Author has written 47 stories for Elder Scroll series, Persona Series, Lord of the Flies, Heavy Rain, Dynasty Warriors, Dragon Age, Pretty Little Liars, Harvest Moon, Fable, Harry Potter, Avengers, and Supernatural. something comes into the world unwelcome, calling disorder, disorder-- Pectus Noctem -- We Stole Vodka From The Optic 11/12/12: Happy two-year anniversary to Avarice. I swear to God I'll finish you eventually you great pile of pain. |
Arbalest66 (10) Cat In My Fridge (58) Crisium (0) DreadNot (84) ellemarchen (35) | Je Love You (8) karebear (56) kilara25 (9) mythstoorfoot (20) Phantaz-magoria (5) | Silver Pard (42) SilverShine (14) SlightlyPsycho (6) Winter Oak (23) |