A.N - *Blows dust off this story. It falls to the ground with a THUD* Phew...That is some...dust. YES everyone the long anticipated return of Passion of the Wolf! (Does anybody still read this story?) New chapter and a new year! Here we go!

P.S Those of you who read my other Power Rangers story "Rise of the Gold Ranger" might be pleasantly surprised by this chapter...HINT HINT

"Well, you know how the conference gives each person an allowed two weeks off?" Jacques said with a smile.
"Yeah?" Jason asked suspiciously
"Well I took mine these two weeks and not only that but I'm coming to Angel Grove tomorrow afternoon!"
"No way!" Jason exclaimed. Just then he heard a different voice from the other end of the phone say,
"And he isn't alone boy-o."
"Scotty you're there too?" Jason asked almost not believing he was having this conversation.
"Eye, I will also be there tomorrow. unfortunately I have to leave a bit sooner cause I'm stopping at Scotland on my way back."
"Wow, I can't wait for you to meet everybody!" Jason said looking at Tommy.

"Tommy, this is Rocky. Listen I know today is Christmas I just wanted to remind you about the party we are having tomorrow night at my place." Rocky said
"Oh yeah!" Tommy said. Admittedly he had forgotten "Don't worry I'll be there."
"OK, bring Jason along too. I mean Billy, Trini, and Zach will be there. No reason we can't have the original red Ranger there too." Rocky said
"Will do." Tommy said and closed the communication channel.

Early the next morning Jason woke up slowly. He rolled over and found Tommy two inches from his face sleeping softly with his arms around him. Jason smiled and kissed him.

"Wake up baby. We have to go pick up Scotty and Jacques."

"Hmm…" Tommy grumbled and turned away from him. "Five more minutes."

"I'm going to get in the shower, you have till then to be up and ready to go." Jason said chuckling softly. He threw the covers off himself and walked to his shower, making sure to take with him a spare change of cloths. He turned on the water and made sure it was just right before he got in. He started washing his hair when he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him.

"You didn't think you were getting to shower alone did you?" Tommy whispered in his ear.

Jason smiled and after he is satisfactorily clean, which took longer he noted when you take breaks to kiss the one in the shower with you, he dressed in a red and black flannel shirt and a pair of old jeans. Tommy followed him out and dressed in his Red Tanktop, and a pair of jeans like Jasons. Both of the boys grabbed their new leather Jackets and headed downstairs. They quietly make a few sandwiches and packed a small white cooler with Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper, their two favorite sodas. Once it was loaded into Jason's mom's jeep, they backed out of the driveway and head off to the airport.

"What yah got for tunes?" Tommy asked as he opened both his and Jason's soda.

"My mom has a bunch of random music on CD's above your head, but I brought my phone and this.." He holds out a long Aux cord "So we can listen to whatever you want." He smiled softly.

"Sweet." Tommy takes both the cord and the phone from Jason. He looks through it before selecting a playlist marked "classic Rock"

"Good choice" Jason said and drove on. After two hours of singing along with the songs and laughing at how Tommy tried to sing the ones he didn't they pulled into the airport. They both got out and walked into the waiting area. Jason paced nervously after they had been there an hour and there was no sign of the plane.

"Relax, bro." Tommy said gently.

"It's been to long...They should be here…" Jason said as he checked his phone for the hundredth time. Just then alarms started blazing.

"Emergency. Monster attack in progress. Please evacuate the area." A voice said over the speakers of the terminal. Jason glanced at Tommy.

"Time to go to work." He and Tommy Run toward the airfield and the monster.


"Hahahahaha, those pathetic Power Rangers don't dare to fight me." A massive elephant headed monster cackled. He had the head and huge ears of an elephant, but the lower body of a robot. The mechanics seemed built out of an old airplane. The rotor of the plane stuck out of it's chest and could generate huge gusts of wind, earning its name, Ele-fan-t. Suddenly the monster is struck in the back by a few bolts of energy.

"AH!" It howls in pain before spinning around to face the rangers. The six Zeo rangers stand ready.

"That's far enough." Tommy called, lowering his laser pistol.

"There you are…" Ele-fan-t said with the ghost of a smile. "You had better not get in my way, I have a mission from King Mondo. He wants this airport reduced to rubble."

"We can't let that happen!" The Rocky said.

"Try and stop me."

The rangers each draw their weapons and charge the monster. He easily knocked them away. Tommy managed to get in close enough to lock his Laser Blade in the trunks of Ele-fan-t but as soon as he thought the battle was going his way, Ele-fan-t's rotor began spinning and he was pummeled by the blades. Sparks flying everywhere until he was sent flying back several feet into a luggage train.

"Tommy!" Kat cried and ran over to helped him up

"I'm fine Kat…" Tommy froze. He wasn't looking at her anymore, he was looking over her shoulder at the monster who detatched his rotor and threw it at them like a giant frisbee of death.

"Look out!" Tommy shouted and pushed her away just in time. Unfortunately his arm was caught in the blades and white hot pain shot through his arm. He knew instantly that he had broken it. "Tommy!" Jason yelled in fear and ran over to him.

"I'll be okay, just broken" Tommy said as Jason helped him to his feet

"Everyone...you need to combine our weapons." Billy said, over the communicator as the rangers regrouped. They all called their weapons and started to combine them.

"Power Disk"

"Power Clubs"

"Power Axes"

"Power Hatchet"
"Power Sword" They all held the Zeo Blaster and sent a massive charge toward the monster. Ele-fan-t only laughed and spun his rotor, the bolt was sent back toward them.

"He's too strong…"

"We can't scratch him" Each of the rangers lay in a heap on the ground trying to stand but not having the strength. Tommy managed to get to his knees, with the help of his Laser Sword, when suddenly behind the monster several explosion burst from it's back. Someone had shot it...several times. Everyone, including the rangers, turned to look at the shooter. He was walking into view with a long blaster held across his torso. He had a suit that resembled the other rangers, to an extent but was more armored. The Triangle area on his suit was completely golden, with the normal tech like details of the other rangers suits missing. The main color was a sort of gun metal gray. He had two gold diamond shaped clasps holding a gold cape on his back. The helmet was the same silver but instead of a black visor he had a golden one in the shape of a hexagon.

"Who the blazes are you?" Ele-fan-t asked angrily. The other ranger stopped and cocked his head to one side.

"Really? Half Elephant...Half...what? Giant fan?" He asked smoothly

"I am Ele-fan-t. I am here to destroy…" He was cut off by laughter. The Platinum ranger was bent over holding his knees for support.

"Ele-fan-t" He gasped laughing "That is the dumbest name I have ever heard.

"I'll show you dumb!" Ele-fan-t shouted enraged. He charged the gold ranger who only stood back up slowly and rotated something on his gun. Next thing anybody knew it was a sword.

"But how?" Ele-fan-t asked through a shriek of pain as the blade slashed his torso and cut into his one ear. The rotor on his chest fell to the ground cloven completely in two.

"Rangers!" The Platinum Ranger called, "Zeo Blaster now! He can't deflect it now his rotor is destroyed." He explained while fighting.

"We've only got one more shot…" The Rocky said standing weakly. The other rangers joined him shortly after. There is a large explosion from the fight and the Platinum ranger was sent flying over to them. He landed inches in front of them, battered but still battle ready.

"Power Disk"

"Power Clubs"

"Power Axes"

"Power Hatchet"
"Power Sword" The Rangers formed the Zeo Blaster again and fired it at Ele-fan-t. Who seemed to absorb the energy and froze for a moment.

"I don't believe it!" Tommy said stunned.

"But he said…" The Platinum Ranger said, seeming stunned. Seconds later Ele-fan-t fell to the ground and exploded in a huge fireball. Most of the rangers collapsed on the ground after that shot, but Tommy and the Platinum Ranger stood standing.

"Thanks man" Tommy said clapping the Platinum Ranger on the shoulder. Just then the ground began to shake.
"It's not over yet." The Platinum Ranger said looking at the spot where Ele-fan-t fell. Instantly the shards of the monster regrouped and grew hundreds of feet tall.

"Great...we don't have the strength to fight him like this" Rocky said as he got to his feet demorphed.

"Tommy and I can handle this guy." The Platinum Ranger said turning to Tommy. "Call your zord. I'll call mine." Tommy nodded and summoned the Red Battlezord

"Guardian of the Earth, come to me now!" The Platinum ranger called. The ground began to shake and there was a loud explosion in the distance, as if something had forced its way through the crust of the earth.

The Red Battlezord charged into the battlefield as did a smaller grey and gold Zord. It pawed the ground impatiently and waited for the Platinum ranger, who with a single motion leapt to its head and into the cockpit.

"Tommy, I'll transform to Megazord mode and we can combine our zords to finish him off."


"Raptor Zord, transform!" The Golden zord let out a mighty roar and the raptor arms folded into the torso. The tail became the arms, and the feet became the legs. The raptor head flipped down into the torso revealing the Megazord head. It was similar to the Rangers original Megazord head, except that it didn't have the horns on the side.

"I'm not impressed" Ele-fan-t said and began to spin his rotor again.

"I don't think so." Tommy said and swung a massive fist into Ele-fan-t's rotor jamming it in place.

"Impossible!" Ele-fan-t screamed.

"Good work Tommy. Now prepare for combination mode." With that the two Zords stood side by side. The Raptor Zord roared and the arms detached and hovered behind the Red Battlezord. Then they re combined and slimmed down to become a sort of sword. The raptor head detached itself and slid over the Battlezord's own. The torso simply vanished and the legs folded up over the shoulders of the Battlezord to make gatling guns

"This is awesome!" Tommy said looking around.

"Use both the guns and the Raptor sword. That's the only way to destroy him." The Platinum Ranger said.

"Right!" He moved to swing his wounded arm and the white hot spike of pain tore through him.
"Ah! I can't lift my arm."

"Give me control." The Platinum Ranger offered. Once the command was entered into the console the Battlezord's face star glowed red and the weapons were charged with energy. The sword landed with a huge KRASH as several hundred bolts of energy were fired into the jammed Rotor of Ele-fan-t. After a sizeable explosion Ele-fan-t fell defeated.

The rangers regrouped on the ground. All demorphed except the Platinum Ranger.

"You were amazing!" Rocky said clapping The Platinum Ranger on the shoulder.

"Thanks, but you guys were the real fighters. All I did was come in and finish him off."

"Who are you?" Tanya asked. The Platinum Ranger hung his head slightly with a soft chuckle.

"I'm just a Ranger."

"Will we ever see you again?" Jason asked. The Platinum Ranger only shruged

"No idea, but…"He looked at them all before continuing "...I hope so. May the power protect you." And with that he turned and walked into the distance.

-Back inside-

Jason and Tommy had teleported to the command center to get his arm treated. Once Alpha had done what he could he teleported them both back to the airport.

"How's it feel" Jason asked

"Not great, but not bad." Tommy shrugged

"How about we have my mom give it a look when we get home?"

"Can you figure out how to explain this without telling her everything?"

"Maybe...I'm sure I'll think of something"

Shortly after there was the roar of a plane engine and the walls of the terminal shook slightly.

"Planes are landing again." Tommy said softly.

After an impressive amount of hugging and a slight bit of confusion at the gate they all found themselves in the jeep. Jacques kept eyeing Tommy discreetly but Scotty just chatted away happily

"So another monster attack ey?"

"Yeah," Said Jason. "Sorry it had to attack while you were trying to land"

"Oh it's no big deal. At least we landed." Jaques said softly

Soon they pulled into Rocky's parents house, but what awaited inside none of them were expecting

Hey Guys. Sorry it's been so long since the last chapter. I know there wasn't a whole lot that happened in this one, just please hang with me. I promise I'll keep updating this story as I make it. Anyway thanks for reading, please leave a review or comment, follow if you enjoyed and I'll see you all in the next Chapter. Peace