Author has written 11 stories for Naruto.
Hello. Let me explain. There is this strange thing at that doesn't let you correct your stories once you reach a sort of maximum. I reached it, and now I have to make sure my stories are perfectly well-written before I go on. Of course they're not, so I am going to need more time to correct them.
I also haven't written anything worth uploading, and half of what I wrote since last time was sort of lost in an accident.
I' sorry, it's a lame excuse, I know. Anyway, go read my favorite authors, go, go!!! And recommendations are always welcome, as you all know! I'm the same, just lazy and busy with school *groans*. I still wear kitty ears all the time, I still like pink, I still speak Spanish, I'm still really good at spoiling people, and I tend to procrastinate, still.
I also still love personality tests (feel free to send those to me!) and I daydream, yes, but not that much now that I'm writing again. More than a writer, I'm still an eager Naruto-related reader, though. Some things never change!
Birthday: February 6th.
DeviantArt link: Here.
Twitter: Cat Strawford.
Facebook: Catherine Strawford.
Likes: Uzumaki Naruto and kitty ears.
Dislikes: Orochimaru's death, plagiarism.
1) What you can expect of me:
- I won't leave a story incomplete, and if I do, it means I died. Anyone can freely continue it, but you'll have to use your own account, and give me credit. Yeah, and thanks by the way, for continuing it.
- If I say I'm updating whatever story on Monday 18, believe it. It will be up on Monday 18. Now, if something uncanny happens and it prevents me from uploading on Monday 18, I'll explain (probably on Tuesday 19) and choose another date. It's probable that if it happens, it does before the "due date" and not after.
2) About reviews:
- I have anonymous comments enabled. If someone reads my story, I don't want them to have to register just so that they can drop me a line!
- I'm a hopeless fan of sasunaru in fanfiction. I can't leave them, so I guess reviews of 'eww why sasunaru if it is a gay couple' or 'do you realize yaoi is boy on boy action' won't have their desired effect. Moving on.
3) About criticism:
I do appreciate if anyone takes the time. However I will never be able to write a story-response right away, because I usually write when I'm bored in class, and it takes me time. Please don't assume I'll be uploading something about it, but yes, I'll pay attention to what you say. Thank you in advance.
4) About this other fanfic that you read:
It would be great if someone recommended them to me! Though I cry when they're angsty, so please don't be sadistic.
5) Why I won't beta your story:
I'm not a native speaker. I make a lot of mistakes in my own stories, so please look for someone more qualified to beta your story. It will just be better.
Favorite Fanfic: Chasing Naruto, Spiral Falling & Broken.
Favorite Pairing: SasuNaru.
Favorite Genre: Romance/Humor. Warm and fuzzy feelings everywhere!
Favorite Anime: Cardcaptor Sakura, Ouran, Shippuuden, Kimi ni Todoke, Rozen Maiden, Tokyo Mew Mew.
Favorite Character: Shampoo, Sakura Kinomoto, Naruto Uzumaki, Li Syaoran, Suiseiseki, Ichigo Momomiya...
Inspiring Phrase: Everything will definitely be alright.
Manga.- I know nothing about manga. Well I downloaded Death Note. My inner Kira needed to know L's name. However I try to avoid reading any manga in the futile hope of not becoming an otaku, but well, I'm on the other side now. I just... don't speak Japanese that well.
1) I think he's really cute. In this inspiring way of saying the word 'cute.' Be honest, isn't he just cute!
2) And he's so sexy.
3) And he's so brave.
4) And though the databook may say whatnot, I think Naruto has this talent that can't be... 'measured' in numbers, or graphics.
5) I love his voice.
6) Naruto is a dream.
7) He looks like an angel, omg.
8) He's SO COOL!
9) His heart is so totally strong. He opens it for people, and changes them. He is this special person, with everyone he meets. I can't do that.
10) He is like, much more intelligent than everyone (except maybe Yondaime). Just come to think it. Ne?
Profile was updated on August, 2014. I'm still here, around, reading fanfics and stalking authors; writing you reviews, also. Heh. Anyway, thanks for reading.
Thank you very much for your reviews and, especially, your PMs. They make my day.