Reviews for Be There
kleannhouse chapter 33 . 4/21/2019
it was a great story and a perfect ending...but it lead in my mind to many What If's outtakes to catch up with these two but i do understand why and where it ended. thanks for sharing KY
kleannhouse chapter 32 . 4/21/2019
well that is one way to get them to confess and open up their hearts to one another. they will make it just fine. as for the gossips let them think what they want and say what they want. you know the truth KY
kleannhouse chapter 26 . 4/20/2019
these two are talking by text, well its a start ... maybe what Sook told Victor will make him hightail it to Vegas and then they can deal with Claude. KY
kleannhouse chapter 22 . 4/20/2019
well damn they need each other but damn they are stubborn,. i wish they were able to communicate better. i was thinking that Sookie might think she could help Eric out with the money and if that happened she would have to mortgage the farmhouse but she would be partners with him an Pam. they would get Victor off their backs and Claude MIGHT disappear. but i have a feeling that will only happen when she mentions something to Claudine. KY
kleannhouse chapter 16 . 4/19/2019
well damn , what kind of deal did Eric make with that snake and how was he bale to still be in the computer system. things are definitely not kosher. and for the snake to show up maybe he watched her by remote access . KY
kleannhouse chapter 14 . 4/19/2019
well damn i waiting for another kiss , but Pam was good, yes Pam being back is very good KY
kleannhouse chapter 12 . 4/19/2019
well damn, the lie is eating her up but it might be that the muggers are hitting up other places too and i wonder what Eric is truly up to and if he will confess it all to Sookie. but damn Jannalynn brought the posse with her on purpose adn things will not look good once Debbie starts in on her. KY
kleannhouse chapter 9 . 4/19/2019
well damn what a night. she tries to help and it blows up on her face. i wonder what Dawn was up to then if Eric says it wasn't what she thinks,. he needs to explain better. and NOT sell the bar. now who is outside waiting for her. KY
kleannhouse chapter 8 . 4/18/2019
pulling a Scarlet over Eric. but i don't blame her for not wanting to be another Dawn ... i have an inclination on what she was doing for Eric, but i would rather not think about it. I had a Dawn at a Wing's place i worked at, but her name was Crystal. bitch would disappear at all the wrong times. KY
kleannhouse chapter 6 . 4/18/2019
oh man what a night for her, it must have sucked ... i know the thanks yous never come from patrons , hell my first night as a waitress i lost myself and almost kissed the older gentlemen on the cheek when he handed me a tip. faux pas for sure. KY
kleannhouse chapter 2 . 4/18/2019
well damn, why Sookie, was she noticing too much and things were not getting paid. What was up with Jannalynn and Sam. things are fishy in Louisiana for sure. KY
Lbot1979 chapter 20 . 1/10/2019
jesus christ... this has to be the absolute fucking worst SVM/TB story EVER! it is soooo boring. I keep waiting for it to pick up and it never does. I am fucking done. Good god.
elsie bailey chapter 13 . 10/29/2015
Just found this story and love it. Thank you.
litmajoronleave chapter 33 . 3/26/2015
Sweet ending and a beginning really, for these two. I am glad I found your story, it is so wonderfully written. Sookie is something and it's not always comfortable being inside her head, but I like how it all turns out to be.

Thanks for posting this! Loved it.
litmajoronleave chapter 32 . 3/26/2015
A lot covered in this chapter.

On the morning that Sookie was home after the incident, I find myself throwing my hands up in frustration that she decided to go straight to work instead of going to the hospital. Shouldnt that have been the first thing she did after she left the house? To personally see how Eric was doing? I realize Sookie is not in love with Eric ... yet ... but they care much for each other.

So, 2 days later, I am glad she finally decided where she want to be. Took her wanting to find an excuse not to work for Alcide earlier than planned to finally go to Eric, when she used the boyfriend excuse.

The talk between them is nice. A bit uncertain, it makes me wonder if this is going to work. I hope it will. It is a good start that they make each other happy and Eric did say that word: the "future".
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