![]() Unfortunately, I am not witty enough to fill this with things you will find even the slightest bit amusing. =/ However, I can give you lots of information about my general fanfic-y-ness. My favorite books are the Outsiders, the Harry Potter books, and Percy Jackson, so most of my fanfictions will be about them. It's possible, but not likely, that I could do a couple on the shows Psych and NCIS. I feel very strongly about my pairings so if I don't like them in books, I write fanfics about what I think should of happened. Then I begin to accept them as my reality, so if I ever go on about how glad I am so-and-so end up together, when in fact they didn't, just humor me. And I'm very protective of my fanfictions, so if you post a flame, watch out. It won't be pretty. Most of my stories will be one or two-shots, because I started a longer one, and now that school's started I'm having trouble getting around to updating it. My apologies. I'm a huge nerd, and I love band class (I play flute) and anything science. :D In fact, I know lots of very cheesy chemistry jokes, (i.e. What do you do with a dead chemist? Barium! *bada bing!*) so if you know any,please pm me asap. :) I don't really check fanfiction that often, not because I hate you people, but because my classes are REALLY intense this year. I really appreciate any and all reviews, so please keep them coming! Love ya! jul244 |