Author: I greatly apologize for those of you who read this earlier. I swear to you I had it in paragraphs but I'm cursed. *Sigh* Sorry about that. I had no idea it did this -_- (P.S. Thanks to the person who sent me the review letting me know about this blurping into one huge paragraph.)

My name is Rose Tyler.

For those of you that don't know me, I should warn you. My life has been crazy. Literally: out of this world crazy. And it's only happened in the past three years! It seems like it's been a lifetime since that first time I met The Doctor.

I was 19, just a shop girl, not the slightest bit important. I'd wake up in the apartment that I lived in with my mum, then I'd go to work at the shop, meet my boyfriend for lunch, work some more, and then I was back home. I was no one, just that girl standing over there, folding clothes for a living.

Oh, how the world changes.

One day, though, I walked down into the basement of the shop, and my world changed. This man came out of nowhere and saved my life with a single word. "Run." His name is The Doctor. Crazy, I know, who is named "The Doctor", but it's his name. And it fits him perfectly. He's a Time Lord and he's got this… blue box, and it's bigger on the inside. I kid you not, you step inside and the inside seems limitless. It's called the TARDIS, which stands for "Time And Relative Dimension In Space", I believe.

After that day, my life changed, and the two of us went on grand adventures. More often than not, they were life threatening, but you know what? We lived. And we helped. It was terrifying and exciting and just amazing. That experience changed me. The Doctor showed me that you can do things, that you don't sit back and just let something happen. He showed me that I was important, that everyone had a role to play.

And I love him.

Then we got into a life or death situation that he didn't think we would get out of, and he tried to send me away, sacrificing his own life. But, I am a Tyler, and if there's one thing about us Tyler women, it's that we don't just give up. He sent me back to Earth, back home, but I wouldn't let him die. I looked into the heart of the TARDIS, and it took me to him. The next thing I know, I'm waking up on the floor of the TARDIS, and The Doctor is standing at the console, talking like a crazy man. As this was rather a common occurrence, I didn't think much of it, until he started talking as if he wouldn't see me again. The next thing I know, he's glowing and I'm looking at a completely different man.

I was… more than a little shocked, at first. But it was still him, he was still The Doctor, and so we got past it. And this new Doctor, this young, rude, great haired Doctor made me fall that much harder for him. And we continued to travel together, exploring worlds I never would have even dreamt of without him. He always seemed on the verge of telling me he felt that same for me that I did for him, every time he would almost say it, I could feel my heart clenching in my chest, hope almost painful inside me, and then he would stop himself. It was hard, feeling that pain in my chest, my heart shuddering there as I would try not to let it break. But I knew there was always tomorrow. There would always be another day.

I was wrong.

There came a day when he couldn't save me, where I couldn't hold on to that lever, and I let go. And then I was trapped in a parallel universe never to see him again. I thought that would be the hardest moment of my life, standing against that wall, begging to be taken back, practically feeling the Doctor standing right there, his hand against mine… And I turned around and he was nowhere.

I was proved wrong yet again, though, as one night I heard the Doctor's voice. I heard him calling for me, and my family and I traveled all the way to Bad Wolf Bay. I stood on that beach, looking around, waiting for some sign of what he called me for, and then he was standing in front of me. Oh, god, he was right there. So close, yet universe's apart. He had such little time, and finally I spoke the words I had been holding back. I told him that I loved him. Oh, how hard it was to say those words to the man I would never see again! And he was going to say it back, I felt my heart pause as I waited for those words, for him to finally tell me that he loved me back, and then he was gone. I have never felt such pain before, such sorrow as I did in that moment.

In time, I was able to function again. I worked with Torchwood, defending the earth as The Doctor would have. And finally I made it back to him. I jumped through the universes, and I found him. Of course, it was in the middle of a life or death situation, emphasis on the immediate peril that was about to occur, but I was with him. We managed to save the day, yet again, though. Doing so wasn't without its problems, though. And it resulted with a half-human copy of The Doctor.

The Doctor, the Time Lord, he sent my mum and I back to the other universe. With his duplicate. It was tough, though, saying goodbye to the Time Lord with the TARDIS, the man I fell in love with. But, with the half-human copy, I was supposed to grow old with. He was The Doctor, same as the Time Lord version, and he had one heart, one life that he could spend with me.

Things didn't go as planned.

That's where this story starts.