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![]() Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. I'm guessing that if you're here, you either want to know more about me or you just clicked in here by accident. Hopefully it's the first one. Sooo... What now? Oh right! Name: I used to put my name here but after some people from my school came to me screaming "Hey, I read your stories on fanfiction" I found it flattering but majorly embarrassing and awkward. So from now on, call me either Lilli or by my author name, although it's kinda long. Gender: Hint-I own a bra. Several ones. And skirts. (seriously if you hadn't figured it out by now...Oo") Sexual orientation: I was Bi until recently, even had a girlfriend, but I decided I'm straight shortly after I got together with my current boyfriend. But to be clear on this, I support gay people to death! _ Looks: Ummm...My looks are okay. I have long curly black-purple hair with bright brown eyes. Umm... I'm naturally tanned... I'm pretty tall... 5'8 I think..I'm thin, but not skinny, I have meat on my bones, and I love it! Besides, I'm the only one that's not flat chested among my friends!! Ummmm what else? Favorite music: Rock, Metal , Rap and hip hop. sometimes R&B. Rock'N'Roll Baby! (I also like sometimes to hear pop music, not all of the pop artists are crap.) Favorite rock band/s: Breaking Benjamin, Nightwish, Iron maiden, Trapt, BFMV, Linkin park, Enter Shikari, Lostprophets, Metallica, Avenged sevenfold, Papa roach. Favorite actor: Uhhh... Johnny Depp (He rocks!) Heath ledger! (I think that's how you write his name) Such a shame he died... Favorite actress: I think Angelina Jolie although I have more...err Favorite T.V. series: House M.D. Love it! How I Met Your Mother! Ummm Heroes, Prison break and Dexter were okay. I absolutely adore That 70's Show! It's so fuckin' funny! Chuck!!! Favorite anime: I think... Naruto (Of course) , Bleach, Inuyasha, Junjou Romantica and Bokura ga ita (I cried when I saw that one, and I'm not a very sensitive person so... yeah..) There are plenty others but do you really want me to write the whole damn list? Didn't think so. Favorite Yaoi couples: (I'll write it from to bottom, top is most favorite) Naruto: ItaNaru. simple as that. ShikaKiba. What?! They look good together! IruKaka. I would never put one of them with Gai-Sensei. No. Freakin'. Way. DeidaSaso- They're are perfect for each other, although I can't understand how Sasori can put up with Deidara. Oh well...He's dead now anyways... Still HOT though. NejiLee/ GaaLee- I know this may come as a surprise but I actually think Lee's not half bad. I mean if you wax his eyebrows and fix his hair, he can be quite good looking. Think about it...He even looks good in those green spandex and trust me, no one looks good in spandex! Bleach: IchiRen- They are so much alike yet different, they're perfect. GrimmIchi- HAWT!! HichiXIchigo- OMG... -nosebleed- ByakuRen. I don' know... They just make sense. IshiIchi. I just like them...especially when Ichigo drives Ishida crazy... Hehe... Ikkaku & Yumichika. they spend way too much time together you have to suspect... Inuyasha: SeshoInu.I know, they're half brothers and all, but come on, they are soooooo hot together. InuKoga. Let's forget Kagome... Favorite straight couples: Naruto: KibaHina. Again, have no idea why, just do. ShikaTema. ChoujiIno. Bleach: Urahara & Yuroichi. Rukia &Renji/ Rukia & Ichigo. Byakuya & Rukia. They don't have an actual blood relation so it's okay. (Although I have noting against incest.) Inuyasha: InuKago. I hate Kikyo... SesshoKagu. KougaAya. Ummm... I can say I like MiroSango, but not that much... All time hated characters: Sakura!! ARGG!! I hate her so much!! First she likes Sasuke and interferes, now she likes Naruto, and guess what? Still interfering!! and she's so useless! Orihime (Bleach)... UGGHH... She's sooo...Bleh. I don't know,I just can't stand her. At all!! Kikyo(Inuyasha) GOD, just die already!! How many times do you need to kill her before she's dead?! Yuuki (vampire knight) I found her annoying for one reason basically ; She. Is. Fucking. Impossible. I mean, come on! She's so fragile and hurt and she wouldn't stop crying...Gahh!! You know, I just realized I seem to hate most of the female main characters...What?! It's not my fault that most of the time they are useless and whiny!! I heard a couple of people say they like the English version of Naruto better and I just can't understand them at all. I think it was darkalbino that wrote "The English version of Naruto makes me want to shove scissors into my ears" And I couldn't agree more. Here in Israel, they made a Hebrew dub of Naruto and it was fairly okay mainly because they didn't screw up their names like in the English dub and they didn't edit the kiss... But still, Japanese is the best!! Well guys, I'm still new at this so don't kill me , and since I don't use English that much I might have some grammar mistakes here and there... But I hope you'll enjoy my stories and if you do, tell me!! I need encouragement!! What I think about...: Yaoi: Well, no argues here, I simply love it! I was hiding the fact that I like reading\watching\writing boyXboy from my friends, but one day I just thought 'What the heck' and told them about it. And you know what? I found out that one of my friends likes it too! I was so happy I had her help me with one of the oneshots I'm writing right now. She's awesome, I love you kit! Yuri: I'm on-off about it since I really liked it before I became a hard core Yaoi fan, but I don't mind it as a side pairing. Incest: Sigh... I heard my family talk about some guy they knew who was in love with his sister. They said it was gross and unnatural and sinful. I don't think it's like that. Sure, it's not normal to fall for a family member, but gross and sinful? Those people are in love, and I'm sure they didn't plan to fall for each other, it just happens sometimes. You can't choose who you fall for, and they are not at fault that their love interest seems so wrong to other people. If any of my friends\family came to me one day and told me they were in love with their sister\brother I will support them and do what ever I can to make them see that they are not some weirdos. -sigh- that's it I have noting else to say about this. Hetero: Look, I know I'm straight and all, but that doesn't mean I like to read about het couples. I don't know why but reading about it is just not as appealing as Yaoi to me. In movies, okay, and as long as it's not M rated, what the heck, I'll read, but hetero sex doesn't do that to me. Things that sometimes annoy me that I see in Fanfiction.Net...: Bad grammar: Hey, I know that my grammar is not that good, but I'm referring to really REALLY bad grammar! I admire people whose English is not that great and still manage to write a decent story, but there has to a line! I once saw a fic that was written so badly, something along this lines: "He put hiz dik in his but and moned, thi other writhin in plesure." ... point cleared. And that brings me to my next topic, explicit description: People! If you are not comfortable with using the words "cock" or "penis" or whatever, don't use them! You can say "erection" or "manhood" or whatever else, but seeing someone writing "his little friend" referring to someone's penis is weird and not suitable for fiction language. And if it still bothers you, I don't understand why you'd even go through the trouble of writing something you're not uncomfortable with, it's perfectly understandable! Not everyone were born with perverted minds (like mine ) Character Bashing: It's okay for you to hate a certain character, and I myself admit I enjoy Sakura bashing sometimes, but there has to be a red line! Putting someone as the ultimate whore\slut\bitch is immature and out of place. That's it for now. -sigh- wow that really relived me. May 1st, 2009 Hey guys, Umm, I uploaded some drawing of mine to my account on deviant art and I would like you to tell me what you think... Wish You Were Here With Me ~Naruto FanArt~ : http:///art/Wish-You-Were-Here-With-Me-121078853 Sexy And You Know It ~Naruto FanArt~: http:///art/Sexy-And-You-Know-It-121081714 Thanx!! I hope you all enjoyed reading my profile and be sure to read my stories and tell me what you think!! |