A/N - Hi all! Well, this story idea has been floating around in my head and on my computer for a looooong time, so I thought I'd better get it online before I lost interest. I've always wanted to write a House/Cam AU teacher/student fic and after reading several, I finally decided to write one of my own. It's going to be romantic and fun with hints of drama and generally just a story about how you can't help who you fall in love with. I'm a few chapters ahead of myself, so for now, updates will be fairly regular. I hope you enjoy it. Please review to tell me what you think!

Chapter One

After walking past several bars and clubs filled with students on a Friday night, House finally slipped in to an empty hole-in-the-wall bar, tucked away from the noise of bad club music and drunken students. The bar seemed pretty empty – a few old guys playing cards and drinking ale, a middle aged couple sitting at the bar and a younger woman playing pool near the back of the room. Soft blues music whistled through the bar and House smiled to himself.

He sat down at the bar and ordered a beer. Then he glanced over at the pool table at the back of the room where the young woman playing pool caught his eye.

She had long brown hair, with a natural wave in it, slim fitting jeans and plain white t-shirt. House couldn't help but allow his eyes to look her slim body up and down as she leaned over the table.

When she stood up and moved around the table, she pushed her hair back with her fingers, and House noticed her small pink lips, smooth skin and shiny green eyes. She wore little make-up, but looked beautiful.

He couldn't take his eyes off her.

She must have felt his eyes on hers because she glanced up as she chalked her cue.

"Is there a problem?" she asked with a small smirk.

House smiled and moved to the end bar stool, nearest the pool table.

"No, not a problem, it's just your aim is all wrong,"

The woman bent at the waist again to line up her shot, her eyes flicking back to his.

"Oh really?" she said.

"Yeah, you want to aim a little lower on the cue ball, so when it hits the target ball, it will screw back rather than following through,"

She stood up again and smiled at him. "What are you, some kind of pool expert?" she teased.

House grinned and sipped his beer. "Something like that,"

"Okay, come on then, tough guy," she said and pulled another cue off stand "Rack 'em up,"

House grinned, and took another swig of his beer before slipping off his jacket and lying it across the back of the bar stool.

"I'm Allison, by the way," she said and stuck out her right hand, a small smile on her face.

He took her hand, feeling her smooth skin against his. Their eyes locked as he replied, "Greg,"

House broke off in a flourish, sending balls everywhere. Allison raised her eyebrows at him and he just wiggled his in return, making her laugh.

House instantly started potting the striped balls, sinking them into each pocket with ease.

When it was her turn, House decided to be bold. He rested his cue against the side and stood behind her.

"Let me help," he said and carefully placed his arms around her, one resting on her hand on the table, and the other resting over her hand at the back of the cue.

Allison tried not to gasp as she felt his body so close to hers, his warm chest pressed to her back. He obviously worked out as she could tell by the muscles rippling beneath his band t-shirt. He smelt amazing too – like Old Spice and soap.

House could feel her tense as he stood so close, his face just to the side of hers. He could smell the honey and almond in her hair and part of him wanted to lean down and taste the skin of her neck.

"Relax," he whispered into her ear and she smiled.

Then, by carefully guiding her hands, House showed her how to ease the ball into the pocket. Then House moved away from her, immediately feeling the cool with her back no longer pressed to his chest.

Allison turned round to face him. "Do you always give pool tips to strangers in bars?"

House grinned, "Just the pretty ones," he said and took another swig of his drink, his eyes never leaving hers.

House felt a connection with this young woman, something which rarely happened when he met women. With Allison, she was sarcastic and funny and not afraid to tease him back. She didn't seem like a woman who threw herself at men or begged for attention, or felt the need to dress up like a hooker and plaster herself with make-up to look attractive. She was just naturally beautiful and he liked that.

"Can I buy you a drink then for being a good loser?" asked House once he'd won the game.

Allison laughed, "Sure,"

She took a stool next to him at the far end of the bar and ordered a beer.

House swivelled in his stool so he could face her.

"So why is a pretty girl like you playing pool by herself on a Friday night?"

Allison smiled and blushed at his compliment. House decided she looked even more beautiful when she smiled like that.

"Not many of my friends know about this place," she said gazing around "I like it here – it's quiet. I can just escape here when I need to."

House nodded. He understood that. Sometimes it was just nice to have somewhere of your own.

"I haven't seen you in here before," said Allison, looking up at him.

When she was this close, she could really take in his face - gorgeous crystal blue eyes, small wrinkle lines around his eyes, a few days worth of scruff on his face and a cute shy smile. He was a very sexy man, but at least 10 years older than her, if not more.

"I used to come here all the time, but I just haven't been in a while I guess,"

Allison sipped her drink and then stood up. Her hips swayed sexily as she walked over to the juke box and chose a song.

House smiled as he heard the opening chords to 'Wild Horses' by The Rolling Stones. Allison sat back down and took a swig of her drink, her eyes on his.

"I love this song," said House quietly, letting Mick Jagger's voice wash over him. He knew now that every time he heard this song it would remind him of Allison.

She grinned. "So do I,"

They spent the next hour or so talking about music and films and books. They actually had quite a lot in common, sharing a love of The Rolling Stones and The Who and the blues; Harrison Ford movies and Monty Python comedy.

Eventually, it got late and the pair got kicked out of the bar by the owner.

Outside the bar, they stood on the sidewalk together, unsure how to end their evening.

"I had a really nice time tonight," said Allison, looking up at him. He looked very sexy under the light of the streetlamps. "Thank you for keeping me company,"

"You're welcome," said House, shifting a little closer towards her.

It was then he realised that he didn't want this night to end. Allison had brought sunshine to his gloomy week and House was utterly intrigued by this beautiful woman. He wanted to see her again.

"Am I going to get to see you again?" he asked, looking down at her.

Just as her cab pulled up, Allison slipped a small piece of paper into the breast pocket on his shirt, a grin on her face.

"If you give me a call you will," she said with a flirty smile.

"You still suck at pool," he whispered.

Allison laughed. "Shut up,"

Then she stretched up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his scruffy cheek, her lips just lingering a little longer than necessary. Then she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and hugged him. House had never really been a hugger, but he immediately wrapped his arms around Allison's slim waist, his face pressing into her neck and smelling her gorgeous perfume.

Then the cab driver behind them beeped his horn impatiently.

House whipped his head round and glared at the driver. "A little busy here!" he yelled, signalling towards Allison.

She laughed and pulled away from his warm arms. She placed her hand on his cheek, and smiled.

"Call me," she said.

House watched as she climbed into the back of the cab and it slowly pulled away into the night.

He couldn't help but smile to himself and gently run his fingers over his cheek, still feeling her warm lips on his skin.

Never before had House met a woman in a bar who he felt something for almost instantly. And it wasn't purely sexual – of course, she was a beautiful young woman and he was only human, but he liked her sense of humour and her laugh and her music taste. All he knew was that he had to see Allison again.