Author has written 80 stories for White Collar.
Blue Girl Fan fics
I am a native Texan who likes to write, draw and do whatever I can to stay creative. Hope you are enjoying my fan fics. I am writing mostly about the show "White Collar" at the moment. If you are a fan of Dresden Files, some of my stories are posted at their official site in the fan fiction thread.
Just a little FYI:
I DO write Whumpage for both main male characters and sometimes the others when it works for the story.
NO slash, just close male bonding. So no... if it looks that way, you're looking too hard. :P
I'm bad at writing author's notes or answering comments but I do try. I read every comment I get.
Love to write and read about Hurt / Comfort stories. Did my first kid fic too recently. Still no slash or OT3.
Thanks for reading, faving and all the reviews! Please come again.
My Zazzle shop (I make art!) : http:///elledeegee
Fan Fic Blog (updated when I remember): http:///
Other Stories:
WC Big Bang 2013:
False Pretenses - http:///32571.html
WC Big Bang 2012:
500 Miles - http:///26711.html
WC Big Bang 2011:
The Shaggy C.I. - http:///9366.html
WC Hurt/Comfort Advent:
(fan art) Frozen Thoughts: http:///17742.html
(October 2014)
Sorry for the silence on this site. Been busy being a day person and hard to concentrate on writing. I did the 2014 WC Reverse Big Bang which you can read here, and I recently finished a story for the WC Big Bang 2014. I also saw filming this summer in NYC of the last season of White Collar. Was lucky enough to be there the day Matt was being interviewed by everyone for his Emmy Nomination for The Normal Heart.
(May 2015)
Long time no write. I have a story or two floating around in my collection but I haven't had the urge to finish them yet. Been busy with work but wanted to thank everyone who's been reading and faving my stories on here. I appreciate all the comments and attention. Hopefully I will write something soon. I keep trying to herd those plot bunnies but it's like trying to catch a cloud or smoke. Thanks for reading!
(June 2015)
FYI, Will be doing the White Collar Big Bang again on LiveJournal. Now to think of a story... (facepalm)
(March 2016)
Looks like I haven't posted in a while. I just wanted to thank everyone who's faved or liked a story of mine. I get an email when that happens so Thanks again! I appreciate your interest in my stories. I can't guarantee any stories soon, I'm in a bit of a dry spell so I've been working on my digital illustrations. You can check out my site here if interested:
(January 2017)
Happy New Year!!! I know it's a little late but wanted to thank everyone for liking and faving my stories even when I'm not writing anymore. I'm glad you like them and I appreciate seeing those emails in my inbox. Thanks again!
(June 2017)
Thanks for all the faves and compliments on my stories! I'm glad my archive of fanfictions are still finding an audience. If I do make any more stories, this will be the first site to see my works. Have a great summer!
(February 2018)
Thanks everyone for the faving and likes of my stories and profile. I appreciate it more than you know!
(November 2018)
I appreciate all the continued love for my stories. I wish I had the muse to write again but please let me know what you like about my stories I have written. Thanks so much!