Author has written 22 stories for Bleach, Kuroshitsuji, Naruto, Monochrome Factor, and D.Gray-Man. Hai semua...aku author di fanfiction yang suka menulis dan juga suka menggambar. Beberapa fic author ada gambarnya di beberapa scene, yang ingin lihat silahkan kunjungi page author di search aja di kolom search facebook dengan keyword Noisseggra no Sekai. Di page itu juga banyak gambar-gambar author serta komik buatan author sendiri kalau mau baca :) Silahkan berkunjung ya... Satu hal lagi, kalau ingin melihat gambar dari fanfiction yang sudah author sebutkan tadi dengan resolusi tinggi, bisa kunjungi akun DeviantArt author di http:/// atau search saja Shadowchrive di kolom search DeviantArt. Soalnya kalau di facebook biasanya gambar ter-kompres dengan sendirinya oleh facebook sehingga resolusi nya kecil dan gambarnya jadi sedikit buram... Begitulah, selamat berkunjung ya / Jangan lupa tinggalkan review, kritik, saran atau comment ya... Hi all...I'm an author of Fanfiction who likes to write and draw too. In some scene, I attached some pictures on my fanfiction story, if you wanna see them you can visit my page on or you can just search in facebook with keyword Noisseggra no Sekai. In that page there are many others of my drawing and there are comics too which I create myself if you wanna read :) You are very welcome to visit the page... One more thing, if you wanna see the pictures in high definition, I suggest you to visit my account in DeviantArt at http:/// or you can search in DeviantArt with keyword Shadowchrive. Because, if I upload pictures in facebook, the pictures automatically compressed by the facebook and it makes the resolution become small and the pictures become rather blur... Thats it, I'm waiting for your visit / Don't forget to leave a review, critique, suggestion or comment... |
dimshit (25) Fazadragonhart (28) | Kaizen Katsumoto (46) wen phantom14 (15) |