Author has written 9 stories for Death Note, Naruto, and Harry Potter. My name is Joejoe but my pen name, as you see is Joejoe-Sensei. Why sensei? Don't ask. It's just a joke from my friends because I'm an expert in some random and absurd things like pranks, glaring, and yaoi-ing. Haha. I'm a big fan of slash and yaoi stories. And I love to write angsty fan fictions. But I'm not depressed or masochistic or something, I just thought that human emotions are so unique. In angst fictions we can play with emotions and I love playing emotions, especially torturing some cute but arrogant like certain someone in Death Note. I like Death Note and Harry Potter very much. Personally, I think Harry Potter fanfiction's are very good. There are so many Harry Potter fanfiction with over 8000 reviews with amazing stories and good plots. You see, if we write Harry Potter Fan Fiction, it's very easy to make the characters un OOC. Because J.K Rowling made the reader understand the characters very deep. I like to write Death Note's Fanfiction but the difficulty in DNFF is the character isn't strong enough to be write. It's not that I don't like Death Note story, I loved it. I like the Light's character in the beginning. It's so strong and amazing. I share a same opinion with Light about Kira. Even I want to be one of Kiras. But afterwhile he became insane and I always thought what would happens with Death Note story if Light didn't stray from his path. Oh wonder... Nowadays i spend my time browsing through tv serials crossover fanfiction. I love Criminal Minds, especially Reid! D*mn those long legs and nerdy but cute looks. Supernatural is still so awesome of course. Where else will you find a tv serial where your favorite character can die as much as you angstiness wants but can be waked anytime. Dean is still my number one of course, umm especially Destiel. Dean: " Cas, we've talked about this, personal space" Cas :" I did it all for you, Dean" This is CANOOOONNN!!!! Ah, I'm Babling... I am an angster. Angst Lovers. Angst mania. Angsty birds? #eh The point is, I love Angst!!! Yeaaaaaaaaah Sorry, I am annoying aren't I? I try to write everytime I could but it's hard juggling with my job and sometimes I just can't have that angsty mood so I can't write. Sorry guys... Hehe... But I still gonna finish some that I found interesting. Hiatus: - The Ice Prince - 99 Pieces of Heart On going: - The Consort's Light - Memories of You Next Project from one shots: - Posessed (L's Side Story) - The Killer's Love 2 Wish me luck guys! |