Author has written 1 story for Naruto. ADD: A Demon's Desire. This is where I hang out now. I'll post all my chapters at this site first, allowing 2 - 3 days for them to pick over it and point out any errors. It's a great community for both Authors and readers, but if you want some honest, helpful, in-depth critique rather than endless platitudes, this is the place to be. See you there. http:///index.php Update, Sunday 7 Semptember, '08: lol, hai thar guise. I've been lazy. Anon. Review Replies (Mottainai) colin: GTFO, this is called Fan Fiction for a reason. Go to the bottom of my profile and read. DO NOT WANT silly complaints. anon: Enjoy lulz at Colin's expense, cheers for not being a nub. Noon6: Kakashi's only a mid S-Rank ninja, you have no idea how powerful upper S-Rank is, much less truly legendary figures, like the Sannin, for instance. Gogolu: Thanks! subpar: Cheers. Jason: Yup, hope you enjoy the future updates. CJ: There's going to be more 'scientific' scenes in the next chapter, related, but not about, chakra. I enjoyed writing it, so you'll most likely enjoy reading. Kudon: I do try. About me: I'm 16, male, and this is my first fanfic - Gray Skies Black. For all of you people foolishly hoping that I'll finish it, don't. It is a very rare occurance that any Author finishes their original story. Do not despair though, because I plan to write, and keep writing, until I'm able to create fiction of an equal quality to such Authors as: Calatrava, Daystar Clarion, Jbern, joe6991, lorddwar, LT2000, Mrriddler, MystikD109, Nonjon, sephodwyrm, Shezza88, Taliath, Tyrchon and Water Mage. I'm a fledgling Author, still learning to walk. My writing style feels... shaky, to me. Hopefully, through practical experience, I can forge it into something respectable and attain my above-mentioned goal. I am the quintessential geek... not! I can barely tolerate anime, and there's no way in hell I'll be watching it if it's in english. The only english anime I've ever watched and enjoyed was Dragon Ball Z and the original Pokemon series. I can still watch Dragon Ball Z and not cringe. Unlike some of you who no doubt watch anime series over and over and over again, I can only watch it maybe once a year, otherwise it's too fresh in my mind and I start to pick it apart, taking away all enjoyment and, ultimately, leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth. I do not like, nor will I ever, the Naruto anime - or manga for that matter. I find it completely ridiculous. Naruto fanfiction, on the other hand... If you want to chill, feel free to add me to msn, or this Myspace thing. I don't really know what I'm doing with it, not really interested in finding out, but I do have one and it looks fucking rad. Go me. Hotmail: lnorganicangel@ (That's an L at the beginning. So think 'LN'organicangel.) Myspace: /lnorganicangel (Same deal as above.) Reviews are tasty. I appreciate them. My Motivation: This has been questioned once or twice in reviews, and alot in PM's. To be truthful, outside of wanting to improve my writing skills, we have some excellent Author's in the Naruto section, and all of them have done Pro!Konoha Naruto, or he senselessly stays allied with them for one pathetic reason or another. Nothing wrong with Konoha!Naruto, by the way. LT2000's story has now, seemingly, broken away, with Naruto becoming a missing-nin. Another good fic is "New Cause," by MystikD109, but it was completed a long time ago and is lacking when placed next to his newer, un-updated "Bloody Whiskers." So, we have a lot of Konoha!Naruto, which are great to read, but the MissingNin!Naruto are pretty much all failures. If it's not one thing, it's another. Bad fight scenes, dialogue, filler chapters, spelling, or even sentence structure. They might start out well, and offer enough for you to continue reading, but you don't truly enjoy yourself. Favourite List: If you look at my favourites, you will find, predominantly, quality work. I read a lot more than what's listed, but these are the pieces I could read three or four times, for whatever reasons. Biggest Pet Peeve: The word 'shuttered.' People do not 'shutter,' they shudder. Honestly, how fucking hard is it to get that right? Shuttered: Provided with shutters or shutters as specified; often used in combination; "a church with a shuttered belfry and spire"; "green-shuttered cottages." If you use this word thinking you're accurately describing the shuddering motions of a body, go climb a wall of dicks. The moment I see this shit in a story, it's an instant turn-off. The same thing goes for saying "faith," rather than "fate." Two completely different words. 'It was his faith to do this.' Oh, GTFO, you stupid faggot. Not only would it have been overly corny had you spelt it correctly, you only make it worse by getting it wrong. I don't bother to correct idiots who actively use these words, rather than a one-off mistake and mis-click in MS Office, or some other word processor - I just /ragequit on their story. Ninja Ratings! Do not bitch to me about thisl. Honestly. S-Rank is S-Rank for a reason. It means GET THE FUCK out of the way, before that SUPER STRONG Ninja rapes you. In the skull. Repeatedly, until they lose interest. It doesn't matter whether you've got a team behind you or not, these are people who have pushed past the human limits, attaining a level of strength which is extremely rare. Chakra exhaustion isn't part of their vocabulary, pain is inconsequential - victory assured. Even the lowest S-Ranked nin is more than enough to totally decimate one of the lesser villages of ninja, and then proceed to walk away with juice left in the tank. Especially do not complain to me about Kakashi being too strong... You're reading a story where a thirteen year old child, Naruto, is currently a lower S-Rank nin. Kakashi, a man forged by war, loss and the Yondaime Hokage is middle S-Rank. Neither would prove troublesome to the more famous, upper S-Rank ninja. |