Author has written 2 stories for Daily Life with a Monster Girl/モンスター娘のいる日常, and Destiny. Life of the Pack: 7/24 chapters fully rewritten, 0/2 new chapters completed. American Monsters: 0/2 new chapters completed. What-all is being done in the LOTP rewrites, exactly: 1: General spelling/grammar/terminology fixes. 2: Revised dialogue all throughout the story. 3: Revising outdated character backstories that were handled poorly or done with heavy guesstimation and a lack of surrounding lore at the time. 4: Cutting 'useless' elements from the story, and revising other elements to have a proper long-term purpose going forward. 5: More properly depicting certain character-personalities and ironing out weird inconsistencies that made certain characters appear not as initially intended. 6: Removing fan-submitted characters from the story and replacing them with canon/personally-made characters. I sincerely appreciate every single submission, but I feel it's for the best going forward to do this instead (particularly due to the dilemma of worrying a personal idea might be 'too similar' to a fan-submitted one, for which reason I need to just cut the flow of fan-submitted ideas entirely). 7: Extending certain chapters in places where shortcuts were taken for the sake of expedient uploads. 8: Heavily revising Authors Notes to be less abysmally whiny/idiotic. Why is it taking so long? All this time and it's still not done? Answer: The long wait-time/delays can be wholly blamed on: 1: Coming/going depression-ruts and motivational issues (partially caused by rising/falling self-confidence in my ideas/writing capability, especially in the wake of abysmal writing-bombs like Halo 5, Mass Effect: Andromeda, etc. etc., particularly ones that get caught up in the 'SJW' argument; something I'm not part of, but endlessly worry that people will mistakenly think I am part of because of my personal aesthetic tastes). 2: Waiting for D2 to drop in order to glean whatever new lore might've been added. 3: Waiting on Myelin/Byf to release lore-videos compiling and explaining lore info to ensure I either get the lore right, or at least twist/break it in ways that are interesting rather than just uninformed. 4: More depression-ruts upon realizing just how...'iffy' much of D2's story is, as well as mulling over what bits I should keep and what bits I should change/break, which includes a great deal of trying to be unbiased and assess what simply doesn't agree with me personally, and what rubs everyone the wrong way. (For example, I'm tempted to expand upon the concept of Dusklight, what it is and how it is formed/behaves in comparison to normal Light, all because Bungie hardly covered it, but I'm not certain others would take interest in such conjecture). 5: Coming/going cases of Writer's Block (partially due to concern/stress about how long this is taking), which compounds on top of Point 1 to slow the process further whenever it strikes. 6: Writing small 'private' scenes for friends' eyes only in order to try and alleviate Point 5. 7: Trying to develop 'new' ideas to be inserted into existing chapters, like more detailed Hive architecture for Chapter 7, or a unique 'head-sculpt' for Midas' Vex (as well as an entire arsenal of different weaponry for their various units that resemble Vex weaponry, but operate differently), all while trying to not be too terribly similar to anybody else's existing ideas. (And yes, I'm wholly aware of the issues presented by a Hive unit being named 'Marauder'. One of the first revisions done was changing their name to 'Bishop' and revising the body-design) |
Arctic Banana (118) | Gothalla123 (36) |