![]() Author has written 6 stories for House, M.D., and Star Trek: 2009. Hi and thanks for visiting my profile! - NOTE: this info is very, very outdated. I'm just too lazy to update, for now :D - I have a humble past of writing (nothing serious) but I'm quite a newbie in the world of fanfics. I used to read several Harry Potter and lots of House, M.D. fics, plus lately quite a lot about my beloved Mr. Spock :) My major issue is the House/Cameron relationship (aka. Hameron), but I also like the House/Wilson friendship (no slash!) very much. I just love how these three interact and the effect they have on each other. I prefer the first three seasons, even though there are some undeniable highlights in s05-06 as well. (Yes, I think of Lucas Douglas. :D Luddy YAY! :D) But for me, “Cameron” means the s01 Cameron. She always had depths, so much more than meets the eye. If it had been on me, I’d have made the character develop in a different direction: less shallow and much less phlegm. I am also able to hate House from time to time. :) But I see him like Cameron does: not suspecting anything that isn’t there, but fully understanding the reasons. I think I’m supposed to add that Chase isn’t one of my favorites; therefore I often picture him as a slightly simple, childish character, but nothing disrespectful, as I don’t like hurting or embarrassing anyone. :) I just wanted to warn you and apologize if you happen to be a fool for him. :) I don’t think I’ll ever include members of the new team in my writing. (Sorry guys, no Camteen slash! :P) Neither of them managed to convince me they were real characters. I usually don’t even remember their scenes a day after watching an ep. Sad but true. - I used to love the Writers for giving me Cameron. Now I loathe them for taking her away. Support Jen! - As you surely noticed, I’m not a native English speaker and I’ll never be. Too bad for my future plans. :) That’s why I used to try especially hard to concentrate on my grammar and expressions. Maybe I should find a native beta, but I’m completely satisfied with my current one, my dear friend ~Vicodin-addict117, so I neither want to dump her or just hurt her by getting someone to control her work, just because she's not a native either. She's perfect and helps me so much, no need for a change. :) I tried to write HMD in my mother language, but since I watch the show in English and I also read fics in English, I failed miserably after one sentence. :) That’s why I decided to risk and start writing in English for the first time in my life. One reason for this was my very favorite author, the fabulous ~EnchantedApril. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to be a brown-noser, but she can picture the relationship between the two just the way it gets right to my heart. Her writing keeps helping me through the lowest times. I’ll be grateful to the grave. Until now, I think, I’m better in dialogues and interactions than describing places or people. I pay extra attention to keep everyone in character, because I find it so much more fun to read something bittersweet but House-like than something extremely lame or fluffy. A snarky slip-up can be more heart-warming than a sappy and out-of-place confession. Of course we don’t know how House would behave in a happy relationship, so we authors have a bit of elbow-room without being accused with OOC-ness! :) I think there’s no need for too much personal info here. They’re irrelevant, as House would say. :) But here’s just some random stuff; and if, for some reason, you’d like to know more, don’t hesitate to contact me! I’m quite an open person (at least when there is no risk, like in a “virtual”, on-line contact ;) ), so I won’t leave anyone without an answer, even if maybe I’ll be a bit of a slow writer. :) Thanks for reading and here's the "random stuff". Like: Queen (the band, not Her Majesty), nature, music, solitude, water in every possible form (except in my beer), cats, sport (motor)bikes, gothic cathedrals, drums, my job, warmth, traveling, Chopin, chocolate, Apple products, TheSims2-3, hanging out without the threat of seriousness :) Dislike: violence, indignity, weak people, political or religious fanatism and extremes, stupidity, sports, spiders and casuars (but let them live please), things and people important for me being depreciated. UPDATE: Now I'm a Spock/Uhura shipper, too, from Star Trek 2009! Recommended for Hamerons (suppressed emotions, "let me in" etc.) ;) They keep telling me to get a life. But why bother with one when my imagination provides me endless horizons? "Music lights this flame in me "All change is bad." |