AN: *checks when she last updated and cries*

I do feel really truly horribly bad about how long I've let this (and so many other stories) sit by the sidelines. I just got the software Scrivener and I'm finding it's super helpful for getting the various scenes and snippets I have already written into order so I can hopefully get some cohesive chapters going again! As always, no promises on how much/often I'll update. I've got the best of intentions but that's what I thought when I posted the last chapter…

Another Note: Apparently I really messed up the timeline on this fic, placing it four months after the Battle of Hogwarts, yet having Hermione working in the Ministry already. In actuality it should be a year and four months to accommodate her return to Hogwarts to finish school, but that timeline doesn't work for other factors in this story like George's coping with Fred's death etc. So I'm breaking canon a bit more and having Hermione skip finishing school ^_^() And for those of you thinking I'm worrying over nothing, I literally went back through this whole fic to determine the exact timing of each chapter, even matching the cycle of the full moon in 1998 to when I mentioned moonlight in chapter 2. Lol. So yeah I'm a little OCD with stuff like that.

Chapter 7: Records

On Monday, Hermione rose early and got ready in record time, even though she knew it wouldn't get her into the Records any earlier. Terrence was already curious about what was going on, so she couldn't risk making him more suspicious by going to him too early in the day. She'd go in at her normal time and address any issues that had come about over the weekend, and give every task the time it deserved. As tempting as it was to rush to his office as soon as possible, she swore to herself that she'd at least wait until after lunch.

A parent had issued a complaint about the use of Blast-Ended Skrewts in schools. A squib was found to be breeding Kneazles in a flat in Brisbane. A group of Muggles reported seeing a unicorn while out camping.

Hermione sighed over the Departmental Cooperation form from the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee and wondered why they didn't hire more Muggle-born witches and wizards in their department. Did they really think Muggles were so stupid as to believe they'd all been mistaken due to sun in their eyes, when they'd reported seeing the unicorn glowing in moonlight? She set the paper to the side and sighed again. She really needed to talk to their committee head.

"Two sighs in under a minute. You going for a record?"

Hermione's head shot up, her smile beaming at Terrence. Yes! He's finally shown up to bring her to the archives! After hours of staring at papers she simply could not get her mind to focus on, she was worried she'd have to go hunt him down. Given that her research was in no way related to her work at the ministry, she really didn't want to draw extra attention to it by seeming too eager.

"Hi Terrence," she greeted as neutrally as she could manage. "What can I do for you?"

"You ready to see some super-secret documents?" He grinned.

"Oh, is that today?" She smiled innocently.

"Come off it Granger. You were probably dreaming of the smell of parchment all weekend. I'm sticking my neck out to get you down there. At least make it worth my while by showing some enthusiasm."

"Am I that obvious?" she asked sheepishly.

"When it comes to research, yes. Alas, in all other areas of your life you're as closed as the China Wall."

"You mean the Great Wall of China? I guess I am careful to keep rampaging hordes out of my personal life."

Terrence chuckled. "And what about well meaning friends?"

Hermione hesitated. He'd mentioned being her friend the other day as well. And here he was breaking (or at least bending) the rules to help her out. She'd known him since she'd started working at the Ministry, but to be honest she'd never really given him much thought beyond ensuring her files made it to his department correctly. He was the guy who messed up her desk, but knew to keep her files in order. And he was the one to tease her when she was stressed, or offer his confidence when she was struggling. When the heck did that happen?

At her lack of response, Terrence cleared his throat. "Ahem. Yes, well, let's get downstairs, shall we?"

"…right." Hermione shook her head. She was on a mission to help Fred, and that had to be her focus.

They were silent the entire way to the Ministry Recording Department. Hermione felt awkward, certain now that Terrence was pushing to become outside of work friends. She wasn't sure if that was a good or bad idea. Ever since the end of the war, she'd kept to herself and the friends she already had. It was easier that way, but she wondering if it was actually good for her. Perhaps expanding her social circle would be beneficial. Terrence had invited her to lunch the week before and she'd declined. Next time he asked, she'd say yes. It was time to challenge herself a bit.

"Here we are."

Hermione glanced up at the nondescript door with its peeling label. She could already feel her hopes sinking. "Not much is it?" she sighed.

"Now now, just wait," Terrence pulled out his wand and flicked it, unlocking the door to gain entry. Inside looked like most of the standard Ministry offices, complete with floating memos and forgotten office plants. There was no one around.

"I thought there would be more people cataloging," Hermione commented.

"Yeah, there usually are, but there was a meeting with the Archives office today. Meredith and I were assigned to stay here and keep things going."

"Oh. So then where is Meredith?" Terrence had mentioned the woman numerous times but she'd never actually met her.

"Someone may have mentioned hearing that Celestina Warbeck was seen in Westminster, and she suddenly decided to take her lunch break." He smiled connivingly.

Hermione shook her head. "That's not very nice. She'll be so disappointed."

"Hey, she'll just assume she missed her. I had to get her to leave somehow. Technically speaking any access like this should be formally requested and documented. You're also not supposed to remove any records and only view them in here, but I got the feeling you were hoping to read them on your own time?"

"I… yeah." He really was going out of his way to help her. "Thank you so much Terrence. You are a good friend."

Terrence smiled broadly, then led her through another locked door at the back of the office.

He had been right about the smell of parchment. The room was intoxicating. Hundreds… no, thousands of books and documents were carefully cataloged on rows and rows of shelves. Hermione was reminded of the Hall of Prophecy and felt overwhelmed.

"Most of the documents on magical creatures are over here. If you want house-elves specifically it's further back." Terrence gestured to a row on the left.

Hermione swallowed. "Actually, what I'm looking for won't be in that section."

He arched an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"No, umm. Where would I find information on non-magical beings?"

"Hmm." He glanced around, referring to a catalog nearby. "It depends. That's a very broad category. Can you be more specific."

"Oh, yes." She'd hoped to keep things vague and look on her own but that clearly wasn't an option. "Specifically about vampires."

Terrence's lip curled. "Ugh. Nasty beasts. Can't fathom why you'd be interested in them."

Hermione blinked, at a loss for words. He spoke of vampires with almost as much distain as Fred himself did. She awkwardly cleared her throat. "Yes, well that's the thing. They aren't beasts, are they? They're classified as beings. And," she added, hoping to impress upon him that she didn't abide his speaking ill of them, "they're protected by paragraph twelve of the Guidelines for the Treatment of Non-Wizard Part-Humans."

He studied her for a moment, then smiled. "You're right. If they could be classified as creatures, rather than beings, then those guidelines wouldn't be in effect any more. Then they could be dealt with."

He… She thought she had been pretty clear. How had he taken her intentions and completely flipped them around like that? "You-"

"You can find information on vampires here," he cut in, walking down several rows before pointing to two shelves. "Good luck."

He started to walk away but Hermione stopped him. "Wait!" He turned to face her. "Why… why do you hate vampires so much?"

He glanced down for a moment before meeting her gaze with a look of determination. "Visit the cemetery in Barnton one day and count the number of graves from 1994 and you'll understand.

Before she could respond, he walked out of the room, leaving her to peruse the shelves with a twisted feeling in her stomach.

For fanfic writers, there are two things that bring them joy: the creation of their work, and the response of its readers. Please take time to review, not only this fic but any other you read. Thank you.