Disclaimer: I don't own IY or YYH
A/N: Ok I know I shouldn't be starting anything else what with Lies By Omissions and Call of the Dragon still needing work... however, this stupid little plot-bunny snagged me and wouldn't leave me alone... it was suppose to be a short little one-shot to clear my head so I could finish my other fics... somehow it turned into a near 50 page story... -_- Anyway, I hope ya'll like it.
P.S. This is a crossover to by it's very nature this means it's an AU. Furthermore, this really IS an AU. So if that bothers you, hit that back button... but please don't nitpick because 'it's not like the anime/manga'...you've been warned.
The Haunted Wood
She stared at the dark ancient forest before her and felt a shiver of unease slither down her spine.
Figures Kikyo and that idiot InuYasha would take on a job of this magnitude. Those two didn't have enough sense between them to buy a postage stamp.
Sighing with aggravation, Kagome turned the key and cut the engine on her Lancer. Darkness engulfed the interior of the vehicle; there were no street lights here, only the silvery nearly non-existent moonlight and the faint glow of the city lights in the distance.
Four years ago, her sister Kikyo and her fiancé InuYasha, created an extermination business. They didn't exterminate just anything though; no, they specialized in ghosts and demons.
Kikyo was what was known as a Miko, a type of priestess that had the ability to purify certain types of energy. Despite not actually serving any shrine, or doing anything to actually earn the title of 'Miko'; Kikyo was a natural at exterminating. Her fiancé, InuYasha, being a half demon, also had license to be a major bad-ass in the exterminating world.
The couple were good at their job; so good, in fact, and their company was so exclusive that they had to hire more people to help.
The first addition to the team had been Sango, whose family had been in the demon hunting business since ancient times; though never as mainstream as Kikyo's business.
The second addition was a lecherous but skillful monk named Miroku. Kagome liked both Sango and Miroku well enough; even if the slayer spent a large portion of time knocking Miroku upside the head for his wondering hands.
Together, Kagome had to admit, they made a pretty awesome team. Unfortunately, not a single one of them had any business sense what-so-ever; which was how Kagome ended up getting recruited to this ridiculous party.
While Kikyo, InuYasha and team had been gallivanting around Japan, slaying demons and blessing houses with 'ominous auras'; Kagome had gotten a business degree and had seized the rare opportunity to intern at the world renown Taisho Corp BioMedical Research Center.
Over the next three years, Kagome had managed to weasel, fight and claw her way to become Sesshomaru Taisho's personal assistant; a position that many business students would kill to have.
Did her sister take that into account when she dumped all of her business paperwork on her desk and demanded that Kagome help her organize and run her business? Nope.
Did their mother congratulate Kagome on snagging a position with one of the most influential businessmen in the world? Nope.
Does her obnoxious spoiled sister or mother even acknowledge the fact that Kagome was being NICE and helping...no, of course not.
The little princess just took it as her due.
What a bitch, Kagome thought, searching her car; trying to find the blasted flashlight so she could go find this bloody paperwork that her bitch of a sister couldn't even have the decency to bring home with her... oh noooo... Kagome had to drive all the way out to the middle of freaking nowhere to the edge of a fucking haunted forest to get paperwork she didn't want to do for a person she had no desire to help!
Fuck my life, she swore mentally; even Sesshomaru wasn't as bloody demanding as her blasted sister.
Snatching the small mag-lite from the glove box, she climbed out of her nice, safe Lancer… and proceeded to slowly make her way through the dark, abandoned, and probably dangerous construction site.
A large section of the forest had been removed; it was with the desecration of the forest that the attacks had begun. The workers claimed that the forest had attacked them; the very plants and trees had come alive and attacked the workers who were attempting to cut them down.
Kagome wouldn't be surprised; why wouldn't the flora in THIS forest attempt to defend itself? Which brought her to her next issue….what sort of arrogant ass thought they could rip up the Silver Forest?
Everyone knew the legends; the forest was rumored to be the home of a rare Silver Kitsune- hence how the area got its name. It was also rumored that at least two other powerful entities lived in the forest, one was said to be covered in swirling purple marks and thick dark fur...the other was supposed to be a so fast, the human eye couldn't track him, with claws made of steel that could slice through anything without warning.
People were always seeing strange things within the forest. A lot of people had gone missing over the years; or would find themselves horribly lost despite having maps and compasses. Or would go into the forest, and no matter which direction they went, they would always find themselves right back at the place they entered.
Everyone avoided the forest; bad things always happened to those who were dumb enough to disregard the legends.
Kagome shook her head trying to dispel the unease that continued to creep up her spine.
Around her, construction equipment rose like huge prehistoric monsters from the shadows. She swallowed hard.
"Just get the paperwork and go home," she said softly to herself, her own personal mantra, the silence around her doing nothing to ease her growing unease. "Just get the paperwork and go home..."
No crickets chirped, no frogs sang...only the eerie creaks and groans of the machinery shifting in the breeze could be heard along with the faint drone of the highway.
Something was watching her.
The knowledge hit her like a lightning bolt; she didn't know how she knew...but she was certain that she was being watched.
"Why do I always get stuck doing these things?" She muttered, "Why can't I just tell her 'no, do it your own fucking self'? But noooo, instead here I am, in the middle of night, outside a haunted forest, alone and something is watching me. Bloody hell, I don't get paid enough for this bull...oh wait...Kikyo doesn't freaking pay me."
Three pairs of eyes watched the woman rant quietly to herself as she stumbled through the barren area where their forest once stood.
"She's cute," one stated, dark eyes following the subtle curve of a leg as her skirt rose up, "check out those legs..."
"Yes...she is stunning..." another agreed, golden eyes narrowed, "though, she bares a strong resemblance to that miko bitch with the dog."
"What do you think he-man..." the first asked, turning to regard the third member of their group.
Glowing red orbs regarded him silently for a moment before he disappeared from sight.
"Hmph," the first snorted, "guess he ain't interested."
"Feh...you know his opinion on humans..."
"True..." he replied to his silver haired companion, giving the other man a lecherous smirk, "shall we make our presence known to the lovely lady."
Kagome stumbled and went sprawling; the flashlight flying out of her hand to roll across the packed dirt. Kagome hissed in pain and clutching her hand to her; she could feel the warm, wetness ooze through her fingers and the coppery scent of blood filled her nose. Her ankle throbbed painfully, and her knee burned... she didn't need to look to see that she had scrapped both.
Damn her stupidity for wearing wedge sandals out to a construction site. She should have made that extra 30 min trip back to her house to change.
Hell, who was she kidding? If she had gone home there was no way that she would have turned around and gone back out...then Kikyo would raise a bitch fit because the paperwork didn't get imputed and finally Kagome would hear it not only from the team...but from her mother.
"Son of a sail eating snarflax!" She swore, snatching the cloth belt from around her waist to wrap around her hand.
Masculine laughter filled the air; "A snail eating snarflax..?" a deep baritone chuckled, "creative..."
Kagome froze, searching the shadows for her audience; she wanted to curse some more, she hadn't even felt the two aura's coming toward her.
"Creative..." another voice, velvety and warm like chocolate covered sin, agreed, "not to graceful though."
"I never claimed I was," she snapped, glaring in the direction of that voice;
She shoved herself to her feet, wincing as her knee protested the movement, "in fact, I'll be the first to admit I'm a total klutz."
Kagome glanced around, than limped over to pick up her flashlight; she could feel something warm sliding down her calf. Damn, she obviously injured her knee worse than a mere 'scrape'.
"Now if you two are done laughing at me," she growled, "I'd like to find this stupid paperwork so I can bloody well go home!"
In hindsight, Kagome probably should have been frightened that she was alone with two strange men in a deserted construction site... but, at the moment... she was hurt and furious...all she wanted to do was go home, tend her wounds, and go to bed.
"Paperwork?" The first voice repeated, disbelief dripping from his tone. "You're out here to get paperwork?"
"Yes..." she hissed, "I don't suppose either of you gentlemen have seen a manila folder sitting on one of these machines have you?"
Silence met her question; she didn't need to see the two men to know they were shocked and a bit confused.
"Generally speaking, chickadee," the first voice said from behind her, close enough that she was certain should she turn around, he'd be perched on the concrete tube behind her, easily within arm's length," most folks tend to freak out and run when they see us...not ask us for help."
"Yea well I can't really 'see' either of you now can I?" She replied, resisting the urge to spin around and attempt to catch the man with her light, "furthermore, I'm kinda bleeding all over myself here so I'd like to find this stupid file so I can go home, get cleaned up and contemplate the best way to repay my dear sweet sister for this marvelous evening..." Kagome paused for a moment, a wicked smile curling her lips, "I'm thinking laxatives in coffee...yea...that way I can get all of them."
"Dude..." that deep baritone said softly, "I'm thinking we should have left this one alone…she's creeping ME out a bit..."
"Hey, I heard that!" Kagome grumbled, as she started her search again, only this time much slower.
She could feel the two 'men' following her; their energy danced along her senses. She wasn't as proficient with her powers as her sister was; but she was gifted enough that she didn't need to see either of them to know that both were demons... powerful ones.
She had always felt the soft buzz of demonic power coming from the forest; and in the last couple of years… there had been three distinct energies that she could sense whenever she visited her half-brother Souta and his mother, whose apartment was near the mountain forest.
She recognized these two energies easily as two of the three powerful demons who called the forest home. The third she could barely sense somewhere further off…almost on the other side of the mountain.
Neither demon spoke as she moved through the construction site; instead the two just followed her, like silent shadows.
After what felt like ages, Kagome finally spotted the thrice damned file. Only, it wasn't 'on' a piece of machinery...it was freaking inside, sitting on the driver's seat.
Swearing a blue streak that would have made a sailor blush; Kagome gritted her teeth and climbed up onto the bulldozer, her leg and hand throbbed painfully with each movement.
She snatched up the file and shoved it into the messenger bag that doubled as her purse/briefcase.
As she turned, the world seemed to tilt and spin.
Yusuke watched as the woman climbed up onto the bulldozer, leaving smears of blood in her wake. He blinked at that... she was losing an awful lot of blood...
As if on cue; the woman turned and swayed... stumbling as her injured leg gave out under her.
Kagome felt herself falling, she braced herself for an impact with the hard unyielding ground. Only, it wasn't dirt she collided with…. But rather something solid and warm; strong arms wrapped around her, cushioning her fall even as the scent of pine fill her head.
"Damn you are a klutz," the deep rich baritone stated, his warm breath caressing her ear. Kagome swallowed and glanced up at her rescuer.
His face was cast in shadows, obscuring his features; only his eyes were visible, reflecting what little light there was like a cats.
"I told you so," she said softly, feeling a blush spread across her face, "thank you for catching me..."
The demon snorted and set her gently back on the ground. Kagome pushed away from him; only to have everything spin once more.
"Hey, are you ok?" The demon asked, a note of concern creeping into his deep voice as he steadied her again. Kagome blinked several times; very glad for the demon's hold on her... everything seemed to be spinning.
"Honestly," she croaked closing her eyes, "no... everything is spinning.."
"She's lost to much blood," the velvety voice stated from behind her, "she must have injured herself worse than we thought..."
"Yaaay for Captain Obvious..." Kagome muttered, feeling sick to her stomach. Plus she was so tired... tired of Kikyo, tired of InuYasha, tired of her mother, tired of never being good enough, of always being compared to her sister...she was just fucking...tired...
"Damn..." she mumbled, her voice slurring slightly, "would you two be so kind as to take me back to my car, please? I think my phone is there...need to call an ambulance..."
Yusuke caught the strange woman as she collapsed; out cold. He glanced at Kurama.
"Ok..." he muttered, "Sooo not how I expected that encounter to go. Now what?"
Kurama moved forward and took the woman's hand. The cloth strip she had wrapped around it was soaked with blood. The gash on her palm was deep; it looked like someone had taken a knife and sliced the meat of her palm from forefinger to wrist.
Her knee was little better; they could see white bone in the gash on her kneecap.
"Damn..." Yusuke breathed, "What the hell did she fall on?"
"A piece of metal no doubt," Kurama replied, "bring her to the tree line, we need to stop the bleeding."
Yusuke slide his arm under her knees and easily lifted her slight form... the girl barely weighted anything at all.
Kurama disappeared into the forest for a moment then returned carrying a handful of silvery spider webs.
"This will help staunch the bleeding," Kurama replied to his friend's unspoken question. "And this..." he continued, placing petals of some kind on the wounds, "it will draw out any poison within the wound and help prevent infection."
Next, the wound was wrapped tightly; the fibrous leaf the kitsune used making an excellent bandage.
"Now what?" Yusuke asked again, glancing down at the young woman's face.
"Do as she asked and return her to her car," the older demon replied with a shrug, "if her phone is indeed there then we can call the paramedics".
Kagome could feel herself moving; though the sensation felt strange... She was warm and the pleasant scent of pine had her trying to curl closer to the warmth.
A deep chuckle made her blink and look up; the face was still in shadow though now she could make out the smooth line of a jaw, and the outline of lips curled in a smirk, and the dark streak of some sort of facial marking.
"Awake?" Her rescuer asked, his voice rumbling deep in his chest. She shivered at the sound.
The arms around her tightened slightly, pressing her closer to his warmth and that tantalizing scent she was becoming so fond of.
"Cold?" He asked.
She shook her head, letting her head relax against his chest. She could feel his demonic energy buzzing softly against her own; it was somehow... comforting. How odd that she felt so comfortable and...safe within this demons embrace...
Yusuke glanced down at the petite woman who blinked sleepily up at him.
"Hang on," he told her, as he leapt down toward the vehicle below them. Thin, soft arms clutched at him for a moment as they fell. He grinned, enjoying the feel of her in his arms far more then he should.
He shifted his hold on her; moving her slightly higher so he could move easier.
Her nose seemed to burrow into his neck for a moment.
"You smell good, demon," she said softly, her breath caressing his sensitive skin. Yusuke shivered, his knees going weak at the pleasure that small action caused.
Wait…what did she say?
Kagome clutched at the demon's bare chest as he seemed to stumble for a moment at her words.
He glanced sharply down at her, cat-like eyes glinting in the dark;
"How the hell do you know what I am?" he growled. Kagome blinked sleepily and smiled.
"Your energy…" she replied, gently hovering her hand over his chest, feeling their auras flare against each other. "I could always sense it on this mountain….It feels different…." She smiled, "feels good…"
Yusuke could barely breathe as her energy rose, so similar to the miko who was trying to force them from the mountain. Yet unlike the miko, this woman's energy wasn't painful. It slide along his own, both warm and cool at the same time; comforting and refreshing.
He bit down on his tongue has she nuzzled his neck again,
"...injured and delusional...you will behave... she's injured and delusional..." he said softly; trying to remind himself to behave.
Kagome smirked at the barely audible chant; though she had to admit…she did feel a little drunk...
She breathed in another deep breath; she just couldn't get over how good he smelled... she wondered, would he taste as good as he smelled?
Yusuke nearly missed a step as she softly speculated at his taste; not realizing she has spoken the thought aloud.
However, the warm wet tongue that gently slid along his throat was nearly his undoing.
His body jerked, whether in surprise or pleasure he wasn't sure; though he suspected both…
Before he could form a response, the woman seemed to purr in delight; then sharp, delicious pain coupled with pleasure shot through him as dull human teeth nipped right above his pulse.
His mind seemed to short circuit for a moment; his hand barely coming up in time to catch them against the hood of her car.
Kurama turned, eyes wide at the dull thud of his friend hitting the car. Dark eyes rose to look at him; they flickered with demonic rage...no...not rage, lust.
"Take her..." Yusuke growled, practically shoving the woman into his arms, "before I do something stupid..."
Kagome whimpered as she was shoved away from her safe pine scented shelter... the warmth returned, but instead of the now familiar pine scent... the subtle scent of roses and forest filled her head.
"Mmmm you smell good too," she murmured as she felt someone lay her back against a soft but firm surface.
Another chuckle, only this one softer and throatier then the other.
"Thank you," the velvety voice of the second demon purred, "you have a lovely scent as well..."
Kagome grinned and forced her eyes open; she blinked lazily at the demon, trying to get her eyes to focus.
He was silhouetted against the city lights; though she could just make out silvery hair and triangular ears atop his head. Her heart did a painful flip flop in her chest
"InuYasha?" She said softly, dread forming in her stomach. What the hell was he doing here? That meant Kikyo was nearby...
"I am not a pathetic dog!" The figure in front of her snarled, rearing back slightly in fury. "I am a kitsune, a fox…"
"Oh thank goodness..." she whispered, breathing a deep sigh of relief, "he's such an ass..."
Kurama blinked, taken aback by her words.
"Nice to know I'm not the only one she managed to stun speechless..." Yusuke muttered, than hearing the 911 operator ask him another question... he turned back to the phone conversation.
Kurama smiled and shook his head at the woman, "you certainly are an odd woman..." he said softly.
For a moment she was silent, her brow furrowed as her tired mind tried to decipher what he said...
"I'm not odd..." she huffed, "I don't care how cute his ears are... he's always mean and nasty to me, calling me names...I hope you guys beat the shit out of both them."
Kurama blinked at her in confusion for a moment; then laughed as he realized she had misunderstood him, though he was curious as to who 'both of them' were.
"You misunderstand me," he said softly, "I meant it is odd that you are not frightened of us."
"Why would I be?" She replied around a yawn and gave him a sweet sleepy smile, "you've been nice to me... well other than laughing when I fell down...that wasn't nice at all.."
"No, I suppose not," he agreed, with a grin, "but we are demons...we're not nice... and most are scared of us because of that."
Kurama felt his eyes widen as the woman laughed at his words,
"Feh..." she snorted, waving away his words, " demons don't bother me, I'm pretty sure I work for one," she paused for a moment, then shook her head, "you two are far better company then Kikyo and InuYasha….I'd pick you over them any day….
"Ambulance is on their way," Yusuke stated, coming back around the vehicle to stand next to Kurama.
Kagome blinked as the other demon came back into her line of sight again. Once more, he was obscured with shadow; but she could clearly see the silhouette of his lithe frame, the small amount of light seemed to make his skin glow silvery. His long black hair shifted as he moved, looking unruly and wild as it curled around the backs of his knees and seemed to blend into the shadows around him.
"What are your names?" she asked, her eyelids getting heavy.
"Here comes the ambulance.." Yusuke said, seeming to ignore her question, "we should leave..."
Kurama tucked a lock of inky black hair behind the girl's ear and sighed wistfully; the girl's breathing had already deepened in slumber.
"I know..." he agreed. He leaned close to the woman rubbing his cheek along hers in an affectionate kitsune farewell. Then he turned and moved around the vehicle, back towards the construction site and his forest.
Yusuke lingered a moment longer; the ambulance would be there any minute. He needed to leave… this was just another person to remove from the demon infested forest.
Yet… he hesitated.
He knew all the reasons why he should… all the reasons why becoming attached to a human was stupid. After all, look at how things had turned out with Keiko. She hadn't been able to handle all the danger associated with him.
He shook his head at his thoughts; turning to walk away. He barely knew this woman; he had only been in her presence for perhaps an hour… so it was impossible to have become attached to her. No matter how attractive she was; or how much his body lusted after her…or how much she didn't seem to mind that he was a demon...
Despite his intentions; he found himself moving back to kneel before her. He wanted to give her his name.
Regardless of having only known her for a very short amount of time… he found that he was reluctant to leave her. He rather liked her quirky, fiery attitude. He liked the feel of her curled up in his arms. He liked her smell, the clean fresh scent of citrus with just a hint of snow.
If he was a normal human, with normal human problems…he wouldn't be second guessing himself about making a pass at an obviously attractive woman.
Sure, tonight she looked up at him with those big brown eyes like he was some kind of hero. Would she react the same way when she wasn't loopy with pain and blood-loss?
"Hell," he muttered, knowing what he was about to do was ten kinds of stupid; but, he wanted to pretend for just a minute…
He leaned forward, pressing a soft chaste kiss to her lips
"My name is Yusuke..." he whispered, knowing that she would probably never recall his name in her unconscious state; and later, when she woke, she would probably be horrified to know that she had be held by a demon.
A smile curled her soft, rose petal lips as she muttered something unintelligently under her breath.
Flashing lights wrenched his attention away from the young woman. He had stayed to long. Oh well...yet another sighting of one of the elusive demons of the Silver Forest.
The EMT slammed on the breaks as he saw the dark figure standing by an open car door. Caught in the glow of the ambulance headlights; the driver could clearly see the purple markings swirling across the man's chest and arms. His long wild, dark hair seemed to melt into the shadows behind him.
Reflective eyes glowed as the figure gave him a cocky smirk and leap up, inhumanly high, to disappear back into the shadows of the construction site.
Alrighty folks, that's the first chapter of what will probably be a five chapter fic. I've already got it typed up and finished; now it's just a matter of editing it and uploading it. So let me know what you think... much love. and as always REVIEW!