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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Hunger Games, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Walking Dead, and Harry Potter. Pairings I Love Harry Potter: Harry/Luna, Harry/Cho, Harry/Tonks, Harry/Fleur, Harry/Susan, Harry/Daphne, Harry/Katie, Harry/Patil twins, Tonks/Remus, Lily/James, Hermione/Harry, Hermione/Fred, Hermione/George, Tonks/Charlie, Fleur/Bill, Hermione/Ron, Harry/Ginny, Cedric/Luna, Luna/Krum, Luna/Neville, Neville/Ginny, Neville/Hannah, Neville/Tracy, Neville/Hermione, Hermione/Cedric, Hermione/Krum, & Harry/OC Heroes: Elle/Sylar, Elle/Peter, Hiro/Charlie, Matt/Daphne, Ando/Nikki, Nathan/Tracey Glee: Rachel/Puck, Rachel/Jesse, Rachel/Matt, Santana/Brittany, Marley/Jake, Finn/Quinn, Blaine/Kurt, Sam/Quinn, Puck/Lauren, Ryder/Kitty, Brittany/Artie, Mike/Tina, Will/Emma, Will/Shelby, Sue/Will(anyone else think Sue stole Will's sperm somehow and her daughter is his? no just me? lol) House M.D.: House/Cameron, Foreman/Thirteen, Wilson/Amber, Chase/Cameron, House/Thirteen Charmed: Paige/Henry, Phoebe/Coop, Leo/Piper, Paige/Kyle, Phoebe/Jason Smallville: Clark/Lois, Clark/Chloe, Oliver/Chloe, Chloe/Jimmy, Jimmy/Kara Repo the Genetic Opera: Graverobber/Shilo Walking Dead: Beth/Daryl, Rick/Michonne, & Rick/Andrea Pitch Perfect: Fat Amy/Bumper, Chloe/Beca, Beca/Jesse Merlin: Arthur/Gwen, Merlin/Morgana Chuck: Sarah/Chuck 7th Heaven: Ruthie/Martin Legend of the Seeker: Richard/Kahlan, Richard/Cara, Richard/Nicci, Richard/Denna, Cara/Leo Veronica Mars: Veronica/Logan, Veronica/Weevil, Veronica/Leo, Veronica/Lamb, Veronica/Piz, Veronica/Casey Gant, Veronica/Connor Larkin, Wallace/Jackie, Keith/Alicia, Dick/Mac, Parker/Piz Vampire Diaries: Elena/Stefan, Elena/Damon, Elena/Elijiah, Jermey/Vicki, Jermey/Anna, Jemery/Bonnie, Caroline/Stefan, Caroline/Matt, Caroline/Tyler, Caroline/Damon, Caroline/Klaus, Matt/Rebecca, Katherine/Matt, Katherine/Klaus, Katherine/Stefan Twilight: Bella/Jasper, Bella/Jacob, Bella/Paul, Bella/Sam(or any wolf), Bella/Peter, Bella/Marcus, Bella/Garrett, Bella/Riley, Bella/James X-Men: Rogue/Gambit (X-Men the Animated Series, X-Men Evolution, and X-Men movies) - Rogue/Scott (X-Men Movies & Evolution), Rogue/Logan (X-Men movies, X-Men Evolution) Rouge/Pyro (movies) Rouge/Bobby (movies) Rouge/Warren (movies) Rouge/Sabertooth (Movies the hot one lol) Hunger Games: Katniss/Peeta, Katniss/Finnick, Katniss/Haymitch, Katniss/Cinna, Katniss/Gale, Katniss/Cato, Katniss/Thresh, Katniss/Marvel Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Oz, Xander/Anya, Willow/Tara, Giles/Ms.Calender, Joyce/Giles, Faith/Xander, Kendra/Xander, Dawn/Andrew(I saw sparkage!) Crossovers: Harry/Buffy, Harry/Faith, Harry/Dawn, Harry/Cordelia, Harry/Kendra (Harry Potter & Buffy/Angel) Harry/Annie, Harry/Johanna, Harry/Katniss(HP&HG) Harry/Bella, Harry/Leah (HP&Twilight) Harry/Rouge(HP&X-Men) Harry/Veronica(HP&VM) Harry/Cara(HP&LoTS) Arthur/Hermione(Merlin/HP) Hermione/Sam, Hermione/Dean Luna/Sam Luna/Dean(HP&Supernatural) Harry/Lois, Harry/Lana, Harry/Chloe, Hermione/Oliver(HP&Smallville) Harry/Paige, Harry/Piper, Harry/Phoebe, Harry/Billie(HP&Charmed) Harry/Claire, Harry/Elle (HP&Heroes) Harry/Rachel, Harry/Brittany, Harry/Kitty, Harry/Tina, Hermione/Puck, Luna/Puck, Luna/Sam, Sue/Snape(HP&Glee) Harry/Elena, Harry/Rebecca, Harry/Bonnie, Harry/Caroline, Hermione/Stefan, Hermione/Jermey, Hermione/Damon, Luna/Stefan, Luna/Damon, Luna/Jermey, Luna/Klaus(HP&VampDiaries) Bella/Damon, Bella/Klaus, Bella/Tyler, Bella/Jermey, Leah/Tyler, Caroline/Jasper(Twilight&VampDiaries) Dawn/Sam, Dawn/Dean, Buffy/Dean, Buffy/Sam(Buffy&Supernatural) Veronica/Angel, Veronica/Spike, Veronica/Xander(VM&Buffy/Angel) THIS NEEDS TO BE SAID: Okay I get that this is fanfiction and the point of it is to make it your own but... HUNGER GAMES: Without the hunger games is lame why write a hunger games fanfic without the actual hunger games? TWILIGHT/BUFFY/VAMPIRE DIARIES: Without vampires its boring and pointless always include them when writing these fanfics! HARRY POTTER/MERLIN/CHARMED: Without magic these aren't possible to write about! SUPERNATURAL: This is obvious you gonna write a supernatural fic include the supernatural! Just sayin what's been bothering me when looking for good fanfics to read no offence meant. :) |