![]() Author has written 8 stories for ManHua/Chinese Comics/漫画, and Naruto. * When I finish Unexpected and Hokage's Shadows, I'm done writing on Fanfiction. Next year, when I go to college, I plan to minor in English to have my real stories (hopefully) published. I have truly grown to love writing, and though I still have a long way to go, I want to write something original rather than based off of someone else's book. Fanfiction has given me a great start, and though I love it, I don't want to be redundant in my plotline, and I intend to save my best ideas for a novel with my name on it. I do, however, plan to go back and fix my stories to the best of my abilities (especially the first four). Please continue to support and help me like the awesome people you are! -Kat My favorite mangas/anime include Naruto Rurouni Kenshin Full Moon Wo Sagashite Yu Gi Oh! (all of them. the original, Gx, 5ds, and Zexal (Though 5ds is my favorite)) 1/2 Prince The Legend of Sun Knight Bleach Eyeshield 21 The Twelve Kingdoms Hana no Kishi Hana kimi and soooo many more My favorite pairs Itachi Naruto (I am also ok with SasuNaru) Kenshin Karou Mitsuki Takuto Yami(Atem) Yugi(Heba) Yusei Akiza Gui Lan Jade Ran (My characters XD ) Sun... (I havent really thought about a "partner" for Grisa but the unicorn seems really into him so Sun Unicorn) Ichigo Byakuya Randomness: 1.I have fallen into the 'habit' of liking the most obvious character pairs (to me at least...). I am perfectly ok with gay coupling (obviously). 2.If my gramps loves you, he flips you off ;) 3.I am in marching band. Before you react think about this: I get into every football game for free AND usually get to sit in the best seats that are in the endzones. 4. Softballs are HARD! Don't let the name fool you, those things HURT!! 5.I have a lot of friends that hate each other. 6.If you're my friend you will tease me as much as I tease you. So don't be offended if I say something 'mean' because I really don't mean it that way... 7.Different people bring out different parts of my personality (It depends on if you have fun with me or because of me.) 8.I don't like the people that sit around and feel sorry for themselves when there are millions that can and do have it worse than they do. 9.I'm still scared of the dark... 10. I consider myself a true fan of Yu Gi Oh! 5ds because I drive a motorcycle. o-'o 11.Seeing others cry always makes me want to do the same (I also laugh when other people laugh). Favorite anime/manga/ quotes: "You've got two legs and a heartbeat, what's stoppin' you?" - Inuyasha "The end of one adventure is the beginning of another."- Yugi Mutou "True friends may be hard to leave, but they're impossible to forget!" - Joey Wheeler "If you require an opponent, I will fight you. If you want to taste the ground, feel free to attack me." - Kenshin Himura "Stop complaining about fate and saying how it can’t be changed!" -Naruto Uzumaki "What a letdown, Kurosaki-san. A real letdown. After all, there’s nothing but fear reflected in your sword. When you dodge, ‘I’m afraid of getting cut.’ When you attack, ‘I’m afraid of cutting someone.’ Even when you try to protect someone, ‘I’m afraid of letting them die.’ Yes, your sword speaks to me only of absurd fear. That’s not it. What’s necessary in a fight isn’t fear. Nothing can be born from that. If you dodge, ‘I won’t let them cut me.’ If you protect someone, ‘I won’t let them die.’ If you attack, ‘I’ll cut them.’ Well, can’t you see the resolve to cut you reflected in my sword?" - Kisuke Urahara "I see. So basically, you’re a Death God? And you came all the way from some place called Soul Society to vanquish evil spirits? Which means that monster earlier was one of those evil spirits? And it attacked that little girl? Okay, I belie– NO WAY I’LL BELIEVE THAT, DUMBASS!" - Ichigo Kurosaki "He's cute alright. *Pulls Inuyasha's ear* But only if your into dogs." -Kagome. Inyuasha. This is my plea- Don't get involved with drugs- my brother and his ex had a baby together. Then she broke up with him and took the baby to live somewhere else. One day I got a call telling me that my baby nephew who was less than a year old had died. When the ex moved out she went with the baby to live in a house with a meth lab and was deeply involved with drugs. My nephew died several weeks after she moved in I never got to see him. Dont ever think that you are unwanted or unneeded. Don't commit suicide- My uncle committed suicide. He always seemed to be happy and telling jokes. He was the uncle that played with the kids when the rest of the family got together. He WAS the man who insisted that his farts smelled of roses. He WAS man that thought that rocks rocked. He IS the man who committed suicide. He used to make my cousin and I promise that when we grew up and were taller than him, that we wouldn't beat him up. Back then I agreed, but now it's different. Dont take another persons life- A year before I was born my grandmother was murdered. I never got to meet her. I only get stories. Treat your children like you would a fire- Don't let it grow out proportion until its unstoppable. Don't try to block it from the wind and in the process forget that it needs air. Never throw materials onto it that should not be there. Keep it fed and healthy until it can continue on by itself. I didn't have a very good relationship with my father. He has told me lies and made me feel a lot of guilt over things that I have no control over. I have cried for days on end because of some of the things he has told me. I have also heard many unpleasant (for the lack of a better word) stories about him. When my mom first told him she was pregnant he told her "It's not mine". He didn't name me, and wasn't there the day I was born. I am named by my mom and Andy (most amazing Gay man ever!!!!) who came up with my name separately and then got together with the same result. My middle name is Andy's moms' middle name, and I couldn't be happier with another name. Be happy about the little things in life- Even if it is just the fact that you are eating your favorite meal, watching your favorite movie, of spending time with your family and/or friends. I get depressed sometimes. Everyone does. I usually hide my tears because I hate that others have to comfort me in order for me to feel better. But I also know that this means that they care. This in itself is usually enough to make me feel better. Show your support instead of your pity- I know a girl that was born with aids. She is 13 years old this year and full of happiness and energy. I consider her a sister and I have often thought about her disease and what it means. When I first met her, it was because my mom was engaged to her dad. The last time I saw her was the day I helped her to pack up her stuff when our parents broke up. If I had focused on my pity for her and babied her all the time then I don't think I would have made a very big impact on her life. I honestly think that when you support a person and show them that you can be strong, that they will act as a sponge and suck up those positive emotions and use them to their advantage. Be strong, and never be afraid to show your weakness- Strength, love, and support are the most positive emotions that a person can hold in their heart. unfortunately, they are also the hardest to feel and the easiest to give away. When you use these with another person then they will use them with you so that you are able to grow separately, and then together. The next time you see the new kid, the unpopular kid, or the weird kid try talking to them. You don't have to be their best friend but everyone needs someone to talk to, even if is only for two minutes. Take the time to enjoy being with the people you love- On November 18th 2012 my dad died. We got into a fight a couple years before and haven't really seem each other but I spent the weekend with him so we could get family pictures done. Sunday morning we got the pictures. Sunday evening we were sitting in the hospital as the doctor told us "We brought him into the hospital and he was in critical condition. We couldn't get his heart to start. We performed emergency CPR and shocked him three times, but unfortunately he died." Be sure to tell those you love that you do love them... That way they know. When it's time to let go, let go without any regret- Two days before fathers day, my step dad decided to move out. This particular fathers day is the first I have spent without my dad after he died. In six months, half a year, I have lost three parents and four siblings because I can not legally call them mine. I admit to being depressed, and I use the stories I write to convey my feelings and heal myself. On 7/27/2013 I bought a ring whose name is Strength. On the inside is the inscription One of the secrets of life is to find joy in the journey. It inspires me, and has healed me more in a single moment than I can describe with words. I still mourn what I have lost, but I know that in time all things pass and I let them go knowing the good memories I have will always outweigh the bad. I am KDW and this is my plea. |