So I've been watching a lot of Kyou Kara Maou recently and love that Wolf and Yuuri accidentally got engaged. And then I was reminded of one of my favorite Firefly episodes where Mal accidentally gets married. And so I decided to write a Sasu/Naru based off of the idea of accidental marriages. The title is from Firefly and I will be using some of my favorite lines from the episode throughout the story (Bonus points for anyone who can find them). so on with the story... enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: Naruto, KKM and Firefly are not mine.

"We should be resting for the night, don't you think?" Suigetsu asked, slightly out of breath. "There could be robbers and stuff like that lurking around at night."

"You're not seriously scared of robbers, are you Suigetsu?" Karen scoffed.

"Shut up." Suigetsu growled at her.

"Both of you shut up. There's a village up ahead that we can stay at." Sasuke sighed. The two arguing teammates quieted and kept walking. They had just finished an easy mission, trying to gather information on a rival gang called 'the nine tails'. Unfortunately, no one knew anything about the group. Their group, Akatsuki, had been looking all over the country for anyone from the nine tails group. Sasuke had only recently joined so he wasn't really sure why they were after these guys, just that they wanted them dead.

"How much longer? You said up ahead like an hour ago." Suigetsu whined.

"Oh my god, Suigetsu, you are so annoying." Karren huffed.

"Seriously, if you two don't shut up I'm going to kill you." Sasuke growled.

"See, Suigetsu, you're annoying Sasuke-kun." Karen pointed at Suigetsu.

"Shut up, how do you know that you're not the one annoying him?" Suigetsu asked slapping her hand away.

"You think I'm kidding," Sasuke started.

"Sasuke." Juggo said. Sasuke stopped and looked at Juggo. He pointed further up the road at two little girls being hassled by three larger thugs.

"Leave us alone." One of the girls said.

"Oh come on, don't you want to play with us?" One of the thugs asked grabbing the girl's hair. The girl screamed.

"Stop it!" The other girl screamed but she was grabbed by the arm and lifted from the ground. "Let me go you bug bully!" She shouted kicking at the man holding her but her legs were too short.

"You're a feisty one, aren't you?" The man grinned.

"That seems unfair, doesn't it Juggo?" Sasuke asked calmly. The three men looked over to see Sasuke and Juggo standing a few feet away (Suigetsu and Karen had been left fighint in the road). "Three men picking on two little girls. Just seems wrong." Sasuke continued. Juggo nodded.

"Move along, gentlemen, this is no concern of yours." One of the thugs said waving them off. Sasuke sighed.

"I'll tell you politely. Let the girls go and be on your way." Sasuke said adjusting his robe so that he could grab his katana better. From the way these thugs looked, they wouldn't leave with just a polite warning.

"Really and what are you gonna do about it, little man?" The thugs laughed.

"Once more politely. Leave the girls alone and keep moving." Sasuke said calmly. One of the thugs started walking towards Sasuke.

"Ha!" Someone yelled before a blonde boy in an orange outfit dropped out of a tree and onto the thug's head, knocking him to the ground.

"The hell?" Sasuke asked taking a step back. The blonde kid jumped up from the thug on the ground and ran at the other two. The thug on the ground grabbed Sasuke's leg and threw him to the ground as well. "God damn it!" Sasuke shouted in pain before rolling to kick the thug in the head and jumping up. The two thugs standing had dropped the girls and started fighting with the blonde kid. The two girls were hiding behind a tree.

"You little brat!" One of the two thugs said to the blonde kid, taking a swing at him. The blonde just smiled cheekily and dodged the thug's fist grabbing his wrist and pulling him forward while kicking the thug in the gut. Sasuke jumped up to help the blonde kid while Juggo wrestled with the thug still on the ground. One of the thugs grabbed the blonde and held him so the other could hit him but Sasuke tackled the guy before anything happened. The blonde wrapped his leg around the thug's leg and tripped him. They each fought with a thug until Juggo had one in a head lock, the blonde had one hogtied on the ground and Sasuke had his foot on the thug's chest and his katana at his throat.

"We asked you nicely. Now leave or we will kill you." Sasuke said calmly but slightly out of breath from all the fighting.

"You thugs better beat it!" The blonde said letting go of the rope tying the thug and kicking him away so that he rolled a few feet on the ground. The three thugs got up and ran off. "You leave our village alone from now on, ya hear?!" The blond shouted after them.

"Naruto!" The two girls shouted as they ran out from their hiding spot. "Are you hurt? You were so brave." They said as they looked him over. Sasuke could see the boy had a busted lip and a black eye but not much damage otherwise. He and Juggo were just slightly dirty with a few scrapes. The blonde looked over at Sasuke and Juggo and smiled.

"Thanks for helping." He said cheerily. "I don't think I could have taken all three of those guys on." He added with a laugh.

"Sasuke-Kun!" Karen shouted as she and Suigetsu ran up. "Oh thank god, we saw those guys running buy and thought you might have been hurt."

"Nothing worth fussing over." Sasuke said.

"Your arm is bleeding." The blonde said grabbing Sasuke's arm and examining it.

"It's nothing." Sasuke said pulling his arm back.

"If you just come to the village, my Granny can bandage it up for you. I'm sure she'd be happy to after hearing you helped Moegi and Hanabi here." Naruto said patting the two girls' heads.

"Yes, Lady Tsunade is one of the greatest doctors in the contry." The red-headed girl said while the darker haired girl nodded. The blonde smiled.

"You guys must be traveling. You look tired." He said.

"We were hoping to find a place to stay in your village." Sasuke said. The blonde smiled and nodded.

"You can stay with me and my Granny. She'd be happy to have you." The blonde said. "I'm Naruto, by the way. Uzumaki Naruto." He smiled and stuck out his hand. Sasuke grimaced slightly at the dirt and blood on the boy's hand.

"Uchiha Sasuke." Sasuke said shaking the blonde's hand and then immediately wiping his dirtied hand on his pants.

"Well, follow me Uchiha-san." Naruto smiled as he took the two girls' hands and turned to walk towards the village. Sasuke nodded for his group to follow and they followed the blonde boy to his village. "Welcome to Konoha." Naruto smiled as they walked through the large gates. Sasuke calmly observed the small village. There were a lot of small houses with huge yards either filled with farm animals or vegetable gardens.

"Sure is small." Suigetsu commented.

"Rural, I would say." Karen said.

"Yeah, we do what we can to survive. Because we're one of the border villages the central cities have forgotten about us. But we get along well enough I'd say." Naruto smiled.

"Naruto-Sama!" A group of kids called from one of the gardens. Naruto waved as the two girls let go of his hands and ran to the other children. Most of the people they passed waved and called out to the blonde and he would return the wave and occasionally a kind greeting.

"Why do they call you Naruto-Sama?" Suigetsu asked.

"Oh, my Granny is the Hokage, that's the leader of our village." Naruto shrugged.

"So you're next in line?" Karen said.

"Not really. Hokages aren't based on lineage but more on strength and ability to protect the village. But a lot of the villagers think I'm next in line." Naruto smiled. "Ah, here we are." Naruto announced as they reached a large building in the middle of the village.

"Naruto, Lady Tsunade has been in a fit looking for you. Where have you been?" A pink haired girl asked as they walked into the building.

"Sorry, Sakura. I went out and found some thugs picking on Hinabi and Moegi. Then these guys helped me fight the thugs and now Sasuke is injured and I brought him to see Granny so she could bandage them up." Naruto explained as he ushered Sasuke and his group towards a hallway while avoiding getting too close to the pink haired girl.

"Where the hell have you been, Brat?!" A woman's voice came down the hall.

"Ah, sorry Granny, I was beating up some thugs." Naruto said scratching the back of his head. The blonde woman looked past the boy at the four people behind him. "Oh and this is Sasuke and his friends. They helped me but Sasuke got injured. Can you bandage him up?" Naruto asked presenting Sasuke's bloodied arm to the woman.

"Thugs, huh?" The woman asked.

"Yeah, there were three of them. They were picking on Hinabi and Moegi so I had to beat them up." Naruto said. The woman hit the blonde on the side of the head.

"What have I told you about picking fights, Naruto? One day you'll get into trouble and find someone you can't beat." The woman said.

"Yeah, yeah." Naruto hissed and rubbed his head. "These guys need a place to stay so I said they could stay with us." Naruto added. The woman took another swing at him, but he ducked.

"If it isn't one thing, it's another. How many times have I warned you about favors to strangers?" The woman asked.

"Probably about as many times as you've warned me about fighting." Naruto smiled. The woman punched him in the top of the head. "Ow! Granny that was hard!" Naruto shouted and rubbed the bump on his head. The woman looked from the blonde to the four visitors.

"You'll have to excuse the brat, he's somewhat of an idiot." She smiled.

"Hey!" Naruto shouted.

"I'm Tsunade. Welcome to my village." She greeted kindly. Sasuke nodded at her.

"I'm Uchiha Sasuke, this is Juggo, Suigetsu and Karen." Sasuke said pointing at the rest of his team. "We've been traveling for some time and we had hoped that we could stay in your village for the night." Sasuke said calmly.

"Of course. I'm sure there are many inns with rooms available." Tsunade nodded.

"Granny, I already told them that they could stay with us." Naruto said.

"Well why did you say that in the first place?" Tsunade snapped at him.

"Jeeze, you think you'd be grateful that these guys helped your adorable grandson, but no." Naruto huffed and crossed his arms across his chest.

"It's your own fault for getting into trouble in the first place." Tsunade told him. Naruto huffed and turned away from her.

"Most grandmothers worry about their cute little grandsons getting hurt, but I get stuck with this old hag. How's an adorable kid like me supposed to stay out of trouble? She's supposed to say 'thank god you saved my precious Naruto. I'm forever grateful. You can stay with me and my loveable little Naruto tonight as thanks.'" Naruto mumbled under his breath.

"Come this way, please." Tsunade motioned to Sasuke and his group, completely ignoring Naruto's muttering. Sasuke followed the older woman into a medical room. Sit over there and put your arm up on the counter while I get something to clean it up with." Tsunade pointed at a chair. Sasuke did as he was told. The cut on his arm had been worse than he had thought. One of the thugs apparently had cut him with a knife from what Tsunade had said. But she easily cleaned and stitched it up.

"Lady Tsunade," A man said coming into the room as Tsunade was bandaging Sasuke's arm. He looked at the four strangers and then at Tsunade. "The Danzo Gang has sent a message." He said. Tsunade nodded.

"I'll come as soon as I'm finished." She said flatly. She quickly finished Sasuke's bandage and stood up. "I have a matter to attend to. I will send Naruto here to take you to an inn." She said and left the room.

"Danzo?" Karen asked.

"He's helped Akatsuki out once or twice." Sasuke said. Karen nodded. They sat silently in the room for another minute before the door burst open.

"Sorry for making you wait." Naruto smiled brightly.

"It's fine." Sasuke answered. "Your grandmother said something about taking us to an inn." He said looking expectantly at the blonde boy. Naruto smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I was checking on rooms for you." Naruto said. "Unfortunately there's only two rooms available but you guys look like you're all friends so I didn't think you would mind sharing." He commented as he waved the group to follow him.

"I'm rooming with Sasuke!" Karen shouted excitedly.

"Yeah right, you'll rape him in his sleep." Suigetsu said.

"You can't rape the willing." Karen said.

"Like any man would ever be willing with you." Suigetsu threw back.

"There are plenty of men willing! Sasuke is just shy. Just wait till we get alone and then he'll..." The conversation died away as Suigetsu and Karen were once again left in the street arguing.

"Those two argue a lot." Naruto observed.

"Hn." Sasuke said.

"So what kind of travelers are you?" Naruto asked.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked looking over at the blonde.

"Well Konoha is pretty far out for a vacation. So you must be on business of some sort." Naruto said.

"We're looking for information." Sasuke said.

"Really? Information on what?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"It's nothing you would have heard of." Sasuke dismissed the boy.

"You'd be surprised what kind of things we've heard of around here." Naruto smirked.

"We're looking for a group called 'The Nine Tails.' Their leader goes by the name of Kyuubi." Sasuke said looking over at the blonde. Naruto shook his head.

"Haven't heard of them." He said. "Why are you looking for them? They owe you money or something?" Naruto asked watching Sasuke closely.

"Kyuubi killed my brother. When I find him, I'm going to kill him." Sasuke said.

"Wouldn't that make you just the same as him though?" Naruto asked. Sasuke looked over at the blonde who was smiling at him.

"Hn." He answered.

"Well, here we are." Naruto said pointing at a pitiful building with a sign that read 'Inn' halfway hanging over the front door. "It's nicer inside, I swear." Naruto laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

"Naruto!" the pink haired girl yelled as she ran down the street towards him.

"Oh, Sakura? What's wrong?" Naruto asked.

"Nothing! I've got great news!" Sakura smiled excitedly.

"Well?" Naruto asked impatiently.

"Those three thugs you beat up were from Danzo's gang. They went back to their hideout and told Danzo about those two (she pointed at Sasuke and Juggo) and Danzo sent a message of forfeit to Tsunade. He said that he was gonna leave and stop bothering us." Sakura smiled.

"What? Really?" Naruto laughed.

"Yeah, everyone's talking about it. Tsunade's throwing a huge celebration tonight in honor of you and our guests." Sakura nodded. "You're heroes." She smiled at Sasuke and Juggo.

"It wasn't anything. Really." Sasuke shook his head.

"No it's amazing. Danzo has been trying to undermine my Granny's control over this village and his gang is constantly raiding the village and killing our villagers to make them turn on my Granny. You guys really are heroes." Naruto smiled at them.

"Oh." Juggo said. Sasuke just nodded.

"You'll have to come to the celebration tonight." Naruto said excitedly. "The whole village gets together and there's lots of food and music and dancing." Naruto said putting his arm around Sasuke's shoulders and a hand on Juggo's shoulder since he was too tall to wrap his arm around.

"Hn." Sasuke shrugged the blonde off of him. "We can show up for a bit, but I'd rather just sleep." Naruto laughed and nodded.

"Right, right." He smiled. "I'll show you to your rooms and then we can all go to the celebration together." Naruto said excitedly as he lead Juggo and Sasuke into the inn. Sasuke was relieved that Naruto was right about it being nicer on the inside. Not that it was anything fancy, but definitely better than he had expected. It was clean, it had central air, a regular sized bath and soft beds, and that was all Sasuke needed to be happy at the moment. He was tired of sleeping in trees in the freezing cold and then having to take freezing cold baths in the dirty lakes and rivers.

"I'm taking a bath. You go get Suigetsu and Karen. Make sure Karen is in the other room." Sasuke told Juggo as he went into the bathroom and shut the door.

"Um, Uchiha-san." Naruto called. Sasuke turned and looked at him. "My grandmother will provide clothes for your group if you'd like for the inn to wash the clothes that you have."

"Sure." Sasuke said and went into the bathroom. Sasuke turned the warm water on and filled the tub before he got in. He sighed contently and relaxed as the water soaked his tired muscles. He made sure to keep his bandaged arm out of the water as he leisurely cleaned himself with the flowery smelling soap the inn had provided. He was in there for about ten minutes when there was a soft knock on the door.

"Uchiha-san?" Naruto called through the door. "I've brought some clean clothes for you." Sasuke sighed.

"Bring them in and you can take mine to be washed." Sasuke said. The door slowly opened and Naruto stepped in before shutting the door behind him. He looked at the floor the entire time as he gathered up Sasuke's clothes and set the new set down. Sasuke tried not to laugh at how red the boy was. Was he really that embarrassed? "Oh, and there aren't any towels in here. Do you think you can bring me one?" Sasuke asked.

"Uh, sure." Naruto nodded. Sasuke smiled and leaned on the edge of the tub, staring at the blushing blonde. There were towels handing on the rack a few feet away from Naruto's head, but the blonde was too preoccupied with staring at the floor that he hadn't noticed.

"And will you wash my back for me?" Sasuke asked. Naruto's head whipped up to stared wide-eyed at Sasuke.

"W-What?" Naruto almost shrieked. Sasuke was calmly smirking at him.

"Are you really that embarrassed to be in here?" Sasuke asked.

"Sorry." Naruto muttered before looking back at the floor. "I've never been in the same room with someone who was naked before." Naruto's blush deepened. "You don't really want me to wash your back, do you?" Naruto asked.

"No, I was just messing with you. I don't need any towels either." Sasuke said.

"Okay, then I'll just leave." Naruto said before bolting out of the room. Once he calmed himself he growled angrily and went to the laundry room. "That teme. Who the hell does he think he is, saying weird shit like that?" He huffed, throwing Sasuke's clothes into the laundry. "Who says that kind of stuff anyway? Is he some kind of pervert? The bastard." Naruto growled as he was walking down the street.

"Who?" Sakura asked from beside him.

"Holy shit, Sakura, you scared me." Naruto said clutching his chest over his heart.

"I was calling you, but you were so focused you didn't hear me." Sakura said poking Naruto's forehead. "Who were you muttering about?"

"That Uchiha guy. He's really weird." Naruto said with a frown.

"You know what's gonna happen now, right?" Sakura asked looking at him seriously. Naruto nodded.

"I guess the gods were smiling on us today, huh?" Naruto asked. Sakura nodded. "I need to go prepare for the celebration." Naruto smiled and waved as he ran off. Sakura sighed and shook her head.

"Even with this at your feet, you still act like a carefree child." Sakura smiled softly before she went towards her own house to get ready for the celebration. It was just after sunset that the celebration began. The whole city was lit up and everyone gathered in the center where they brought food and alcohol. A lot of people brought different instruments and were playing songs requested by other villagers. Everyone wanted to talk to Sasuke and Juggo and thank them for saving their village. Most of the men wanted a drink with the heroes. Sasuke had gotten pretty drunk about halfway through the celebration. A girl dressed in white came up and put a flower wreath on Sasuke and Juggo's head.

"What are these hats for?" Sasuke asked Juggo.

"It's part of the celebration." The girl smiled. Many girls came up to offer drinks to the two but they refused. Sasuke got up and found Naruto in the crowd.

"Oh thank god. I was getting tired of all those girls." Sasuke said. He saw Naruto had a cup of water. "Let me have a sip of this." Sasuke said taking the cup from Naruto.

"No!" Naruto shouted as Sasuke took a drink. Sasuke looked over to see Naruto staring at him with horror in his wide eyes.

"How fortunate, my precious grandson." Tsunade called as she walked over to them. She gave Naruto a firm look and he took a deep breath before smiling. Tsunade took a string and tied one end to Sasuke's wrist and the other end to Naruto's. The rest of the night was a blur to Sasuke. The next morning he woke up with a terrible hang over. He sat up in bed and started to rub his eyes when he felt a weight pulling on one of his arms. He saw a string tied to his wrist and followed the string to a tan wrist sticking out from under the blankets. Sasuke pulled the blankets back and found Naruto sleeping next to him.

"You! What the hell are you doing in my bed?" Sasuke asked with anger, hoping it would hide his embarrassment.

"Don't most married people sleep in the same bed?" Naruto mumbled sleepily.

"WHAT?!?!" Sasuke shrieked.

Chapter 1 is finished. Chapter 2 comming soon. REVIEW!!!!