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Author has written 12 stories for Naruto, Teen Titans, iCarly, Vampire Knight, Gravitation, Glee, and Criminal Minds. Hello, my name is Hannah, and I'm here to take over the world. And if that doesn't work, I guess I can settle for . I hate to do this to some of the people who have finally been reviewing (and I do mean that in a loving way) but I feel I must go on hiatus. Well, officially, at least. I know before that I was a ghost, lurking around fanfiction.net without updating, but at this current time and place I'm too busy. I'll eventually return, and expect many reviews if I love a story of yours that I've read, but as for my stories, just enjoy the first chapters of them and imagine something. If you have any ideas or suggestions, or just want to talk, feel free to do so. I love all of you, and it warms me to get reviews or some form of greeting. Makes me feel encouraged. But please, no more messages about me not updating, or why it takes so long. Because my muse is on vacation and as of right now, so am I. I'm such a hypocrite. A bad, bad hypocrite. I'm so sorry, but my imagination got the best of me. So, I just typed up my very first complete story, Gravitation story, and conversation-only story all in one go: We're All Happy Anyway. And I said I was going on vacation too, damn it. But now that I'm starting to work the ol' muscles again, who knows what would happen? Maybe I'll be updating Skating? Please, or Suffocating and Breathing. Just, don't be mad at lil' hypocritical me. 5/12/10--I did it again! I'm so sorry! I couldn't help myself. The idea was just laying there...so innocently. Behold, my Puck/Kurt story: Bullying. Not an original title, but oh well. Please don't kill me. I haven't aced my finals yet! Remember me? And you know how you just read that I'm a terrible hypocrite? Well, I might be and I might not be, now. Now, as in November 25, 2011. OHGODPLEASEDON'TMURDERME. But, I did say I was going on hiatus. I guess it was a year and a half hiatus? I literally haven't even thought of any of my stories in that time. Does that make me a bad person? Probably. But the stories I've been reading...they're so shiny, and I couldn't stay away. There's a lot of reasons why I haven't updated in the longest, actually, yet I shouldn't be making all of these excuses. If I do update (hopefully my muse returns to me, the unfaithful little bastard) I can't guarantee it'll be the best, but if it makes the fans--those who truly do enjoy my stories--happy, then all is well. I realized how awful of a person I was when some anonymous reviewer kicked my butt about Suffocating and Breathing. The funny part is, I have an abandoned paragraph or two still saved from a year ago for that story. Heh, oops? No promises on whether that'll be the first story updated, but you can thank that random person--I don't even know the name and I'm way too lazy to check, thankyouverymuch--for the little jumpstart I'm getting. I promise it won't be a year and half until I start updating again...maybe just a year...okay, that was a terrible joke, I'm sorry, I take it back. *holds hands up* So here's to the lukewarm muse I'm having and may or may not continue! Cheers! No one really wants to hear about my personal life, but heads-up: I'M IN AP ENGLISH, PEOPLE. As well as in high school, dealing with yet another AP class and several honors. Meaning, I have a crapload of homework that specifically deals with writing. I know, I know, a lot of people have homework--there are even really dedicated people who are in college or have fulltime jobs but still crank out chapter after chapter, story after story. But when you are a lazy girl who has somehow found herself involved in almost every after school activity (journalism was prolly a bad idea considering my track record with updating...) I'm not going to be writing a chapter every week. Don't get me wrong, I'll TRY, but I can never promise something I know I won't be able to keep. Hopefully things get better after I move soon, get my own computer fixed, and start managing my time better. Shalom. Alright, new update--its about a day and a half since I updated last time, and I've been trying to struggle through writing another chapter for one of my other, unfinished stories. But, you see, I'm finding it exceedingly difficult because right now, I can't stand "normal" couples. The past year has pretty mush been about reading all kinds of yaoi/slash--even a little yuri--instead of heterosexual relationships. I've gone so long reading about two guys that I'm not really sure how to write for a girl in a relationship, etc., without it sounding weird. So all of my pretty little ideas for my Naruto stories are just kind of...dead. It might be a REALLY long time before I even touch one of them again...I dunno...I can talk to a few of the authors out there who aren't addicted to slash (like I am) and see if they want to help with the stories. Few requirements being that 1.) good enough grammar and spelling, 2.) keep people in the character assigned to them in the first chapter or so (characters not mentioned can be done however the author would like) 3.) no mary-sue OCs...you can have OC cameos, because they can help the story, but no making a really big main OC character that people may or may not be able to blatantly tell is based off of how you want to be. Oh, and, y'know, keep me in the loop with some vague plot ideas. There is a good chance that I could be starting a few new slash stories, and I'll try to keep them one-shots so I don't have to deal with the "more more more." It will probably be in the categories of Glee, Kuroshitsuri (Black Butler), Full Metal Alchemist, Criminal Minds, or Young Justice. Who knows? I do think, however, that I'll try to stick to AU stories if I continue with Naruto, because I haven't kept up with that nonsense in the longest. In conclusion, I'm an all-yaoi girl now (oh sarcastic joy, since I share a computer with parents and kinda homophobic brother. -_-) and yeah. Message me if you'd like to help out with the straight-couple stories that I have previously left abandoned. And expect more slashy goodness! By the way, what the hell happened to the site's layout? #Outoftheloop "Are you completely corrupt?!" "No, not completely!" -The Illusionist (Eisenheim to Police Chief) "When you're kind, you change a person. When you're forceful, you change a nation. When you're both, you change the world." (Myself) QUOTE OF THE DAY "That was a shitload of shit!" "Wouldn't it then just be a load?" |
Anatidaephobia81 (44) Au revoir Amour (30) cha cha dancer (4) CrystallicSky (147) CrystalSlashlover (28) Ecrivaine25 (4) | EleanorLilyPotter (15) lightpathetic (19) Lucky Gun (40) moon maiden of time (20) ohwhatsherface (117) | Red Lioness (27) Sara's Girl (52) SmilingArtist (16) Yellow Mask (46) |
Community: | Inner Strength |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Naruto |