Author has written 4 stories for 07-Ghost, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Hi guys...I just wanted to say that following the author, aka me, is the worst idea you will generate because I'm afraid of posting something in another fandom and then having people hound me asking why I didn't update my other story. But if you want to, I don't want to hear a single complaint. Gosh guys I am freaking out how can you favourite a story when there's nothing in there but the words 'UNDER REVISION'?! OAO WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?! WHO PAID YOU?!?! Credits: Unconveyed cover image: avimy9129 @ Deviantart See how I switched from paranoid to professional in a sentence? That, my dears, is sanity at its finest. No. There was a time when people used to read my fanfictions... Not anymore... Oratleasttheyneverrevieworgivecommentsyoumeanies There was a time when I gained a few reactions... Not anymore... ImeancomeonIknowmywritingsucksandIdragstoriescauseIdon'thaveideasforthembutstill WAAAAH Eve. Teito. Sticking with this idea. Why has no one made a fic yet. Fyulongs Are Cute YOU MAY REQUEST FICTIONS. PLEASE I'M LONELY LIKE WHAT THE HELL GUYS REVIEW WHEN I WRITE I DON'T HAVE SELF-CONFIDENCE. THIS IS EXTRA BOLDED AND ITALIC AND EVERYTHING CAUSE IT'S IM POR TANT OKAY? OKAY. Percy Jackson fic coming right up somewhere next year. Don't worry I haven't forgotten my precious bunnies below. You're waiting for Time Trip's chapters, aren't ya? Aren't ya? AREN'T YA. |
chacocat (4) Chin Suginei (23) | envysparkler (86) Floric1434 (34) | Zcyler (9) Zonex Krypton (8) |