Author has written 107 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Cowboy Bebop, Breakfast Club, Dawn of the Dead, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter. Well now, time for a little getting to know you... or me... I have a terribly obsessive personality which has led me to latch onto certain fandoms like a vice. I'm a huge Doctor Who nerd with a passionate love for Doctor/Rose. As you can see I also have some older Dragonball GT fics from back when I was a wee teenager. Read them if you want, but don't judge me too harshly : p My newest interest is Harry Potter. I've written a few one shots but for some reason I'm leaning more towards multi-chaptered fics with this series. It's all Fred/Hermione so be forewarned that the AU fic is totally my friend. I was unfortunately dragged into adulthood, so updates to my fics are few and far between. I apologize for that, but rest assured, I haven't forgotten them and will finish eventually... I think... Maybe... I recently realized that FFN has made the formatting of my fics all wonky, removing spacing between scenes etc, so I'm currently in the process of going back to correct that. No need to go back and re-read but if you've ever found my stories looking a little cramped, that's why, so hopefully they'll be easier to read now. Deathly Hallows SPOILERS below I solemnly swear that Fred never died and George wears blue boxers! I am a member of the Twin Exchange. |
atruwriter (47) cenowar (56) Hotaru (31) | Jack of the North (54) Lara Zed (13) Maho-chan (45) remuslives (87) | Twin Exchange (24) WeasleyForMe (71) |