Author has written 2 stories for Final Fantasy X. I am 27 years old, I live in Canada, and I love writing. My muse has taken a supremely extended vacation as of late; I'm hoping he returns soon, as I'm getting restless. Some of my fandoms are Gundam Wing, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Final Fantasy 8/9/10/12, Game of Thrones, Sherlock and Harry Potter. There are many others, but those are my main squeezes. And I have so many ships I should be an admiral. Seriously, it's out of hand. Last updated on: April 21, 2016 Some notes... -- My story 'And Baby Makes Three' is still in my own personal writing workshop right now getting extreme body work done. I am going over the story and re-writing it, so you probably won't hear from me for... well for a longer while than I thought, obviously... I am still not giving up on it, although I have no idea whatsoever when it will be completed. I apologise for my erratic and very time-consuming writing patterns, and I hope that what I can give to you at the end of this extremely rocky road will be worth the wait. -- So I have the bug... you know the one. The AU bug. It's relentless. I am in the process of constructing and putting together detailed outlines for several multi-chapter AU stories in different fandoms, working on one until my brain hurts and then switching over to another. I have 3 major ones in the works, with solid ideas for at least 2 more waiting for their chance to pounce. The three that I am most actively working on are for Gundam Wing, Fruits Basket, and Fullmetal Alchemist. I sincerely hope to produce something from one or more of them in the form of actual readable story soon. Stay tuned... "Throughout my lifetime, I've left pieces of my heart here and there. And now, there's almost not enough to stay alive." -- 'George' from the movie Blow |