Author has written 2 stories for Naruto. Name: Kile Age: 18..i feel like im always updating this damn thing As some may have noticed, my pen name has changed. The reason for this being the rivalry between me and another author. That's right you stinkin Uchiha the Hyuuga way reigns supreme! Oh and you'll all do well to remember that Sprinkles( my choice summon) pwns Ling-Ling (ZeekUchiha's choice summon) Arigatou, Ja Ne. Intersests: anime, food, t.v. , randomness, family guy, fanfics, and mah friends About me: I like stuff i hate other stuff. Favorites: NARUTOxHINATA FOREVER. I am one of the biggest NaruHina fanboys HINATA FOREVER!! -breaths heavily and foams at the mouth- Oh yes lets not forget InuYasha one of the most godlike anime ever to existed in the natural world. LONG LIVE INUYASHAxKAGOME...-faints- Favorite Anime/Manga: Inuyasha, Naruto, Saikano, Alice19th, Bleach, Get Backers, Tsubasa, xxxHolic, Chobits, pretty much everything made by CLAMP, a bit of fruits basket (Zeek tried to get me into it cause of my love for fluff), and a bunch of otherrs i cant think of. About Me: In case you haven't noticed from my above mentioned. I like fluff action/adventure and Romance. Humor is my life and hopefully soon i'll be co-writing a humor story with my best friend and one of my favorite authors zeekuchiha. Favorite music: MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE. God i love them. Muse, My chemical Romance, Maximun The Hormone and Ludo. Best bands ever. Edit- 5/17/09, I hate rap and quite personally think it should die. Then again so should Uchihacest, Hyuugacest, SasuNaru, GaaraNeji... lets face it. ANY YAOI, or yuri for that matter, Pairings SUCK. As does HinaX anyone else but Naruto and Vice Versa. I love writing and i think i'm a pretty good writer, friends think im really good but i dont believe them. Please forgive the mediocrity of my first few chapters of Destinys Path I was just starting out and i wasnt very good. I promise when my mom is less of a bitch and actually gives me my laptop instead of hording it in her room like a hooker scorpion woman ill go back and fix those chapters up. Ill also be able to muster up more frequent updates. LET THE RANDOMNESS COMMENCE! Yay hollywood undead!! Random idiot #1- I love hinakiba, isn't it so awesome Random idiot #2- yeah she doesnt need Naruto with Kiba around! DanteHyuuga: -Pulls out kaijin getsuei- (awesome sword from my fanfic) DIE FIENDS DIE (stabs mercilessly) Random idiot #1: IT HURTS IT HURTS!! WHY ME GOD? WHY ME?! DanteHyuuga: not god but close enough, have you seen the errors of your ways by choosing the path of the mutt-boy. Random idiot #2: (still bleeding) BUT THEIR SO GOOD TOGETHER!! DanteHyuuga: (twich) you'll regret that calls in sprinkles, the super mega awesomely huge flying coughing black winged mongoose devour his worthless legs first. Random idiot #2: (still being eaten) I SEE THE LIGHT! I SEE THE LIGHT! I'VE CHANGED!! DanteHyuuga: no that would be the Q-train. Both random idiots: (squished) DanteHyuuga: and thats the end of that chapter (throws randomly appeared scarf around neck) scarf: (gets caught in fan) DanteHyuuga: (choking to death) ZeekUchiha: What the hell did i tell you about scarfs you idiot. DanteHyuuga: (still choking) ZeekUchiha: i'd cut you down but we both know you wouldn't learn anything as usual. DanteHyuuga: (passed out) ZeekUchiha: like he would of said if he was conscious was to bow down to the power of the sharingan and all revel in the glory of itachi-kun DanteHyuuga: (kicks ZeekUchiha) say it right asshole! (passes out again) ZeekUchiha: OW YOU ASSWIPE THAT HURT storms off muttering about itachi-kun and the anthem he was working on Sprinkles the mongoose: In the departing words of my summoner i bid you farewell. -screen fades- DanteHyuuga: hail to the byakugan!(gets crushed by fading screen) Sprinkles&ZeekUchiha: IDIOT THE END Attention, Attention! Sometime this summer the trilogy 'Enter the shadow village' will be published soon. I'm not really good at summaries so if you PM i'll give you some keypoints yo the summary and hopefully someone can help with the summary. ja ne 5/25/08 - I finall got my laptop so i have gone back and edited my stories and updates for each one should be weekly at this point. The long awaited 'Enter the shadow village' has finally been released by Zeek, you should check it out and leave a review if you like. Thanx. 2/19/09 - i know i was supposed to have updating long ago, but life has a way of kicking you in the balls sometimes dont you think? I really will get to it as soon as posseible though. Both stories. Hope people just keep reading them. 4/22/09 -there is absolutely no reason for me to not have updated either story yet..._. we'll account it to my sheer laziness. I am writing all my ideas down in books, ive just become faaaaar too lazy to type it all up. forgive me? 7/31/10 New work has been done to the stories and reposts have been done, I am a proud supporter of NarutoxHinata pairing in Naruto If you believe that Naruto and Hinata are the greatest pairing, copy and paste this into your profile and add your name to the list: SilentSinger948, Leaf Ranger, Aaa222xx,Angelito soldado, Kage Biju, DanteHyuuga |
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Community: | Pale eyes, a foxes love. NaruHina lovin goodness |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Naruto |