At the appropriate hour, Sam and Jack said goodnight to the nearby Tok'ra, and made as if to retire for the evening. Once the hallway seemed deserted, they headed straight for the armory. Sam kept a lookout, while Jack appropriated some Zats and, as it turned out, a couple of stun grenades. "Handy," Sam said as she stashed the weapons in her satchel.

They managed to get to the rings without running into anyone. Once on the surface, Sam took the left flank and Jack the right as they approached the 'gate. The guards were Zatted before they knew what hit them.

At a suggestion from Anise, Sam reached under her top. "We should probably leave these here, Jack," said Sam, removing her biosensor and tossing it aside. "No telling how detectable the signals would be."

"Good thinking," said Jack, following suit. He dialed the 'gate, and Sam tossed one of the grenades through, just for good measure. Jack held his Zat at the ready as he charged through the event horizon, and Sam followed after.

It was close to midnight on the other side, but a couple of full moons gave them some light to steer by. Careful to stick to the shadows of the trees, they made their way quickly to the service entrance of the fortress. Sneaking through the deserted corridors seemed a cake walk, compared to other Goa'uld strongholds they'd encountered. Soon enough, they were concealed in a hallway across from Shallan's quarters. Jack indicated for Sam to keep watch where she was, while Jack made his way to the door. He knocked quietly, making sure there was no one coming from either direction. At last the door opened. A young girl with short, blonde hair stood in the entryway. "Who are -" she began, but Jack quickly covered her mouth, and pulled her across the hall to Sam's hiding place.

Indicating for Shallan to keep quiet, Jack showed her he was putting away his Zat. Sam did the same. He slowly took his hand away from her mouth, satisfied that she'd hear him out. "Do not be afraid," said Jack with the affected voice of his symbiote. "It is I, Kanan."

Shallan backed away slightly, but then stilled. "Is it you?" she said at last, seeming to want to believe him.

"Yes, Shallan, I've come back for you."

"You look so different," she said; "how can you be Kanan?"

"You know of my true form," he explained, quickly and quietly. "My host was killed. Jack O'Neill has allowed me to bring him here, in order to rescue you."

"You shouldn't have come back," Shallan replied with a glance toward Ba'al's chamber. "If I leave with you, he will know."

"That is why we must be quick," answered Kanan. "Will you come?"

Shallan nodded. "Yes," she said, allowing him to help her to her feet.

Jack indicated for Sam to lead the way. She headed carefully back down the corridor toward the service entrance. They made it as far as the first stand of trees outside the wall, when an alarm sounded in the compound. "We must run," Kanan told Shallan.

They picked up the pace, but Sam soon realized she was pulling ahead. "Get to the 'gate and dial it up," Jack told her, as he helped Shallan along.

Sam did as she was instructed, keeping an eye out for Jaffa making their way to intercept her path. She heard Shallan, now further behind, panting, "It's too far. I can't."

"We shall wait here until the Chaapa'ai is activated," Kanan told her, pulling her into a small copse of trees. "Go!" he called to Sam.

Sam knew that they were making far too much noise to evade any patrols for long. Sure enough, as she ran out into the clearing and approached the DHD, she heard the all-too-familiar sound of Zatfire. Ducking behind the device, she saw a Jaffa fall stunned from Jack's shot. Scanning the area, she turned again to dial the coordinates for the P3X-234. She heard a couple of staff blasts behind her, but she guessed they were directed at Jack and Shallan. As soon as the 'gate was engaged, she turned back to their position. She saw Jack help Shallan to her feet, and they began running toward her. Sam saw a couple more Jaffa spring out from the cover of the trees, and took them out with her Zat before they could fire. She followed Jack and Shallan closely as they went through the 'gate, making sure to cover their backs.

Once through the 'gate, the trio made a quick U-turn, Sam dialing up the Tok'ra base now that there were no Jaffa to get the coordinates from the DHD.

As soon as they emerged on the other side, Jack and Sam raised their hands and dropped their Zats. The guards whom they'd knocked out were standing in front of the 'gate with six other Tok'ra, apparently summoned after their escape. All of them had Zats drawn and aimed at the travelers.

The three were led back down into the tunnels, and left in Sam and Jack's quarters with a guard at their door.

"Are we prisoners?" Shallan asked Kanan.

"No. We can simply expect to be questioned, before the other Tok'ra allow us to move about the base," Kanan answered her. Then, taking her hand, he told her, "You are free."

Shallan fell into his arms, hugging him fiercely as tears streamed down her face. "Thank you," she murmured into his shoulder.

Sam had a fleeting moment of curiosity as to how exactly Jack felt about Shallan. 'Do not fear, Samantha,' Anise said. 'I believe your assessment of Jack's nature was correct. It was his love for you and his commitment never to abandon you that inspired Kanan to risk Shallan's rescue. I expect Jack's feelings have been quite sharply highlighted, rather than becoming blurred with those of his symbiote.'

As Shallan left Jack's arms, Kanan spoke again. "You must understand something. I cannot remain in this host." Shallan looked confused. "Unless another can be found, I will most likely die," he said. Shallan began shaking her head in denial. "I cannot remain," he said again. "But I needed to see you free before I died. Now you have a chance to choose your own life. You need not be anyone's slave anymore."

"But I want to be with you," she said. "Could I not be your host?"

Kanan was silent. Sam was amazed at how quickly Shallan had come to that solution, recalling that for her, a blending had been a last resort. 'The Tau'ri have developed in a world that sets almost primary importance on independence,' observed Anise. 'For someone such as Shallan, who has known of the Goa'uld her entire life, and has fallen in love with a Tok'ra, the relationship with a symbiote such as Kanan does not hold as much dread.'

At last, Kanan spoke. "If it is truly what you wish, and if no other host is found, then I will accept this gladly," he said with a smile, taking her hand.

At that moment, Freya appeared at the entrance to their quarters. "You will all, please, follow me," she said. They were taken to an interrogation room, and questioned separately using the Zatarc detector. Sam, Jack, Anise, and Kanan all related the rationale leading up to their "mission," and described the events which took place on Ba'al's planet. Shallan affirmed her desire to join with the Tok'ra in their fight against the Goa'uld. Apparently satisfied, the council approved their release. Shallan was taken to some private accommodations, with Kanan's promise to see her soon. Jack and Sam returned to their own quarters.

'It is nearly time for me to leave you, Samantha,' Anise told Sam while she sat on her bed lost in thought.

'Giving me a clean bill of health, are you?' Sam asked.

'You are healed... in body,' she replied, 'but I am concerned for your heart and mind.' Sam knew what was coming. 'Will you make me a promise?' she asked.

'What promise?' asked Sam.

'That you will give Jack the opening he needs.' That was all she had to say. Sam knew exactly what was meant by it, and she knew just how hard it was going to be to confront him.

'I promise,' Sam answered. After a moment, she asked, 'Do I have to do it now?'

'I will allow you at least the courtesy of having your body back as your own, first,' Anise replied.

'Thanks,' said Sam. 'So,' she continued, suddenly grinning at what she was steeling herself to do, 'where's Freya?'

'Eager, are we?' asked Anise.

'Maybe, just a little,' Sam answered, knowing that she was well on her way to giddy with anticipation.

At that moment, Thoran came to their room. "Kanan, may I speak with you?" he called from the doorway. Sam saw Jack emerge from his bedroom and meet him near the hallway. They spoke in hushed voices for a while, then Thoran placed his hand on Jack's shoulder and departed.

Jack turned and came to Sam's doorway, waiting for her to nod her permission for him to come in. "They found a host," he told her.

"That's great!" said Sam.

"Shallan's going to do it."

"Wow," Sam replied.

"Yeah," said Jack.

Sam decided then she didn't need to wait until Anise had left her. She'd take her chance, now. "They really love each other, don't they?" she asked.

"They really do," Jack answered, "as weird as it seems for me to admit it about a snake."

She noticed that the animosity which normally accompanied "snake" was gone from his voice, and figured that Kanan had accepted the term good-naturedly. She thought fast, and tried to come up with a lead-in for what she was trying to say. "It seems more natural between a couple of humans?" she asked. As she'd hoped, he looked up at her and met her eyes.

"I guess so," he said, not breaking their eye contact.

"Jack, I -" she began haltingly. To her relief, she saw him take a step closer to where she sat, as he waited for her to continue. "I think I know what it was about you that convinced Kanan to go back for Shallan. And it wasn't as simple as 'no one gets left behind.'"

"You do?" he asked, moving still closer, but waiting for more from her before he said too much.

"Because you feel that way about... about me." She saw a hopeful look cross his face before it was replaced with one of self-reproach as his eyes fell. "And I feel the same for you," she added quickly. He looked back to her, apparently wondering if he'd heard her right. "And I'm sorry... that I was so quick to suggest leaving our feelings in that room," she said, as Jack moved even closer. "And if it's alright with you, I'd like to see if maybe we can -"

A smile lit Jack's face, as he closed the distance and cut her off with his mouth on hers. Sam relaxed completely into him as his arms came around her. 'Yeah, that was definitely enough talking,' she thought, eagerly returning the kiss, and sliding her hands around his neck.

'I told you, if you would only allow him...," said Anise.

'Yes, you're very smart. Shut up,' Sam replied happily.

When they at last broke apart, Jack held her face, looking into her eyes. "We'll figure this out, I promise you," he said. "When we get back, I'll talk to Hammond. I'll make it work."

"We'll make it work, you mean," Sam corrected him.

"Definitely," he agreed, bringing his lips back to hers.

The end.

So, get it? Since Sam kept Jack from being captured by Ba'al, they've avoided the episode "Abyss"... eh, never mind. I hope you liked the story (including The Grandfather's line from The Princess Bride; forgot to credit that one).