door was a sign that read: 'Don't bother to come in if you don't have a good reason.' Claire rolled her eyes, but stepped in regardless.
"Miss Dearing, nice to see you out of your office for once," Dr.Wu clasped his pale, white hands together. Claire narrowed her bright, green eyes at the scientist, this man really got on her nerves.
Claire let out a shaky breath, "Dr.Wu I was busy doing important work in my office. What is it that you need?"
Wu just stared blankly at her sudden change of emotion. He cleared his throat before speaking, "I'm not sure if you've heard...but we've made a new dinosaur,"
Claire's eyes grew wide as she interupted, "Why are you telling me this now?!"
Wu smirked at her reaction, "Miss Dearing you didn't let me finish. We've already stored the embryos in the incubator...and they'll hatch in a day or two."
Claire pinched her nose in slight irritation. Why hadn't he told me sooner?! She let out a loud sigh, "When will I be able to see these new assets?"
Wu pointed to his office door as he blankly awnsered, "You may go see them now if you'd like."
Claire rounded the corner panting nervously with each step. Her throat bubbled with nervousness as she got closer to the Creation Lab. You can do this Claire, it'll be just like when all the other assets were born. Claire had remembered what her assitant, Zara had told her earlier before leaving her office.
These dinosaurs aren't like the other dinosaurs we've dealt with.
Claire had been questioning what she meant all day, and she still hadn't figured it out. The redhead was pulled from her thoughts when she realized she had been standing in front of the Creation Lab the whole time.
Claire bit her lip nervously before entering. She quickly glanced around the lab, pushing the fact that nobody was in the lab at the moment from her mind. Claire finally paused when she had spotted the Indominus eggs. She carefully tiptoed her way towards the two quiet eggs. Hoping not to cause any noise, she quietly sneaked up to the clear glass as she came face to face with the Indominus eggs.
Claire held her breath when she heard a soft crack come from one of the eggs. The redhead watched in silence as a tiny, gray taloned claw carefully made its way out of the hard shell. "Dr.Wu didn't even bother telling me what DNA is in these new assets..." Claire was too busy in her thoughts to even realize both Indominus' had hatched from their eggs, and were now silently staring at her.
Claire slowly turned around to find both crimson gazes glued directly on her. Both Indominus' followed her every move, not taking their crimson eyes off of her. Claire's eyes widened in alarm, "Mr.Masrani is going to fire me...I'm done for..."
Claire had made the one mistake she had been afraid of making since she'd started working at Jurassic World. She had imprinted on the two newest additions to Jurassic World.
I might as well say something to them, Claire thought. The redhead released the breath she hadn't realized she had been holding before she finally spoke, "Hello...my name is Claire, Claire Dearing actually...w-welcome to your new home Jurassic World,"
Both Indominus' just stared in curiousity. Claire gave them a nervous smile, unaware of what she should do next. She blinked when she had realized both Indominus' were a different shade of white. The smaller Indominus was more of snow white, the larger Indominus was more of a dark grey. Claire pressed her lips, "That's what I'll name you two, you'll be Snow...and you'll be Winter."
The redhead smiled at her accomplishment. Claire wasn't the best at naming. She remembered when she had tried naming her nieces, Zach and Gray, but Karen wouldn't let her, because apparently her 'naming skills' were awful.
Snow chirped with curiousity when she spotted her new mother slowly walk away. Claire smiled as she spun around, "Don't worry Snow, I'm just grabbing you two something to eat," Claire quietly rummaged through the cabinets until she found what she was searching for, Beef Jerky and Water.
She carefully placed the two bowls in front of the younglings, "There you go little ones, now you won't starve." Claire sat patiently in the nearest chair as Snow and Winter gobbled down their food. I can't believe I've just imprinted on these two...I hope Wu and Mr.Masrani won't be too mad...
A/N: Well, that was the first chapter! The names of the I-Rex younglings were kind of obvious, but I wanted to make them easy to remember. Claire is now a mother! Who knew that would happen. More chapters coming soon or later today!~ Jurassic World Lover