Disclaimer: I don't own Power Rangers.
A/N: This one's back up next! Like I always say, it may take awhile, but these stories will be finished.
Jason shifted again for what felt like the hundredth time.
He figured he should have finally been able to sleep, now that Kimberly was safe and sound. All he had to worry about now was the long term, global goal. He'd gotten used to sleeping through those worries a long time ago, though. Still, as he shifted on the couch once again, all he could do was think of everything they'd gotten themselves into.
The team had decided to stay the night in Marrymore, and use tomorrow to resupply. Now that they weren't running all over the planet, they finally had time to breathe and regroup. The team was dispersed throughout the hotel, with Zedd having a room to himself, Mallow and Geno sharing another, and finally Jason and Kimberly sharing one. Geno didn't really need to sleep, instead preferring to meditate or stand guard throughout the night, but it was still decided to make Mallow's room his home base, since nothing could wake that kid up. However, as Jason shifted once again, he figured it might have been wiser to put the possessed doll with him.
"Jason?" Kimberly's voice called over from the bed. "Are you alright?"
"Kim? You awake?" Jason asked, knowing it was incredibly late.
"I am now," Kimberly said with an amused laugh.
"Sorry," Jason said, as he tried to get comfortable again. He knew she needed rest just as much, if not more than him.
Kimberly sat up in the bed, looking over to Jason and noticing that the couch was far too small for him.
"You're never going to get to sleep on that thing," Kimberly said, with a hint of amusement in her voice.
"You should have seen some of the things I've turned into beds out here," Jason replied, shifting to his side.
"Would you get up here on this bed? It's a queen size," Kimberly said with a hint of disbelief in her voice. "There's more than enough room for the both of us."
"That's alright," Jason said as he moved again, banging his knee on the armrest.
"Oh, come on," Kimberly said in disbelief.
Jason instantly stood up, carrying his blanket. He tossed it on the bed, and instantly slid under the sheets next to Kim.
"Well, that didn't take much," Kimberly laughed, snuggling up next to him.
"Once just 'cause it's polite," Jason laughed in return, wrapping an arm around her as they looked up at the ceiling.
A comfortable silence fell over them, then. This was their first real chance to sit down and just be near each other. It was a big relief for both of them to be able to spend some time with each other like this. They shared a special, close bond from all their years of knowing each other, and they both knew it was going to get them through this. The two of them simultaneously let out heavy sighs, then turned and looked to each other. They both laughed at that one for a minute, then looked back up to the ceiling.
"What do you think everyone's doing right now?" Kimberly wondered out loud, biting her lip.
"Worrying," Jason realized. "They have no idea what we're doing right now. That we're safe and together."
"We don't know that about them, either," Kimberly admitted. "There's no telling what Tommy's resorted to by now. It's been...how long?"
Jason groaned, thinking it over. "At least two weeks? Maybe three?"
"Wow," Kimberly softy whispered. What a wild ride it had been. "What do you think...everyone else is saying? Friends and family?"
"I don't know," Jason thought. "Maybe that we got abducted by Zedd's forces?"
"There's no monster attacks though," Kimberly realized, remembering the sleeping dark lord right down the hall. "Unless...is this Smithy guy attacking Earth, too?"
"I don't know," Jason repeated in a whisper, closing his eyes. Kimberly just gave him arm a rub, as a silent apology for overwhelming him like that.
This was more than they'd ever been through, forming a battle plan or just understanding what was going on was too difficult at the moment. He'd spent all of dinner briefing Kimberly on the whole situation...the star pieces, Smithy, that they were on another planet known as Aldar...it had helped bring her up to speed, and had been a good refresher for him, but it was just so overwhelming. Kimberly snuggled a little bit closer to him, holding him just a little tighter.
"It's good to have you back," Jason said, looking her in the eyes. "It's such a relief to know you're safe."
"Thank you, again," Kimberly said, smiling and meeting his gaze. "I wasn't really afraid of Booster, but I was afraid of what could be happening while I was stuck there. It was so relieving to see you in one piece."
Jason nodded. "Yea, I just couldn't sleep or focus until I knew you were alright."
"Well, that's you. Always the protector," Kimberly laughed. "Looking back, I wasn't the least bit surprised to see you storming into that room to rescue me."
"I'll bust all the heads I need to protect any of you guys," Jason said, smiling.
Another silence fell over them as they lay there in darkness. It was a nice feeling, to finally be able to relax, but the seriousness of the situation still couldn't escape their heads.
"Do you think we'll ever make it home?" Kimberly asked bluntly. "Is there...any known way?"
"Only by taking down that army, and then possibly Zedd," Jason realized. "That portal in his castle is the only ticket we know of back, and I'm expecting him to turn on us the second he gets his chance.
"Guess we just need to stay a step ahead of him," Kimberly decided. "This is just so weird, though."
"I know, I never thought I'd be working with Zedd, of all people," Jason said. "But we can use what he has to offer, and as long as we have this common ground, we'll be alright."
Kimberly sighed. Somehow, after gaining her freedom, she felt even more overwhelmed by this situation. Maybe it was just putting everything in perspective, but this really was a huge undertaking.
"You alright?" Jason asked, snapping her from her thoughts.
"Yea, I'm just..." Kimberly started, wondering how to word it. "This is a lot to take in all at once."
"It is, but we'll manage," Jason said confidently. "We can handle it."
"I sure hope so," Kimberly said, but she found herself relaxed by his words already. She snuggled up just a little bit tighter, and closed her eyes. "Good night, Jason."
Jason just closed his eyes as well, enjoying the moment while it was here. "Good night, Kim."
The next morning, it was already bright and cheery in the town of Marrymore. The people were cleaning up the damage from the day before, weddings were held at the chapel, and everything was back to normal, as if Booster had never arrived. Happy couples were all over the place as their friends and family members celebrated with them, children ran playfully through the yards, business owners cheerfully showed off their wares to all kinds of customers. It was a peaceful town where people from all over world could get to know each other and just relax.
It was disgusting, Lord Zedd thought to himself as he walked down the street. Just as he was looking for the smallest child to frighten, though, he noticed Geno walking down the street towards him. The two of them stopped, facing each other and looking around.
"We're heading out in one hour," Geno reported.
"Good. The sooner we leave this dump, the better," Zedd commented off hand.
Geno just smiled, and shook his head.
"What?" Zedd suddenly snapped, tightening his grip on his staff a little.
"Nothing it's just...you really don't remember me?" Geno asked.
"You are a wooden doll," Zedd said in a loud voice, and was prepared to go even louder.
"Oh, right," Geno remembered, embarrassed. "This is my temporary form. My real name is-"
"I don't care!" Zedd shouted, taking a step forwards. "And if you're referring to those days, you had best forget them, because they're long over with. Do I make myself clear!?"
"Of course," Geno said patiently, trying to just appease him.
"Good!" Lord Zedd shouted as he quickly stomped off.
Geno just looked around, noticing the looks he was getting. They'd certainly made a scene, but that wasn't a big surprise with this group. He just shook his head and continued on his way.
It was a nice, Saturday afternoon back on Earth, but Zack Taylor hardly noticed. The Black Ranger was sitting on bench in the playground, looking at the ground. He couldn't get his mind off the situation that was happening, no matter how hard he tried.
He knew he had to be strong, though. Trini was worried sick, Billy was desperate to use his skills to find a solution, and Tommy was freaking out at not being able to get past the defenses at Zedd's moon base. Zack, in the meantime, was officially the commander of the Power Rangers, and had to hold everyone together as best he could. It sure was hard, though, with the two of them missing.
Jason, Zack, and Kimberly went further back than anyone else on the power team. In fact, the three of them had been friends as long as they could remember, having grown up on the same street. There wasn't a major moment in any of their lives that the others hadn't been around for, good or bad. Now two of them were lost on a distant world...and Zack was still here, helpless.
He took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes, when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Trini taking a seat on the bench next to him, and had to smile.
"How's it going back at the command center?" Zack asked, giving her a light, one armed hug.
"Billy, Zordon, and Alpha are still doing everything they can," Trini said. "Tommy's still the same, but they all understand."
"Yea, it's rough for him, right now," Zack agreed, nodding his head.
"It's rough for you, too, even if you won't admit it," Trini said, looking him in the eyes.
Zack studied her for a second, then let out a laugh. Normally that would throw people off, but Trini didn't flinch at Zack's defense mechanism. She knew it too well. Zack stopped after a couple seconds, looking at her again.
"Zack, it's ok," Trini said, putting her hand back on his shoulder. "I know you're worried."
"We're all worried, Trini," Zack acknowledged. "We just need to keep our heads in the game to rescue them."
Trini just nodded.
"I mean, yea, being useless like this sucks," Zack admitted. "The moon base has never been an easy infiltration, thats why we played defense. But we just have to keep trying."
"I just know you, Zack," Trini said. "They're important to you. They're important to all of us, for sure, but there's a special connection you three have. I'm worried about you and Tommy, and while Tommy's easy to gauge, you always bottle things up."
Zack just shrugged and flashed his classic smile, standing up. Trini stood up right after him.
"Thanks, Tri," Zack said, smiling. "I do appreciate it, really."
"We're all here for you," Trini simply said, with her caring smile.
Zack had to hold in a laugh. While he was temporarily stepping into Jason's shoes as team leader, Trini seemed to be filling the void Kimberly had left. Funny how this circle of friends worked.
"Let's head back," Zack suggested. "See if we can help somehow."
Trini nodded in agreement, and the two friends went off to find a secure teleportation spot.
"And then I destroyed the Tyrannosaurus!" Zedd boasted. Mallow nodded, bored by this story, but far too terrified to admit it. "They sent the Dragonzord running in terror after that one! No idea how to face my power!"
Geno looked over to see Jason and Kimberly walking up. The three of them were gathered at the entrance to Marrymore, and had been waiting on these two to arrive before setting out.
"Oh look, they're here..." Mallow commented, hoping to draw Zedd's attention to them.
"Any luck?" Jason asked Geno, hoping he'd been able to find a lead on a Star Piece.
"Indeed," Geno said with a nod. "There are reports of one at the nearby Star Hill."
Zedd shook his head in disgust while Jason cocked an eyebrow.
"And yes, there is a connection," Geno acknowledged. "It may be a fitting time for me to explain more of my story."
"Think you owe us that," Jason agreed.
"For now, are we ready to be on the road?" Geno asked. "Do we have the appropriate supplies?"
"Enough to last us for awhile," Mallow said, patting the backpack.
"It's just..." Kimberly started, causing everyone to look at her. "...that's Lord Zedd."
"Get used to that, fast," Zedd reminded her. "Because you're taking orders from me, is that understood?"
"Hold it right there..." Jason said slowly, in disbelief. "Let's get one thing straight."
"I've conquered more galaxies than you have women," Zedd snapped, turning his attention to Jason. "I am the command here!"
"Bet I've beaten more of your monsters than you have galaxies," Jason replied, stepping forwards.
"Good, keep that mindset," Zedd encouraged him with a cackle. "Because when things go back to normal you're the first one I'm going to crush."
"I'm warning you, Zedd!" Jason yelled, now, taking another step.
"Do something, I dare you!" Zedd retaliated.
"That's enough!" Geno quickly yelled, breaking up the fight. "We are a team, regardless. We have to act like one."
Jason took a step back, staying near Kimberly. Zedd stepped back by Mallow, who silently but immediately shuffled away from him.
Geno just shook his head and started heading down the trail to Star Hill. Mallow quickly followed after him, and Zedd shot the two Rangers one last glare before following after them.
"Guess you were right," Jason said, crossing his arms.
"Huh?" Kimberly asked, looking to Jason with a bewildered glance.
"Not a glamorous life," Jason just replied, keeping his eyes on Zedd.
Kimberly just laughed at that, and started heading down the trail after the team. Jason shot one glance back at Marrymore, then shook his head and followed after his strange new team.
A/N: An update sooner, this time! Leave a review, please!