Reviews for Mass Effect: Event Horizon
Firewolf99 chapter 67 . 3/14/2014
This was a really epic fanfic- both in terms of size, and in terms of quality. Really great job!

There were a couple of things that annoyed me just a little. Firstly, I'm sorry, but Illithia goes from Engineer to Combat Badass far too quickly to be believable. Even factoring in the amount of time she spent on Terra Nova, there's no way in hell she should have been able to take on a fully trained, Reaper Tech assisted STG agent- and she did a lot of ridiculous things beforehand that I thought were a little too much out of her skill level.

I also thought you underplayed Zaeed a little. A part of that is my love for Zaeed, and my regard for him as the biggest badass in Mass Effect: but I did feel it was a little unfair that everyone else got a second Epilogue, and he didn't. Though killing a Reaper with a Cain was pretty cool, even if it didn't make up for him failing to kill anyone of significance...

But apart from those things, the story worked great. I liked the flashbacks, loved the Aida arc, and really had a blast on Terra Nova. Thanks for a great time!
Brett chapter 29 . 9/30/2013
Nice chapter man,

I admit i was a bit confused. in the last chapter Gerbeck was caught under the rubble in the corridor wasn't he?
Then all of a sudden he is alive in the shop with the bodybags . . Continuity boet

Besides that though, i was impressed with the Hanar fighter aspect - never saw that in any ME game

Jake W chapter 67 . 6/21/2013
good story. entertaining. a little slow in parts but nice writing. good work.
Pint-sized She-Bear chapter 50 . 5/26/2013
I am really liking T'Zari now. Up until a few chapters ago I was not so sure...nice character development. Also, it is funny how she and Zaeed butt heads.
YurigirlzCrush chapter 67 . 5/24/2013
I don't even know where to start on this last chapter except to give a sincere and exhuberant kudos. *applauds* this is almost everything I hoped for before the story's end. Neela and Selura's wedding, my fiancee as the captain of a ship, and a meeting between her and Rachel's family. plus a confrontation with her father! *smiles* really, I can't think of anything else I really wanted out of the ending. and it was all very well done. and Esala forgiving Aida and trying to befriend her was a pleasant little added bonus.

I liked the quarian wedding ceremony. and I loved Neela and Selura's teasing of each other. plus, that part at the end where you showed that Selura had the quarian implants for life in a quarian suit... that made me awww. *smiles* it was good to finally see them get the time to be together without suits or distractions. they deserve it. I could have dealt with a little more extra fluff in their first night of intimacy together, but my imagination will be enough. *blushing*

the part with my fiancee and her father was good. it was nice to see them find a little peace together, and the part where she took his gun as a trophy made me laugh. plus, I was having anime flashbacks when she was glowing... like when the girls in anime get mad and start glowing. I could almost see the chibi glare! *grins*

plus, Vorak is awesome. *grins* if you do another story, I hope it will have my fiancee and her crew in it because I like him already.

kudos. seriously. this was a very good ending to a good story. I still hold out hope for a plain, fluff filled, drama story about Neela and Selura's life together as wives. *nudge nudge* but whatever you decide to do next, I will definitely read it. *smiles*
YurigirlzCrush chapter 66 . 5/24/2013
I am sooooooooo glad you decided to include the epilogues. the story was great, but just the first parts, knowing that Selura is living with the quarians and has a relationship with Neela's family, I was already smiling and happy that there was more closure. this chapter really didn't disappoint.

it was also good to see my fiancee kicking butt and not bothering to take the names. *grins* after the whole war, I knew she would be a powerhouse commander, but it was good to see it in the story. and she learned to float too! *smiles*

seeing how far Aida fell over the course of the rest of the war though was a low point. good writing, don't get me wrong, and understandable, but sad. I liked Aida. but I do have to say that Esala's headbutt was absolute win. *grinning*

for me though, the standout of this whole chapter was Julisa's death. tragic and sad, and I honestly got a little choked up reading it. but it was meaningful too. I was sad to see her die, but it didn't feel like she lost, if that makes any sense. I would have liked to see her first reunion with her daughter, but this was very good. and it really made me feel for her and her daughter. *smiles* kudos on the whole chapter but especially that part.

now on to the next chapter. *grins* I can't wait to read the rest. i'm just glad I have the time for both today.
teyfinn chapter 67 . 5/23/2013
Thank you for sharing this story, it has been an entertaining ride..! :)
Pint-sized She-Bear chapter 24 . 5/23/2013
I felt so sorry for Salik there at the end lol
Gissleh chapter 67 . 5/22/2013
First of all, thank you for writing and sharing this amazing story and taking your project all the way to the end. I began reading when you were on Chapter 34, caught up, and have followed the story since, reading every chapter on the day they came out. I was looking for original stories that happen in the background with alien OCs in the center of the attention, and was quite glad to come upon your fic. Nice change of pace from the human perspective and focus in the games in my opinion.

The ending was satisfying to me at least, as a reader. It's good that even Aida got a relatively good ending, despite what gruesome actions the Reapers forced her hand into, even if that ending left us off without knowing the future for that asari. Speaking of her, I haven't revieved many of your chapters, but your take on indoctrination follows the codex' idea of subtle influence well, and it was quite interesting to see the thought processes it evoked, liek how you made Aida justify every horrible action as if she wasn't under control.
Spiritwolf71 chapter 67 . 5/22/2013
Wipes a tear from my eye and the gives you a standing ovation.

It has been a pleasure to read this story and go through the hi and lows of the characters with you. Your writing is a masterpiece and I would probably read pretty much anything you wrote, and I am hoping to see more. I will miss the updates and the characters and I will always hope to see a Lith story.

Thank you for this great great work.
Spiritwolf71 chapter 66 . 5/22/2013
Ok Julisa... really. LOL I see why you did it. It kinda was the happiest real ending for her. Her daughter would never have given in had there not been a sacrifice. But too bad about Aida, I think the girl is screwed. Too bad she was a great person at one point.

On to the next chapter great work
V-rcingetorix chapter 67 . 5/22/2013
Well done. I happen to love pan-crust meat lovers pizza myself, Vorak has good taste!

I'm a little curious as to why Holly was so suspicious so suddenly, looks like another story behind the story to me D

Again, well done. I will be looking forward to any new works coming from your section of the world. If nothing comes for a while, I suppose I will have no choice but to reread.

Good luck!
LifeIsAGreatAdventure chapter 67 . 5/22/2013
Thanks for a very solid closure to an excellent epic. Its probably a comment on my own lack of romanticism but I think I would have switched those last two scenes so that the bit with the pizza was the end of the story. Still, a great job on the closure of this story and I really do hope that you will do another piece as this one was well worth the read. I thank you very sincerely for a tremendous effort (with which I only connected a couple of months ago) and do hope that you will give us the opportunity to see more in this universe at some point soon.
LifeIsAGreatAdventure chapter 66 . 5/19/2013
I like how you wrap things up so far. Seeing how Aida will recover (if she does) from indoctrination will be very interesting. Its too bad Julisa missed surviving the war by 30 seconds or so but luck is one of those things. Looking forward (somewhat sadly) to the second epilogue and thankful as always for your hard work on this story.
YurigirlzCrush chapter 65 . 5/16/2013
*laughing* well, I said last chapter I was baffled as to what was left. I sort of missed the obvious didn't I? taking the cerberus ship and escaping! *slaps head* still, this was a nice chapter to finish things out for the regular story. but I have to say i'm glad there are epilogues incoming. because this doesn't quite give the closure I want. it's not bad, but i'm guessing the epilogues will give what I really want. *smiles*

there isn't a whole lot I can say about this chapter other than that it was all very well done. Aida managed to set up a jailbreak without realizing she was doing it, which was another good subtle indoctrination trick. I hope there's some relief for her in the epilogues. and I hope there's a reunion between Julisa and her daughter too. *nudge nudge*

now for a rarity in your stories! chapterly error pointy out time! and sorry that sounds so gleeful. I just like helping. *grins*

She hoped to convince Tarrislav that the best thing to do with Aida was to get her off world and thus ensure she could do no more damage to his forces.

I think you meant Shirakawa there. since Tarrislave died in the previous section. and thank you for that, btw. so glad he actually got killed during the story. and even though Aida is indoctrinated, it was nice that it was her that killed him. *grins* so. eagerly anticipating the first epilogue. and kudos on this chapter!
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