Reviews for Gentleman
Guest chapter 12 . 6/15
Hi! So glad to see the update. This was one of my favorite stories for itasaku and I remember loving it when I was younger, and boy oh boy did I get a shock when I saw this update. No joke, I sat in front of my computer screen for a minute kinda shooketh, but thanks, it’s come full circle!
ItaSaku99 chapter 12 . 6/6
Ohhh it was truly the befitting end to this story... I am really glad that you updated with the epilogue...
Blu3b3rryT3a chapter 12 . 5/12
Such a good series, I'm glad you finished it!
I liked your setting and how you incorporated the characters as nobility, it was very fun to read.
Best of luck with whatever new or current series you have, stay safe out there!
samsongnot336 chapter 12 . 5/12
thanks for the update !
ItaSaku99 chapter 11 . 5/11
It was such a cute story... And I really would have liked if you posted the epilogue...
KuriKashi chapter 4 . 7/11/2018
I really like your taste in anime men lol. Also curious about your slight hate for kishi. Just curious. I dislike how he didn't develop Sakura properly when she could have made such a good heroine if done right.
Also well done with the chapter!
KuriKashi chapter 3 . 7/11/2018
I'm really intrigued in who Itachi is. Like how is rogue and such.
girlsdream chapter 11 . 10/20/2017
nooooo why did you stopppp
Azoma J chapter 11 . 8/12/2017
Where is the next chapter? Please! I really want to know what happens!
jazzi1234 chapter 4 . 2/20/2017
in so confused! why is everyone so against Itachi?
vvvip chapter 11 . 1/30/2017
Noooo! Where is the epilogue?!
jhian casey chapter 11 . 10/22/2015
hey! this is so awesome!
love the story!
but, i can i just say, KARIN IS A FUCKING BITCH!
i swear! she's one of my most hateful characters!
what a whore! tch,

anyway, please update!
you're really good!
i love the plot!
cant wait for their wedding! heheh
will sasori and the others make an appearance?
just pls update soon!
thank you so much for all the itasaku love!
itasaku forever!;)
jhian casey chapter 4 . 10/22/2015
i hope there's nejisaku in this plot!
i mean, neji's really nice to her and i also ship them!
maybe his engagement with tenten would be called off coz he falls for sakura! hahah
Guest chapter 11 . 4/23/2015
Please update! I am so exited for the next chapter. Thumbs up! Keep it up.
321noeoen123 chapter 11 . 12/30/2014
An epilogue was promised, yet as of yet undelivered. Wouldn't that just be the perfect gift for New Year? ;)
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