![]() Author has written 10 stories for Harry Potter, Tin Man, and Doctor Who. Before you read on, there's a bit of business we need to take care of first... DISCLAIMER! Anyways... on to a bit about me... Name: Erin. Age: 30. Favorite Fandoms: Some notes about my writing: And by short, I mean short. I usually stick to one-shot stories, though I have started to branch out and and working on a couple of ideas for multi-chapter fics right now. I have a very short attention span and my niche has always been in short stories, so even the multi-chapter fics won't be too long. FYI. Oh, and I've never had a Beta, so I apologize for any and all typos. I know there are a few. I've wanted to go back and fix them, but that requires taking down a chapter or story and fixing it and then reposting it... and that's just too much hassle. Basically, I'm lazy. :P I'll get around to fixing them one of these days. At The Beginning - I am quite proud of this piece. It's probably not my best work, but it is my first work of this kind. It started as a FanMix CD which I then wrote a drabble for for each song. If you would like to download the fanmix you can find it at my livejournal, thenewdorothy. Something Wonderful - The Fred/Hermione fanmix mentioned at the end of this story can be found here at mediafire. I, serindipitysays, have challenged myself! I'm proud to be a part of the HPFC forum. |