Bailey Series

Headstrong•When All Is Said and DoneNew Beginning•Get Up•Still Frame


Full Summary - [Sequel to Avalon Series]. Bailey Mitchell followed her sister from their home in Australia to Angel Grove when all they had to rely on was each other. While there she made some of the best friends she's ever known and was a soldier within Zordon's army in his war against Rita Repulsa, The Machine Empire, and Divatox. She gained lots of new experiences while being a ranger and a technical advisor, and yet throughout the adventures she felt there was some more she could do. Now she's ready to step out of her sister's shadow and make a name for herself. Bailey should've known it wouldn't be long until she was pulled back into the world of ranger duties when coming face to face with the destiny she struggled to fulfill. Now with a team of new rangers on her side she comes to terms with the old saying her team leader had coined long ago; once a ranger, always a ranger.

Bailey Mitchell followed her sister from their home in Australia to Angel Grove. Now in Mariner Bay, Bailey hopes to reconnect with her father and make a name for herself. She should've known she would get pulled into the world of ranger duties when faced with the spirit that killed her friend's mother; Diabolico. Once a ranger, always a ranger. Carter/Dana, Ryan/Kelsi, Joel/Angela


"And you're sure this is all that can be done to combat it?"

Captain Mitchell turned towards his assistant, Angela Fairweather, who appeared as worried as he did. If what this young man was telling him was true, then it certainly was true and the steps to keep things safe had to be made. But this was Mariner Bay, it had been safe for as long as he could remember. Going off of a hunch, off of a prophecy…?

That was blasphemy.

They had been prepared for this day in many ways but with this, to have this power? And to have it created, for it to finally have worked.

"I'm sure," Billy Cranston replied. "With everything I've been through over the past couple of years, not to mention my studies, technological advance, research…" He shook his head. "There's nothing else that can be done. They're going to be released and it's going to be soon."

Captain Mitchell reached out and placed his hand on Billy's shoulder. "Thank you," he said. "If it wasn't for all of your hard work these past couple of weeks, I'm not sure this would've been possible. Mariner Bay has you to thank."

Billy shook his head. "Don't thank me. With these guys…" He took a deep breath. "There's a lot I'd do to see them put back where they come from once their inevitable release comes to fruition." He licked his lips. "And it will."

In the desert, covered figures walked their camels through the sand up to the ruins they had spotted in the distance. They weren't sure if it was a mirage or real, but they needed to find out. Their camels were getting restless and they needed to find a space to stop. As they approached the ruins, the sand began to pull away from their feet until they fell through the Earth and landed hard on the ground below.

Coughing, the travelers got to their feet and took in their surroundings. It looked like a tomb. A tomb for the ancient snake if the statues adorning the walls were any indication. Around their feet were gold coins they greedily took and shoved into their pockets. One of the travelers walked over to a tomb that sat in the middle of the room with more gold coins sitting atop it.

In the flickering light of the torches his companions carried, he studied the cover of the tomb. There was writing on it, in a language he had never seen before. But if there were gold coins outside…

The traveler pushed open the top of the tomb and gasped before screaming in horror, his voice blending in with his companion's as apparitions raced out, letting out ghostly wails, moans, and screeches as they went.

They swirled around the travelers before racing up into the air, disappearing from sight.

A/N: And that's the first chapter! I'm so excited about this. I hope you guys are as well. It's just a prologue so far but more is coming soon. Please enjoy the first chapter of the Bailey series and remember to review.
