![]() Author has written 16 stories for Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries. While links are down on profiles site wide, if you just google "peppermintyrose livejournal" you can find my journal, with mucho-de-working-links. If you came here looking for the Monsters of Fanfic - FrankenEric, Sookie as the Blob, Dark Eric is Bill or Hannibill Lecter, they're all here. All previous avatars are here. The map to the zones fic Borderline My Livejournal - where I don't shut up and will talk to anyone...now with anonymous commenting! Be aware, that I don't write fics any more...but I do write essays on SVM on my LJ. Here's the Master Post Post Ask a question about my fics here About me: I'm so book canon baby, I don't believe there's a throne in Fangtasia, and Sookie's bedroom is on the ground floor of her house. - Oh, and Pam is shorter than Sookie, with no discernible special interest in shoes, and has only called Eric "Master" once because he was angry with her; - Ginger died in DTTW thanks to the witches visit to Fangtasia and Eric has never once called Bill "Compton" or "Billy" or Amelia "witch" to address them; - Sookie got a new kitchen thanks to the fire that Charles Twining started - removing her ability to reminisce about any pre-DAAD events in that room; - Bubba doesn't need an invitation to enter a home; - Vampire-human marriage was made legal in Louisiana in FDTW; - Jason wasn't such good friends with Hoyt for a while because Holly didn't like him, but Hoyt was going to ask the settled down DITF Jason to be his best man; - Vampires leave a small pile of ash behind when killed, that may or may not completely disappear leaving a burn on your carpet a la Longshadow; - Vampire bites are PAINFUL. Smart vampires hide them while you're distracted. Only fangbangers take pleasure in the act of biting alone; - Vampires do not give out blood like it's water to humans - otherwise there would not be such a price on vampire blood and Book 4 wouldn't exist. It seems that way from Sookie's POV because they're all trying to serve other purposes; - There is no AVL in the books. There is the BVA - a government organisation that monitors vampires, and the vampire power structure. The vampire judicial system does not have full time employees; - Eric does not have a bad relationship with Dr. Ludwig, who is enthusiastic, not rude; - New vampires don't curl up in a grave with their makers - Pam tells us Eric put her in her own bed, she was buried and he dug her out before she rose. - Pam and Eric do not have a secret language they speak to each other in - not even modern day Swedish; - Pam does not preface every single piece of advice with "Dear Abby says". She mentioned it once, rather than made it her catchphrase; - Bill did not plan or allow the Rattray's beating - CH says he was genuinely delayed by a phone call; - Bill is six foot tall and lived as a farmer - and thus is wide shouldered; - There is no "releasing" of vampires - they are bound and beholden to their makers for their entire existence no matter what word is uttered; - Sookie is not very afraid of flying in an aeroplane - she's slightly nervous and is confident thinking that if the plane goes down, she could totally handle the responsibility of sitting near the exit, and she loves being served by the attendants. - Arlene was the person who used to give Sookie the "Word of the Day" Calendar. She hasn't had one for a while because Arlene doesn't approve of Sookie dating vampires. Oh, the peer pressure by PM was astounding, and so she caves: My twitter profile - and you wouldn't believe what they can talk me into on there. I do unfollow people who spam me with their Tumblr, and I don't follow anyone first - it's why my profile is open when so many are closed. I won't tailor my Twitter to likes and dislikes, so have a good looksee. BEHOLD - but in all fairness, it goes both ways. :D Look at the manifestations of my complaints: The Legend of the Permaboner lives on forever! All the bannery goodness I've served up on Twitter at your fingertips !WARNING! CONTAINS SOME NUDITY AND A LOT OF EMASCULATION: The Legend of the Permaboner 1 The Legend of the Permaboner 2 The Legend of the Permaboner 3 The Legend of the Permaboner 4 Lindsanity from Sorry Ladies, Northman's Off the Market Speciality Desktop with double the pony Permaboner Erics (better known as Worthfighting4 asking me for a desktop and me being able to deny her nothing) Speciality Desk with double Permaboner and "Do Me" text The Domesticated Suitors (better known as pfloogs72 and msconstrasgard wondering what it would look like if Bill and Alcide had naked iron fights) The Secret History of the Vampire Dixie Bill (my husband got on the banner bandwagon and made demands :D ) The Fluids of Time - First place Saint Eric winner Nobody's Fool - Second place Saint Eric winner Hans Von Hozel Banner for the Hans Von Hozel Challenge One thing I'm curious about that I've read many times: How exactly does one smell virginity? Are women who aren't virgins somehow forever tainted? Is that the message that's supposed to be conveyed, regardless if it was one night in 1973 and never since? I'm sure if one's sense of smell is strong enough to smell a hymen or whatever you're thinking is being smelt (perhaps a warped understanding of what happens to semen - thinking that it enters the bloodstream somehow if a vampire can taste it), it is surely strong enough to smell what you had for dinner last night that's currently percolating in your bowels. Sexay. A nice dichotomy I've read many times: Eric desperately wants Sookie to have his last name when they marry, understanding a practice that was born long after he was made a vampire, rooted in Christianity, Normans and ownership of wives, but still doesn't get monogamy or other social conventions like say that killing is wrong. Not only that, but he has all that pride with her taking his name - despite the fact that he made it up himself for "human dealings" and doesn't seem to use it routinely. Ima call myself Realname-realname-realname-peppermintyrose in meatspace and be proud if my husband takes that name - what with the great investment I have in such a name, having picked it myself to serve a purpose. Unfortunately, my name sounds nicely feminine, so Realname-realname-realname-peppermintyrose-Vortigern isn't going to work. Sorry honey. Some unfailing stupidity I've read more times than I really should have: Sookie is "flaunting" Quinn in front of Eric...by daring to be at her own house and having Eric pop up to demand she comes to work instead. How exactly would she have avoided "flaunting" her date with Quinn at her own house? She wasn't on the dance floor at Fangtasia you know - she was at the house she owned, in a different town to Eric. Going on a date is not a crime - it's not like Eric has taken her on a date ever - and no matter what fairytale you tell yourself, Eric wanted her to come to Fangtasia to discuss the Rhodes conference. She is not, no matter what readers or Eric believe, his rightful property and owes him nothing. He was the very soul of romance telling her what she was obliged to do, which is just like bringing a bunch of flowers...in bizarro world. Sookie was certainly selfish - telling Pam she wasn't going to be summoned to Fangtasia for work, and leaving her front door to go on her date. She didn't call them and tell them - they called her and took her for granted like always. I'm sure her evening would have been far more interesting if she stayed in her house being what Eric considered his as she'd done in previous months. A few people have expressed their dissatisfaction with DAG to me personally, and I haven't figured out how to write a fic on some of the stuff from the book. CH said that the Eric/Sookie relationship was "fraught with meaning" in that book. You can watch the video of her saying so right here, because I always provide references being canon as I am. :D So let me break down a couple of lines from one of the scenes that is most bitched about. I've heard that this is "cold" - but that's only because it's jam packed with symbolism, rather than designed to get the reader off. “I am too big for some.” He's clearly asking if Sookie can handle all of him - not just in a physical sense, but the fact that he is no longer a simple man with no memory - he is all that he is, and realises his own "bigness" - that he is an overwhelming person and has a large personality. I mean, he's slept with her before - he knows what she likes and doesn't - I hardly think he would forget. Why include it or say it at all - symbolism is why. To then say that she wants him to bring it on means that she's willing to try and see if she can handle all of Eric - and that it will be difficult to adjust to. So, until I figure out a way to break it down, re-read and ask yourself why such wording was used and what that might be saying. It's not exactly how CH wrote her other books - that "coldness" is reading symbolism, and explains why they will never talk it out - they act it out in dialogue and talk about it in a circumspect manner. There's more, so I recommend a re-read. All the insight you'll ever need about Charlaine Harris: All the insight you'll ever need about me in the words of my husband: I'm glad I'm not an abusive husband. I don't have the time to break you. I think it would take more beatings than the average woman would to get you to do what you're told. Like that? Well read his fiction. Man roxxors my soxxors. It's a parody on Sookeh and Beel from True Blood: |