Author has written 38 stories for Doctor Who. Hello Everyone! I thought that I should probably post some kind of profile ... anything really. Not that there's much to say (of interest...) but I always like to read a little about the authors whose works I read. So, I thought that it would be considerate to return the favour for those of you that feel the same. Here goes: My stories can also be found on Teaspoon under the penname "TenRoseForever". And I have a Tumblr account: http:/// I am Canadian, living just north of Toronto. I have Scottish parents and a whole load of Scottish relatives! I have been married to my wonderful husband for many years now, and we have two children. The four of us are Doctor Who fans! My son is a creative story teller and is currently working on his first FanFic. My daughter likes to write too. My family are my sounding board for my stories when I have the courage to share, and when the rating is appropriate for my children to read ... :D When I'm not writing, I am an elementary school supply teacher. But I will admit, my laptop comes with me everywhere, and some of my best work is done at recess and lunch! I have been an avid fan of Doctor Who since 2006 when I saw the first new season on DVD. It was then that I fell in love with the story of Rose and the Doctor. My infatuation continued when I was introduced to David Tennant (gorgeous! love him!) as the Doctor (10 will always be MY Doctor,) and the chemistry between him and Billie Piper really caught my imagination. They have been my OTP ever since ... although, Rose and any of the Doctors would suffice, and I think that she and Chris Eccleston were fantastic together! I cannot thank RTD and his crew enough for creating such a strong character in Rose. And I cannot thank Billie Piper enough for making her real, showing us all her imperfections, strengths, and vulnerabilities. You are amazing! Some minor dislikes: Weeping angels: they annoy me. They were brilliant the first time we met them; even the second time. After that it all just got a little overdone. Just my opinion ... River Song / Doctor: I never found there to be any chemistry here. Yes, I know ... I'm very biased. Rose is the only one to fill that role for me. As a character, I think River is outstanding, but just not in a romantic way ... with the Doctor. GitF: this episode just ... well, if you agree with this dislike, then you understand. Brilliant episode, but ... MOFFAT! *shakes fist in frustration* Anyway, it has inspired some amazing FanFics, I've gotta give it that! Haters: People who publically make unkind comments about characters or the wonderful actors who play them, especially when they make uncomplimentary comments about how people look. Please try to express your dislikes diplomatically, not in ways that are small-minded and hurtful.Some things that I really have a soft spot for: Daleks: I just love them! I know I'm a little weird, but I just find them endearing somehow. Wouldn't the Doctor love me as a companion? ... NOT! Sigh ... Craig and Stormageddon :D Captain Jack Harkness TenToo: I was appalled when I first saw Journey's End, but he has certainly grown on me.I used to write a lot in elementary and high school ... but then real life sucked the imagination out of me. The Doctor and Rose have given me the inspiration to try again, and I have found that I really enjoy it very much. I tend to agonize over details, so my work may not be quick in coming out sometimes, but I hope that my obsessive qualities make my stories works that are worth reading. I write what I refer to as FWP (Fluff without plot.) If you don’t like fluff and angst, weeell … sorry, I can’t help you much. I write mainly one-shots, but I am working on a couple of longer stories, too. One of them has a little bit of plot … :D So there’s hope for the future! My very special thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read my stories. I hope it was worth it. And to those of you who have reviewed, followed, or favourited my stories (or even me), I treasure every single one. They mean so much. I really cannot thank you enough for taking the time. I really appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful Fan Fiction community. Louise |
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