A/N: This is supposed to be a humerous story, sadly the prelude is lacking teh lolz. :( Anywho, please comment and tell me what you think!

The Elite fell to the floor, blood splattering everywhere. Emile cocked his shotgun. 'And stay down."he growled, turning towards Noble 6. "Hurry up."

"I'm almost done." Six answered, pressing a button on the charges. "We have ten minutes to get out of this covenant outpost before detonation." She stood up.

" About time." He readied his shotgun as Six took up her assault rifle and together they sprinted out of the room into the hallway. And straight into a mob of elites.

"!#$!" Six thought as she pulled the trigger, reigning metal death onto the covenant forces that blocked their path. "How did reinforcements arrive so soon?"

Her comm crackled to life as she fought. " Noble four and Six, do you read me?" A feminine voice said.

" A little busy, here!" Emile yelled as he blasted off another elite's head.

" Hostiles must of got a signal out, reinforcements are pouring in. Im detecting high levels of movement in your location. I suggest you get out of there. Now."

"Yes' Ma'am." Six assassinated the last elite and motioned for Emile to get moving. They ran down numerous passageways, gunning down any covenant forces that stood in their path. Soon they reached the outside of the outpost.

They burst out of the hanger doors, guns blazing. The outpost they had invaded was actually a tower, rising high above the clouds. It sported massive AA guns that the covenant used to gun down any UNSC vessel that tried to enter the area. Noble Team had been sent in to eliminate the threat.

Ahead of them was a long stretch of dock, as the two Spartans appeared, the covenant took cover behind numerous crates and began to fire at them.

Six rolled behind cover. "Reloading!" She yelled, fishing for some ammo from her belt. Plasma wizzed over her head, causing her to duck.

"Damn, theres much more of them then I thought!" She muttered grimly, looking at the twenty elites that blocked their escape.

"There's no way we will be able to make it in time!" Six yelled to Emile. He only grunted, his shotgun smoking as he fired.

Suddenly, the air echoed with the sound of a sniper rifle firing. Three elites went down, their brethren staring in confusion at where the shots came from.

Jun rocketed out from behind a wall, a jet pack strapped to his back, sniper rifle in hand. He raised it and pulled the trigger, causing one more elite to fall.

"Its seems you need some assistance?" He asked in his weird accent.

The numbers lessoned, Emile leapt from behind his cover and charged the elites. A needle became embedded in his arm as he ran, but he didn't seem to notice as he unleashed a world of pain on the grunt that fired it.

Six began to sprint towards the edge of the dock. Her heart beat in her ears, her breaths came in short gasps as she ran, sniper fire raining down on the enemies around her. She glanced at the timer in the corner of her HUD. They only had a minute left.

A pelican rose up from the clouds, hovering towards the edge. A figure appeared at the opening.

" MOVE MOVE MOVE!" Commander Carter yelled, motioning for them to hurry.

Six tried to run faster, her heart beating a frantic rhythm in her chest.

Emile made it to the edge first. He leapt across empty space, landing and rolling into the pelican.

Six was halfway there, the seconds ticking down, when suddenly there was a pain in her leg. She cried out and fell to the ground, looking down at the blood pouring out of her thigh. The plasma bolt had ripped right through her shields.

"Six!" She heard Jun yell. She looked up to see a gold elite standing over her.

'Wort Wort Wort!" The creature chuckled and activated its energy sword.

Six desperately reached for her assault rifle. But it was too late, the elite raised its sword and-

Jun pulled the trigger on his sniper rifle, cursing when he realized that he was out of ammo. His soldier's mind calculated the distance between him in the elite. it wasn't too far.

He activated the jet pack to full power, hurtling down he tackled the elite to the ground, shoving a knife into its throat.

" We better get out of here!" He held out his hand and helped Six get up. Together they ran.

"How much time do we have?" Jun asked.

"30 seconds, and counting!" Six yelled back.

"Move, Spartans!" Carter yelled into the comms.

"They aren't going to make it," Emile mused from beside him, ripping the needle from his arm and throwing it out the pelican before it shattered.

Emile was right, and Carter knew it. He bit his lip as he watched his two team mates approach.

Six also knew. The timer had reached zero, and they were only ten feet away.

KABOOM! The outpost erupted into a humongous fireball. A wall of shrapnel and flame exploded out of the hanger, heading straight towards the two running spartans.

Jun saw it coming out of the corner of his eye. Without hesitation he tackled Noble Six, using his body as a shield. The blast propelled them the last few feet and into the pelican, where Jorge caught them and hauled them inside.

"Lets get out of here!" Carter yelled back to the cockpit, and the pelican flew away before an even bigger explosion destroyed the base completely.

Kat came out of the cockpit to see Emile,Jorge, Six, and Carter kneeling over Jun. Six was clutching her leg.

"That was a close one, Commander." Kat said. "What happened?"

" Its Jun. " Carter slipped off his helmet, trying to hide the worry on his face.

Kat hurried over to where the spartan was lying limp on the floor of the pelican.

"Im sorry, sir. I was slow." Six murmured sorrowfully, but the Commander only shushed her.

Kat put a finger to Jun's neck, trying to find a pulse. Sighing in agitation she ripped off his green helmet, looking at his face.

"Is he dead?" Emile asked, sounding not in the least bit sad.

'Oi, Jun!" Kat slapped his face.

"OW!" He opened his eyes. "Why does my back hurt?"

"YOU"RE ALIVE!' Jorge said happily and pulled him into a massive bear hug.

"Aaaagh! My spine!"

Carter got up and went over to Kat, a smile on his face. "It WAS a close call, but we all made it, safe and sound. "

"Aye, Commander. But Im worried. This is the fifth covenant outpost we have taken out this week, and each time we kept having more near fatal misses like this one. I think everyone is beginning to get a little tired, Commander. "

"What do you mean?" Carter looked behind him to see Jorge bending over.

"Jorge?" He asked, concerned.

"Just a little winded, Sir." He huffed.

"Really? You only lifted two Spartans, you shouldn't be THAT tired out..."

Jorge straightened up. " I must be getting old." He muttered before sitting down.

Carter looked around at his team. Most of them looked plain exhausted. He sighed. Kat was right. As always.

"Listen up, Team!" He commanded, causing them to perk up.

"Whut is it?" Jun asked.

" Get some rest, your going to need it for tomorrow when we scout for more covenant activity."

"Yes, sir!" They replied in unison, trying to hide their exhaustion as they settled down for a nap.

Carter sat down and leaned against the wall, Kat joined him, looking angry. " I said we needed a break, not more missions!" She hissed, but Carter only smiled at her.

"Relax, I want it to be a surprise!" He whispered back.

"What surprise?" She raised an eyebrow.

" When we go on vacation!" His smile widened. The anger left Kat's eyes, replaced by respect.

"I should of know," She said sleepily and leaned against him.

Carter quietly watched as the rest of his team, one by one, fell asleep. He grinned.

Tomorrow, Noble Team was going on vacation!