She didn't know the exact moment she fell in love with him. The moment she thought she might lose him it struck her heart like a knife. He'd always been there, her "big brother", since they were kids and once they became Power Rangers, he also became her leader. He was courageous and brave, never holding back in battle, always fiercely protective of his Rangers.

They'd been through many battles together. Rita had sent monster after monster and they'd always defeated her. This time was different however. This time Rita had her own Ranger, the Green Ranger. He was like no monster Rita had sent before. He was vicious and cruel; in battle he was like Rita's personal pit bull, mauling and ripping them apart. They had only remained alive because Rita pulled him back.

She wasn't going to pull him back next time. Tomorrow, Jason was going to face the Green Ranger one on one, probably to the death. Jason had agreed in order to spare innocent civilians who had become causalities of this battle. This was winner takes all.

Kimberly sat on her bed, trying to decide if she should just tell Jason she loved him or if it would be too distracting. Her heart felt like it was being ripped apart in her chest.

Why did it take me so long to see what's right in front of me?

She walked to her window and looked outside. Night had fallen and stars blazed in the sky. Tomorrow would be here before she knew it; she needed to decided to either speak her heart or risk Jason never knowing the depths of her feelings for him.

Jason could die tomorrow.

She didn't even want to acknowledge this was a possibility but it was. She wanted to tell him. How would he feel about this? What would he say? What if he didn't see her as anything more than a little sister.

Kimberly realized that over the past several months, as they'd fought together, that she spent quite a bit of time admiring the way the Red Ranger filled out his uniform. His muscular upper body tapered gracefully down to his hips and toned thighs. Being next to him whether it was in battle or in class caused her stomach to feel like it was full of butterflies. A blush colored her cheeks as she tried to focus. This wasn't the way she normally looked at Jason.

Why deny it now?

I'm going to tell him. I don't care about the consequences. I can't let him go off tomorrow not knowing.

Bringing her communicator to her lips, she signaled the Red Ranger.

"Jason, Jason are you there? Its Kim."

"Jason here. What's going on?" he answered.

Just hearing his voice gave her goose bumps.

"Hey can I come over? I need to talk to you. Its important."

"Yeah of course."

"See you in a few."

She could just teleport in but Kimberly wanted time to compose what she was going to say to him. Plus the walk in the night air would calm her nerves. She wasn't worried about running into the Green Ranger; she was sure he was too busy gearing up for tomorrow to deal with harassing her.

Climbing out of her window, she set off in the direction of Jason's house. He just lived a couple blocks over.

Kimberly felt with each step that she was doing the right thing. It felt right that she tell him. Faster and faster, she went, her heart starting to race in her chest. His house came into view; she could see a lamp on his room. Before she could lose her nerve, she tapped on the glass.

A shadow moved in the room and soon the Red Ranger appeared. Raising the window, he expression was stern.

"Kim! What are you doing walking alone in the dark?" he asked worriedly.

"I just needed the air to clear my head. I doubt he's going to bother with anything else tonight."

She couldn't bring herself to say that he was preparing for the death match with Jason tomorrow.

Kimberly climbed in Jason's window and got her first good look at him. Her breath caught in her throat.

Jason's hair was damp from the shower and he wasn't wearing a shirt, just red and black workout pants. He had been sitting at his desk with gauze and bandages and peroxide.

"What are you doing?" she whispered.

Jason followed her gaze and quickly started sweeping the items off his desk into a basket.

"I just got a couple cuts I wanted to treat," he answered evenly.

Coming closer to him in the dim light, she could see several scars and wounds on his chest and stomach. It hadn't caught her attention before but right then she realized that he'd stopped taking his shirt off in public and generally covered his body more than before he was a Ranger.

"Jason... Oh my God... I never realized" she stammered.

"I'm okay, Kim. I promise," he smiled down at her. "Red's a good color for hiding blood."

One wound in particular drew her attention and she gingerly traced it with her fingertips. It wasn't very long or very deep but underneath it she felt the beating of his heart. She looked up at him, her eyes wide.

"The Dark Dimension. When Billy teleported me out before the Green Ranger stabbed me. Well, before he got all the way through." His eyes were dark as he remembered.

She'd almost lost him already and hadn't even known it.

Kimberly quickly drew her hand back from his chest and a slight blush crept into her cheeks. Jason turned and sat on the edge of his bed. He patted a spot next to him and asked, "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

How can he be so calm knowing what's coming tomorrow?

She sat next to him and as she started to speak she realized tears had started sliding down her face.

"Kim? What's wrong? What happened?" his brow furrowed in concern.

He's still more worried about us than himself.

"You're so calm, Jase. How can you be so calm?'

He blinked at her and was quiet for several minutes.

"Honestly, Kim, I'm afraid too," he swallowed. "But I've got to stop him. Too many people have died because of the Green Ranger."

"I don't want you to be one of them," she whispered.

Bringing her hand up, she caressed Jason's cheek and buried her hand in his hair. Holding his head tenderly, she leaned forward and softly kissed his lips. She felt him gasp in surprise under her mouth. Taking advantage of his shock, she teasingly ran her tongue along his lower lip before she slipped it inside to stroke his tongue.

When they parted for air, he looked at her quizzically with his dark eyes.

"Kim?" he breathed.

Again, she pulled him to her, kissing and nibbling his lips, her free hand running up his arm to feel his muscular bicep. He wasn't pushing her away or stopping her. In fact, his hand glided to her thigh, stroking her bare skin and teasing at the hem of her shorts.

This time when they moved apart, Kim went on the offensive, pushing the Red Ranger back on the bed and straddling his waist. His eyes widened.

"Kim? What are you doing?" he asked softly.

Leaning down, she whispered in his ear. "I love you Jason Scott."

Her tongue found his ear and teasingly traced the delicate whorls. Jason's breath caught in his throat and he felt himself getting hard. Kimberly started kissing down his jawline then down his neck.

"Kim, I have a confession. I've loved you a long time," he got out between his increasing panting.

She smiled and moved to look down at him.

"I want you, Jason. Please."

He ran his hands up her sides then down again. His fingers teased under the hem of her shirt and grazed her belly. Kimberly moaned.

Reaching up she removed her shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor. Her bra soon followed. Jason moved his hand up her smooth flat abdomen to her cleavage and continued up to run his fingertips over her collarbone. Then he gingerly stroked her breast and teased her nipples.

Kimberly gasped and tilted her head back to give Jason more access. He continued to stroke and tease her breasts until she felt she was going crazy.

She leaned forward and brought her lips to his chest, gently kissing his scars and making sure to flick her tongue over his nipples. The Red Ranger gasped again and his hips reflexively bucked under her. She continued down his stomach until she reached his pants.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He ran his hand through her hair and tilted her chin up so he could look in her eyes.

Another teaser. Let me know what you think. This is intended to be short but who the hell knows where this plot bunny will take me. Off I go down the rabbit hole! Happy reading!