Authoress Note: Arigatou for those who enjoy reading my Itachi x Sakura fan-fictions everyone! I truly appreciate it. I know a lot of you guys out there don't like Pein x Sakura huh? Well, then you don't have to read this than. I'm not forcing you to read it like a mother would force a child to eat disgusting purple medicine! No, I'm far from a mother… I'm only 12!!! XD Yup. Well, this is my new fan-fiction. I've caught interest if Sakura met Pein… During their childhood!!! Ha, bet you didn't thought of that huh?! Well, welcome back, and welcome for new reviewers. Please tell me by review if you are new or old, I keep forgetting… If you are old, tell me how long you have stuck to my stories like: I've first read Born Weak, Grew Up Strong and stuck with your stories. I've first read blah blah blah. Okay? ACTION!

Dattebayo! – Normal

Dattebayo! – Flashback or Dream

Shannaro! – Inner Sakura

Dattebayo! – Pein/any member communicating

Dattebayo! – Sign Language


Term 1: Past

"Quote of the Day"

"I suck…" – someone who wants pity and attention

Red. The word rolled off a certain cherry blossom's tongue as the color crimson red coughed out of her. Her world seemed black and hazy as she glanced at her partner, no, companion, no, lover next to her. His flaming orange hair and his many unique piercing made him look mysterious. His world seemed full of darkness and evil shadows lurking about. He rolled his strange colored eye called the Rinnegan stared at the cold emerald gems that once used to be alive. 'So…' the stranger thought. 'This is how our lives end… I'll see you in another world… Haruno Sakura.'

A little girl with bright short pink hair flung out of her bed, beads of cold sweat ran down her large forehead, which made her unique for who she was on the outside and in the inside. 'That nightmare…' She thought to herself. She was only 4 years old, living by herself in Amegakure, the Rain Country. The young bright emerald-eyed girl never knew what happened to her parents. She lived alone herself for as long as she could think of! By the looks of her, many would say she was naïve (Naïve: easily deceived) little child that some would say she is an ingénue (ingénue: naïve young woman/girl). Not many have ever heard her talk. Most citizens of Amegakure claim her to be born mute.

As she slipped on a pair of dark blue capris, she also grabbed an orange long sleeved top with a dark shirt to go on top, the dark shirt has slits on the sleeves (A/N: Like the young Sakura's cloth when she met Ino.). The girl, whose name is Haruno Sakura, took a step out of her surprisingly clean apartment the Elders were kind enough to give her. She started walking, absorbing the sunlight and fresh air of Amegakure. She could see many people of all kinds staring at her in a strange way as if they wondered where her parents were, though they knew better than to ask her, for she would not answer, nor speak.

"Hey! Look at this; it's the mute girl." A girl came up; this girl was Sakura's foe and bully that always ganged up on her with her snickering brats and followers. Her name was Ayame (A/N: Not from Ichiraku!) with long golden honey hair that was put into two neat pigtails. "I heard that her parents abandoned her because they found out she had a large forehead, weird bright green eyes, and couldn't speak! Can you understand that forehead?! You might as well be deaf for all of the entire world cares! You're breathing my precious air." She spoke as she fanned the air with her pale hands. Of course Sakura understood. She may not speak to others than herself, though she was rather intelligent for her age and clever and sneaky as well.

Soon, more of Ayame's friends saw what happened and decided to have some fun anyways. "You are so pathetic! No wonder you make a horrible kunoichi! Just what are you? You have this weird pink hair." Someone yanked it hard, causing some to pull off as Sakura fell back, tears making her eyes fuzzy. "You have ugly green eyes." Another girl poked both eyes, causing the waterworks to start as the cherry blossom rubbed at it. "You're not even a kunoichi. Pathetic." They started throwing hard rocks at her, causing her to wrap herself up into a ball. She hugged her knees close to her chest as she wrapped her small cut up arms around her small knees, crying her heart out, though made no noise of any sort. The adults who pass by would just stare and do nothing while the rest would ignore her.

'I-I wish I-I c-could b-be l-l-left a-alone…' she said inwardly. Soon, she felt the pain stop, only the stinging and warm blood flowing down her pale fragile skin. As she looked up, she saw an orange-headed boy that seemed one year older than her.

"Leave her alone! She's done nothing wrong to you freaks!" her knight in shining armor glared at the girls hard as they scrabbled away frightened. As he turned around to face her, her small mouth hung open as she saw his face. 'It must be a clan tradition.' She thought as she saw the many piercing on his face and both ears. She found it both unique and completely described his mysterious chakra flow. Sakura crawled back more towards the tree as the boy came forward. "Don't worry." He gave a smile, it was strange, and no one ever smiled at her. "I promise I won't hurt you!" his smile grew. She felt his chakra flow change immediately to a warm and cool temperature as some of it leaked out.

Sakura shakily accepted the hand he offered, his skin was smooth and soft, unlike hers were covered with blood and scratches. The boy introduced himself, "Watashiwa Nagato (I'm Nagato), demo (but) you may call me Pein!"

Sakura blushed faintly as she looked at the ground, finding her feet to be interesting at the moment. "Daijoubu desuka (Are you alright/okay)?" he asked as tilted his head so he could see under the pink strands of hair that covered her face. "Do you know sign language? I know you are mute, or just don't want to talk, and then just do sign language! Understand?"

Sakura gave a curt nod as she made sign languages that said, "Watashiwa Haruno Sakura. I'm fine, arigatou gozaimasu for saving me." She communicated with Pein as he smiled even more.

"Su goi (Wow)! You must be really smart Sakura-chan!" Pein gave her a quick hug, which made her blush like those flattered princesses from the many fairy tales or fables she read to herself. "Ne, why don't we go to my house? I live alone…" he looked glum. "My parents… I don't really know who they are…"

"I don't know what happened to mine as well." Sakura used sign language again, this time a little eager to respond for she found his rare smiles welcoming and… how to put it? She found it welcoming and… like he was her best friend; that's right, she felt like he treated her like a long lost friend.

"Let's go Sakura-chan!" he grabbed her small wrist and dragged her off to his small, yet comfortable apartment.

)—(Pein's Apartment)—(

As the young cherry blossom entered the apartment, she found it to be quite clean as if a cleaning maid came in here recently. She noticed the apartment only had two rooms, the bedroom which leads to the bathroom. He noticed her wandering eyes and chuckled. "You can sit down on the bed, I'll get the First Aid Kit!" he sounded enthusiastic about tending a girl's wounds.

'He sure is different by how he acts.' Sakura thought to herself. 'Yes. Don't you find him kind of…' Inner Sakura was about to say the word 'cute,' until she was interrupted by Pein's clumsiness. Sakura resisted a chuckle.

The orange-headed boy came out of the bathroom tumbling down with the white case that held a great red cross. "Gomen…" he sweat-dropped at his own actions. As he tended to her wounds carefully with antibiotics, he spoke to her. "Ne, I've seen you around quite often. I've seen you get teased, but I never thought you would get teased so often… How come you're mute?" Sakura shrugged her shoulders upward than down again. Pein nodded, started getting the needle since he saw some large lacerations that needed to be sutured. (A/N: I've been playing way too much Trauma Center Under the Knife… -.-) Once he was done, he wrapped it gently.

"Arigatou…" Sakura thanked him as she bowed. Pein shook his head.

"No need to be so formal Sakura-chan! I'm your friend! That's what friends do, they help each other out no matter how hard the situation." He smiled. Sakura's bright jade eyes widened, 'I'm his friend…?' she smiled, one that Pein liked very much actually. "Are you a ninja?" the question popped up in his head randomly.

She shook her head as in, 'no.' though, the little ninja-in-training could sense her little chakra, he had a feeling she would make a great kunoichi in the future with a little blood and sweat. "You should consider… I'm one and I love it! I actually wish to be Kage of this poor village… I've seen so many poor because of taxes that are rising up, or dead because we have such a low security system." Sakura stared in awe, she wished she could become a ninja, although she knew many facts to becoming a ninja, she also knew some Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, she's studied a lot about Genjutsu, though never tried it. Also, like every ninja/shinobi should now is their village history!

After that little outcome, they became best friends for their further young lives.

2 Years Later…

Now, here they were, Pein was pulling, more like dragging a desperate Sakura towards the Kage's office. "Come on Sakura-chan!!! You have what it takes to be a great kunoichi! The other ingredients are only blood sweat and tears Sakura-chan!!!" That sight was actually quite pathetic and funny. Of course, she knew Pein was exaggerating on the 'blood, sweat and tears,' part, but still; she wouldn't want to become a kunoichi! Some of the Kage's assistants gave questionable stares towards them.

She shook her head violently as if she was saying no as she clawed the wooden floor as Pein had her ankles and was trying his best to get to the door which was only less than one foot away from him. Now, just to reach the door knob without letting Sakura escape would be a hard and difficult task. Pein was now 7 years old, while Sakura was 6. The cherry blossom let her hair grow to her shoulders while Pein still had the same many piercing, though his face matured a little, you would have to squint to see it.

Soon, the pink haired cherry blossom gave up as Pein smiled and wiped sweat away from his eyebrows. As they entered, the Kage looked up from his much paperwork, looking frustrated. "What do you want?!" he yelled, this scared Sakura who flinched and backed behind Pein who bowed politely.

Pein soon spoke, "Onegai, I ask of you a favor."

The Kage raised an elegant eyebrow, "Of which favor do you ask of?"

The eager boy continued, "Enter Haruno Sakura into the Academy!" he pointed at Sakura behind him who lowered her head.

The Kage stood up immediately, "Go, you are wasting my precious time. And, no, I will not do of such ridiculous request. She cannot talk, nor can she follow directions."

Pein was frustrated at this, "Demo, I've taught her most of the basic shinobi skills, she already knows the Amegakure history and a little Ninjutsu and Taijutsu!" he suppressed himself to yell at the Kage.

The Kage now threw a temper tantrum, "Go away! I don't care for that brat! I'm not allowing anymore students into the Academy so we speak." Pein gave a secret glare towards the Kage who didn't seem to notice. They both walked out of the Kage's office. Sakura actually felt a little depressed.

"Sakura-san…" Pein looked at her, not with sadness, no he would never be sad, he would be emotionless when he felt sad. "Gomen nasai…"

"It's fine…" Sakura accidentally slipped out some words. She felt as if her throat were swollen for such a long time. Pein's strange eyes widened from shock, astonishment, and happiness.

He jumped up and down, hugging her tightly, "YOU CAN TALK AFTER ALL THIS TIME?!?!?!" Sakura sweat-dropped at his actions and nodded slowly. "I won't even both to ask, just talk more, ne?" The cherry blossom smiled and nodded.

"Hai!" Pein gave her one more hug as he entered the Kage's office again. "Pein-kun? Nande—" they both felt shocked at the sight before them. The Kage of Amegakure was dead, right on the floor covered in blood and his eyes were rolled back.

Soon, Jounins appeared and arrested the poor children for murder when they did nothing wrong in particular… You could say that Sakura and Pein both had a strange past (past: expressing past time) and unforgetable one as well.

To Be Continued

Authoress Note: I hope you all enjoyed it! I felt being descriptive today and felt like being in a fantasy world, so I typed for most of my break time. I hope you liked it! Only need 15 reviews for now, I'll increase once I get to chapter 3!