Blanket Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inu-Yasha, but I sure am glad someone(+) created them! Imagine a world without them.. T.T.

By Illianbo

{Chapter One}

Kagome stared at the blood red hair spilling over the pillow and trickling over a bare, muscled back. Then, eyes drifting lower, at the sheets tangled around his hips.

The same sheets she was clutching to her chest.

I… Her mind went blank. Looking down, the heavy emerald green duvet under her fingertips was unfamiliar as well. Where am I…? She looked up, her head throbbing with the possibilities and one helluva hangover. His bedroom door was wide open, and her eyes followed a trail of clothing leading from the sides of the bed all the way across the living room to the main entrance. At least they remembered to shut the door, she thought distantly, unable to take it in.

Then, staring at it, a memory sparked.

Her back connected with the door, and his calloused hands wrapped around her wrists, pushing them against the wood on either side of her head. Hot, feverish kisses danced along her throat and shoulders, her head thrown back, groaning, and flexing her fingers trying to touch him. Instead, her leg looped around his hips and she pulled him tight against her. He made a noise of approval deep in his throat, their lips reunited. Something sharp pinching her lips before warm metallic seeped in to her mouth. She didn't care, breaking his hold and tangling her hands in his hair. They stumbled further in to the apartment, until she pushed him against another wall, accidentally knocking down something and it crashing to the floor.

Her eyes sought the proof with a frantically beating heart, staring at the upside down picture of a group of smiling people lying innocently on the floor, the glass cracked from it's undignified fall from grace.

Mouth working uselessly for a few long moments as more scattered imaged reunited in her mind like a half-remembered dream- More faces and sounds and touches, clashing together until finally she squeezed her eyes shut. Kagome pressed fingertips against her aching temples, ignoring the heat gathering in her face. I had sex with him. She couldn't remember exactly, but why else would they wake up naked? Sex with… The words echoed in her mind, until another groan threatened to rip itself from her throat. I'm never drinking with those three again, she thought darkly. Eri, Ayumi, and Yuka had officially joined her hitlist. Why did they let a stranger take her home for chrissake?

They had been celebrating Yuka's raise last night, going to a bar close to her work for drinks. Dancing, too, and then… red hair and a charming smile flitted through her mind. And a warm, teasing mouth slightly clumsy from alcohol. The sound of the noisy bar quickly fading into quiet streets, then rushing up several stairways, giving chase until she had been captured. And she remembered expert fingers ghosting under her dress to paradise. Then more when he-

She attempted to shove to images from her mind, before stopping herself. Waitaminute. Kagome felt her stomach turn slightly. She didn't even know his name. And if she had, she didn't remember it now.

Opening her eyes a crack, Kagome glanced at the handsome stranger sleeping soundly beside her before shaking her head, blushing deeply.

No, and she didn't want to know.

She was probably just another notch on the bedpost to a guy like this.