Author has written 21 stories for Power Rangers.
Alat Volit Proprits -- She flys by her own wings Hi, I'm new here to as a writer. I've been reading stories on here forever though! Thought I might try my hand at a little writing. I've got pieces of stories floating around but I'm too scattered brained with school half the time to make them coherent! That being said, I would like to get this particular written. I will say that as I mentioned I am in school presently. What little free time I have at the computer could probably be used for something more productive (in my instructors' opinions). I will try to write out a little bit at a time and post as I am able to. We are coming up on fall break and I have a crap ton of papers due etc. I also have a family that requests my attention and a house that certainly could use some as well. I would also like to add that no, I am not a psychotic lunatic. I don't believe there is anything mentally wrong with me. Some might read my story and have some concerns. I assure you I am fine. I just like more drama in my stories. I feel that the evil Green Ranger would have more to him as far as being being vicious and violent. This story is not for the kiddies! Its for adult eyes only. You've been warned up front! A little more about me: Well as I said I am in school currently. I am married. Pushing 30. (That sucks to see actually written out!) My days are filled mostly with school. I do have a rinky dink part time job that is tolerable but not what I want out of life. I do get some TV in my down time. I enjoy The Big Bang Theory, Family Guy, American Dad, The Simpsons, and Hell's Kitchen. Love movies; you guessed it. Scary ones are my favorite. I liked the Resident Evil series. Zombies rock! (Unfortunately I have not been able to work The Walking Dead into my TV time. I've got to do some catch up!) I like comics. X-men is my comic of choice. I enjoyed V for Vendetta (the comic and the movie; each had its appeal!) There are some great V for Vendetta fanfiction on here. Some are nice and erotic and put my deviant mind to shame! So hopefully if you're reading this you will bear with me. I will tell you that reviews inspire me to continue. If no one reads, why write? So drop me a line. I'm open to constructive criticism. As I've said, this is my first story; be gentle! ;) Sorry for being MIA lately. I recently found out I'm expecting a little one and unfortunately, my morning sickness has been an all day project. Also extreme exhaustion has prevented my imagination from taking shape on the computer. I will be back as soon as I am more human again. I appreciate all my readers and reviewers; I haven't forgotten you! https:///blog/ajgrey9647 New Series in progress: Revelations Series – A Jason/Tommy romance plot bunny; moves through Green with Evil to Breaking the Spell to Secret Crush to The Only Thing That Matters to Side by Side to It's Kismet. Defiance (Green with Evil) – Tommy is Rita's evil Green Ranger and he's set his sights on Jason. Why? What happens when the Red Ranger destroys the Sword of Darkness? Words Unspoken - A confused Tommy knows his leader is one in a million; is that why Jason makes his heart race? The Green Ranger realizes a painful truth. The Only Thing that Matters - The bond between the Green and Red Rangers is special especially to Tommy, who longs to confess his true feelings to Jason. But when a routine clash with the Putties goes horribly wrong, it might be too late. Side by Side - Jason and Tommy are getting to know each other on a whole new level. However, a learning curve is involved. Its Our Kismet – Years have passed and Tommy has a very serious question for the former Red Ranger. |
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