Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha, and Yu Yu Hakusho. Life is a daring adventure - Explore. Make mistakes. Grow wise. Author Profile: A sleepy, determined, and cheerful hobbyist writer who probably has a coffee in hand and a spare book or two in her bag. Interests: Art history, world history, languages, rhetoric, public speaking. Travel, adventure, misadventure. Running, hiking, contact sports. Collecting more books than I could ever possibly read. Things I recommend (from experience): Travel to another place, another city, another country, by yourself. Have at least one grand romance. Try espresso with vanilla ice cream at least once in your life time. Learn another language. Never stop learning and never assume that you know enough. Be a happy idiot and laugh, loudly, and share your joys with others. Ride a elephant, or a camel, or do something else that scares you just as much as it excites you. Travel without a destination. Be afraid, and proceed forwards anyway. Play in the rain. Learn to sit with your sorrows and the sorrows of others, and to accept them without changing them- even more so if the silence make you uncomfortable. Accept being selfish means being "self-interested" and that is not a such bad thing. Trust yourself with responsibilities. Forgive your own mistakes and the mistakes of others. And, most importantly, choose to be happy. More so than anyone else, you will carry the heaviest of your own regrets and triumphs. Above all, choose to be happy. Updates: 2016.11.12. Hello everyone! My schedule has suddenly become really hectic and will be for the next month or so. :( I'm finishing around 2am in the morning without finishing everything only to be right back to work by 11 the next morning without most weekends off. Yikes. I will try update if I can, but I don't want to make any promises I can't keep. Thank you everyone who has supported Keeper of the Shrine so far! It makes me so happy to hear you guys like it! 2016.10.16. Oh my god! I finally did it! It only took three years, haha... Please enjoy my newest story Keeper of The Shrine! (It's definitely well-suited to the spooky atmosphere of October, haha) Links: My writing blog is here. |
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