![]() Author has written 55 stories for Doctor Who, and Stargate: SG-1. I should say right off the bat that I live in the US of A, and have only slightly begun incorporating the very little British slang I've acquired into my Doctor Who stories. (Any actual Brits' advice would be greatly appreciated by review or PM!) I'm relatively new to Doctor Who, having only watched the new series (okay, I honestly haven't finished Twelve's run, yet) and a few of the early William Hartnell episodes. I started out just reading fanfics, but I've been hoodwinked into writing some of my own, too! If you look closely, you can probably see that I generally use Doctor Who fanfiction for the sole purpose of providing more Doctor/Rose interaction (i.e., romance) than the show gives us. Some of my stories are standalones, usually working within episodes, but not always :) However, my "series" of Doctor Who stories consists of the titles prefaced by episode numbers (02 04 means Series 2, Episode 4). If you want them in order, just arrange the stories by title - it's magic! These are all meant to stay within the TV episode canon, but they fill in the little details that I like to imagine happened off-camera. The stories that have AU in the title are - you guessed it - alternate universe stories (where Rose never got separated from the Doctor). PROMPT ME, please! I'm aware of a couple of glaring holes in my Series 2 fillers: "Tooth and Claw" and "The Impossible Planet". I'm considering writing something for each, but I could use ideas, if you please :) And here's an informative link for anyone who's ever wondered what the full list of the Doctor's instructions to Martha from "Human Nature" sounded like. I had a blast collaborating with six other authors in 2008 on "I Miss My Mind the Most". Look for it as authored by OctoberProject. 2009's project, "The Companionable Tales", was loosely based on the Canterbury Tales, and was contributed to by a whopping eleven authors! (Including yours truly.) 2010's project, "Dead Men Don't Regenerate", is on an indefinite hiatus (I've got to figure out how to nudge Jessa L'Rynn into revisiting it and tying up the loose ends for the finale), and features nine (give or take...) authors and SEVEN DOCTORS! Updates: (So, I've got more kids than when I first started writing. Updates are slow in coming, but they're coming!) March 2020: My plans for "The Sound of Drums"/"Last of the Time Lords" are quickly coming into focus, so I should be able to finish "Blink", soon (I've written much of the last chapter already, although It'll still take me a couple of chapters to get there). If I can somehow get off of this Ninth Doctor kick... it's taken me ten years of writing Doctor Who fics before I finally delve into Nine, and now I'm not sure how to stop! Also, I'm writing a metacrisis-perspective companion piece to "Rose's Choice". I've got three complete chapters (including the last), titles for all six chapters, but I still need to smooth out the middle. Hint: To read my series of stories in order, ARRANGE THEM BY TITLE! I'm re-editing some of my older stories; theoretically opening Dreamwidth and AO3 accounts, soon; and I'm bringing my SJAuthor (Stargate SG-1) stories over from my old account, so there's going to be some of that going on for a while. I'm also working on Chapter 18 of my AU "Blink", along with writing a non-AU ("Beyond the Easter Egg") based on the same story. Yes, I know I started it back in June of 2011, but "The Lazarus Experiment" took me over a year to complete - but I completed it! And, yes, I know "Spoilers" has been going for quite some time, but I am still planning its future and writing a bit here and there. None of my incomplete stories are abandoned! They're just... simmering. I've seriously revamped my series 3 AU's, particularly "Runaway Bride" through "Evolution of the Daleks". I hadn't originally planned to do the earlier episodes; my thought was more to get Rose and the Doctor into "Human Nature" and thereafter together, but I knew I had ideas for how their relationship would develop before that... so I went and wrote the episodes before them. As some very honest reviewers pointed out, there was too much sticking-Rose-in-the-transcript, and not enough originality overall. So, I hope I've improved them a bit, now. If you really need pure originality, you have my permission to skip ahead to "42" - Martha's not even on the TARDIS in that one... (but she's definitely not out of the picture). BLINK AU: I found a wonderful piece of fan art that ymymy (who does illustrations by commission at DeviantArt!) let me use for a cover image: ymymy (dot) DeviantArt (dot) com "Hopping for Our Lives", a Challenge: I've referenced this scenario in a few of my stories, most notably Chapter 7 of "Fantastic" and Chapter 5 of "Age of Bronze". Nine, Rose, and Jack visit the planet Atranti. Through some set of interesting circumstances, Rose and/or the Doctor are facing twenty cycles' hard labor if they don't get married: to each other (or perhaps to anyone, facilitating a nice bit of possessiveness while they make sure it's to each other). Jack gets to read them their (frankly ridiculous) vows for them to repeat, while the Doctor and Rose are tied together in the traditional leg-fasting of the Atrantian people. Even the Doctor's never heard of leg-fasting, and he thinks it's absolutely preposterous that he's being required to participate. Which he does. It's with Rose, after all. For whatever reason, the marriage ploy falls through, and they end up hopping for their lives (perhaps an even more serious, capital infraction at the marriage ceremony?), anyway. Despite Jack's encouragement, the Doctor and Rose absolutely refuse to consider it a binding marriage. Get it? "Binding"? You can write this yourself (please, let me know), or we could collaborate... Another Challenge: I have absolutely no intention of ever writing a sequel for "The Year That Really Never Was". That being said, does anyone out there want to? I'd be happy to field ideas and be a sort of beta... Another Other Challenge: I recently developed an idea about Ten's Season 3 Blue Suit. I don't usually write angst, but if anyone out there wants this idea, go for it. After "Runaway Bride", the Doctor goes to the Powell Estate, post-"Doomsday", to pack up Rose and Jackie's personal stuff. Some abandoned things of Howard's (he stopped staying over shortly after "Christmas Invasion") are found in boxes (Howard's stripey pajamas fit the newly-regenerated Doctor, so will this stuff), including a blue suit. The Doctor decides to keep it and wear it in memory of Rose and her (his) family in Pete's World. Please, lemme know if you write this, okay? SERIES STORY HELP: If you want to read my series of stories in order, ARRANGE THEM BY TITLE! The episode numbers will put them in order for you ;) |