A/N - Hey everyone. I know it has been a long while and I'm sorry about that. Been really busy and for some reason I was having trouble getting this one right. But I think I am over my last hurdle and the rest of the story will come far sooner and with greater ease. I do hope that you all enjoy it and look forward to any feedback you may have. Once more thank you all for your patience.

Chapter 12 - Rock and the Sand & Fox and the Toad!

Rock Lee stood proudly on the arena floor. It seemed to him as if he had been made to wait a lifetime for this fight. Now that it was here he could not be more eager to get going. His opponent, Gaara, didn't seem to be in as much of a hurry to start. He stood above looking down at the arena floor at Lee. In his mind Lee was not going to be much of a challenge and this fight nothing more then formality before he could continue on to the finals.

In a whirlwind of sand Gaara disappeared from above and reappeared on the arena floor opposite of Lee. He casually removed the cork from the giant gourd carried on his back. He stared at Lee a moment longer. He honestly didn't know what to make of this kid with the giant eyebrows. But in the end it would not matter. It will be a quick win.

Lee was grinning from ear to ear. "I'm very happy I can fight you early."

The Proctor coughed a couple of times then cleared is throat. "Now, let the match begin."

Lee wasted no time and charged in immediately attacking with his Leaf Hurricane. His arms folded across his chest Gaara never moved to block it. A wall of sand suddenly appeared in front of Gaara blocking Lee's attack. Quickly retreating Lee noticed the sand was pouring from inside the gourd.

Not letting up for long Lee charges back in making a series of quick attacks testing the sand barrier. After a series of unsuccessful moves Lee is forced to retreat again when the sand starts to attack him, lashing out and striking back. Gaara never once moves the entire time blows are being exchanged.

Up above Naruto was fascinated by the fight below. At this rate Lee has no hope of beating Gaara with such simple moves. It does not matter how much force is contained in his blows if they can't get past the sand barrier. What is more impressive to Naruto was that Gaara was not expending any energy in the fight at all. The sand was moving on its own. He hoped that Lee would put up a better showing and draw Gaara out more. That way he may learn the key to being able to defeat Gaara if he ever had to fight him.

Back on the floor Gaara stood unimpressed. "Is that all? A least let me enjoy this a little more." The sand then grabbed Lee by the leg and tossed him at a nearby wall. Lee recovered and continued to evade the sand's relentless assult in hopes of gaining an opening for attack.

Watching Lee's moves Sakura was confused. "Why is Lee only using hand to hand combat? Winning like that is going to be tough. He needs to pull back and use ninjutsu."

"It's not that he isn't using them," Guy answered. "Just that he can't use them."


"Lee has no talent in ninjutsu or genjutsu."

"That can't be!"

"When I met Lee he had no talent at all."

"I can't believe that." Sakura really could not believe that after seeing all he is able to do.

Guy never stopped watching Lee who remains on the defensive. At one point Lee lost his footing and fell to the ground. The sand rushed him and he looked as if he was to be buried alive. At the last second Lee jumps free landing on top of a statue at the far end of arena. He stayed there a moment to catch his breath. He was, for now, outside the reach of the sand.

"It's true," Guy continued on. "Ninja who can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu are rare. That's why the only thing left for Lee, if he was to survive as a ninja, was taijutsu." He turned to face Sakura. "But that's why he can win." He turned to Lee. "Lee, take them off! Don't worry, I'll allow it for this."

Lee could not help himself and began to laugh as he began to take off his leg weights. All around him everyone that watched stood confused. He had been intentionally fighting with a handicap? The more smug observers simply laughed. Like removing a little weight will make any difference against Gaara. Gaara, who still had not moved an inch the whole fight, simple watched him curious of what was about to happen.

"All right!" Lee exclaimed in triumph while holding his leg weights in hand. "Without these I can move much easier now." Dropping them everyone watched the weights fall to the ground. The force at which they hit the ground was so great as to smash the stone tiles, shake the room in the manner an earthquake would, and shook everyone to their core. Even Gaara was more then impressed.

Lee once more began his attacks on Gaara. This time things were much different. He moved so fast that Gaara lost sight of him. Without warning Lee was right behind him but then gone again before he or the sand could react. Lee just kept moving so fast that the sand could not keep up. Gaara was shocked by this sudden turn of events and could not hide it. He tried to keep up with Lee but he just could not track him moving at such speed. Then he suddenly was hit on the top of the head. Lee had jumped up and landed a kick.

A wave of shocked voices could be heard above. Gaara had never been struck before. Some people cheered for Lee. Lee never let up and after another series of quick moves landed a punch that sent Gaara flying back.

Gaara tumbles across the ground a short distance. After a moment the shock of being struck wears off and he stands. His face has visible cracks in it and begins to crumble. More sand poured from the gourd, pooling at his feet. Rising up the sand repairs the damage to his Sand Armor. A defensive tactic he had to employ when he realized his normal defense would be of no use.

"Impressive," Gaara said when the repairs had been completed. "Very impressive. You have forced me to take this seriously. Thank you. But . . . is that all you've got?"

Lee just smiled. It was time to be serious and end this fight with one attack. He began to prepare for his Lotus attack. Moving in at super high speed Lee ran around Gaara trying to keep the sand ninja off balance. With a sudden kick he sent Gaara flying up into the air. But with the weight of the sand covering Gaara's body he did not go very high so Lee had to continue kicking. Higher and higher Lee kicked him into the air. This was putting a massive strain on his body and one kicked caused him to flinch in pain. In that instant Gaara escaped.

Lee was able to continue with the rest of his attack. He executed a beautiful Lotus and sent, what he thought was Gaara, slamming into the ground. Looking into the newly formed crater Lee watched as an empty shell crumbled away.

Gaara appeared behind Lee. "Now it's my turn." A few quick hand signs and a tidal wave of sand slammed into a weakened Lee sending him crashing into the wall. Lee was unable to break the sand's grip on him, still too weak from the Lotus. "You have done well today. No one has ever come as far as you have against me. But now your body is exhausted and damaged. You should withdraw. I do not wish to harm you further."

There was a change in Lee. He was injured and in pain but a visible the change took place. Suddenly Lee's strength and speed returned to him. He broke free of the grip the sand had on him.

Watching from above Kakashi realized what happened. "How many can he open Guy?"

"Five of the Eight," Guy said with a serious tone.

"Five what? Sakura asked. Naruto turned to listen as well.

"The eight Gates of Manipulation is a preparation for taking limiters off to use the Primary Lotus."

Sakura knew about the Gates of Manipulation from her studies but was still unsure about the limiters. "What do you mean take off the limiters?"

Kakashi answered. "In the chakra circulatory system there are gates in each part of the body. From the top they are Open Gate, Energy Gate, Life Gate, Wound Gate, Forest Gate, View Gate, Insanity Gate, and Death Gate. Those are the eight places in the body where chakra holes are concentrated at. These are known as the Eight Gates. These eight gates constantly control the chakra that flows in your body. But Lotus unfastens those controls with force and grants the user more then 10 times more power. That is its power source."

"Secondary Lotus is a move that opens the first gate, the Open Gate," Guy cut in. "It unfastens the control of the brain and enables a person to use his muscles at their limits."

"What about Primary Lotus?" Sakura asked.

"It opens the second gate, the Energy Gate, and increases one's strength forcefully. Then after opening the third gate, the Life Gate, the Primary Lotus is carried out." Down below Lee keeps dodging all of Gaara's attacks.

"But the Secondary Lotus wears out his body. If he tries to do something more straining then that . . ."

"Yes," Kakashi cut her off. "By opening all eight gates you are able to gain temporary powers greater than a Hokage. But afterwards that person will die." Kakashi turned to Guy. "I have no intention of prying into what that boy is to you, and I won't tell you to leave personal affairs out of this, but there's such a think as a limit. I've lost faith in you Guy."

"What do you know about him?" Guy replied. "He has something important that he must prove to everyone. Even if that means his own death. That is why I wanted to make him a man that could stand on his own. That is all."

On the arena floor Gaara watched as Lee opened the gates he needed for his attack. Unsure of what was going on he decided not to wait and find out. "I don't know what it is you are doing but this will be the end of this."

"Your right," Lee responded. "Either way this next move will end everything. I cannot be the only one who losses here." Power seems to be flowing off of Lee. "Life Gate, open!" His skin even changes color becoming red. Power radiating off his body. "Guy-Sensei, please acknowledge this. Now is the time to abide and protect my way of the ninja!"

"Now he will make his move," Kakashi said solemnly.

"No, not yet," Guy simply said.

"Now for the fourth gate, Wound Gate, open!" Lee exploded with even more power. Even Naruto's senses were overwhelmed by such sheer power. He had never sensed anything like it before, aside from the tremendous power of the Fox inside of him.

"Amazing," Kakashi was genuinely surprised. "This isn't something that can be achieved with hard work alone. Is he a genius after all?"

Lee suddenly moved with such speed and force the ground shatters beneath his feet. He hit Gaara with such force it nearly knocked over everyone watching above. In a storm of sand and dust the two fighters were lost from sight. Suddenly Gaara is seen high above flying out of the chaos below. As he starts to fall back to the ground his sand protection races to catch up to him. Before that can happen Lee starts attacking, ping ponging Gaara through the air over and over. Each blow breaking and shattering his Sand Armor.

"This is the end of this," Lee shouted. "Fifth gate, Forest Gate, open!"

"I can't guard against this," Gaara thought. "Is this really possible? How can a normal human move like this?"

With one last hit Lee then unleashes the Primary Lotus. Once more he sends Gaara crashing to the ground, butt this time it's no substitution. Lee has pushed himself far too much and he hits the ground hard as well rolling off to one side. He lies there in obvious pain but feeling victorious. But as the dust settles it is clear this fight is not over yet.

In his own pain Gaara stands from the new crater his body made in the arena floor. At the last second he turned the gourd on his back into sand and that cushioned his fall enough for him to survive. Breathing hard and what was left of his sand armor crumbling away Gaara took a step forward. He let the Sand Armor fall away now. The chakra needed to keep it up was too great and not necessary.

He walked over to Lee. Lee wanted to stand and continue to face Gaara, but he couldn't. His body would not respond or move right. One of his arms and one of his legs was severely injured. Muscles throughout his body torn and in agony. All he could do was look up as Gaara stood over him.

"Rock Lee," Gaara said as if he was trying out the name for the first time. "You have fought fiercely and with honor. No other has ever truly challenged me as you have today. You may not have beaten me this day but you have shown me that I am not unstoppable and that I too must continue training hard. Thank you for this."

Lee simply laid there a moment taking in Gaara's words. He made a choice. "There is no shame in loosing to one such as you. Though I wish more then anything to continue on to the final rounds. You have truly been an outstanding opponent."

A few short coughs from the Proctor drew everyone's attention to him. "This fight is over. Winner, Gaara." He coughed again.

Gaara reached a hand down to Lee. With his good arm Lee reached up and took the outstretched hand. With Gaara's help Lee was able to stand on his one good leg. He placed most of his weight on Gaara.

"I must triple my efforts," Lee began to say. "Next time we meet I will be the victorious one."

Gaara smiled genuinely and warmly. "I look forward to the day I can challenge you again." He then looked over at the medics who were standing off to one side. "You there. He needs assistance. Come quickly."

Looking dumbfounded the medics ran over with a stretcher. During the entire exchange, between Lee and Gaara, Guy stood off to the side and watched with pride. He wanted to be there so he could protect Lee but it turns out he was not needed. Once loaded on the stretcher Lee gave Guy a big tooth shining smile and thumbs up. Guy returned it and walked alongside Lee as they exited the arena and headed off to the hospital.

Naruto was impressed by the show of force by both combatants. He had to reevaluate his initial impressions of Lee. Gaara he always knew to be dangerous and now had a better understanding of just how much. As if reading his mind Gaara then looked up at Naruto. Silent words were spoken between the two before Gaara disappeared in a whirlwind of sand and reappeared next to his brother and sister.

It was finally done. Well almost. There was one last match but lasted all of 30 seconds and then it was done. The Third droned on and on about how important the final rounds were and that it would take place a little over one month from now. That was a relief to Naruto. Even spite alone could not get him through anymore fights today. His luck got even better when he learned that his first fight was going to be against Neji. One month from now he was going to make him pay for what he tried to do to Hinata.

Two Days Later

Naruto had never once left Hinata's side. As soon as he left the arena he made a mad dash to the hospital. There he waited until he was told he could go in and see her. In that time she had never awoken. He sat by her, holding her hand, talking to her, and sleeping what little he could in a chair next to her bed each night. The nurses never said anything about it and in fact liked that he was there for her. None of her family had even come to visit yet.

"You should be in one of those beds as well," Sakura's voice said to Naruto. She had slipped in so quietly he didn't even know she was there. He really was in bad shape.

"You're probably right." He turned to her and smiled. "But for now this will do just fine."

"How is she?"

"The doctor's say she will be better in time. Right now sleep is the best thing for her."

There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. "Naruto I have a message form Kakashi-Sensei."


"He says that he has to take off for a bit but not to worry. He will be back in time for the start of the final rounds."

"Sasuke." Naruto was irritated. "He is going off to train Sasuke."

"That's what I thought as well. They are a lot alike so I guess it makes sense. He said he made arrangements for another Jonin to take over our training while he is gone."

"No thanks, I have my own plans."

"Naruto, I don't like this anymore then you do. That's why I wanted to ask you something. Could you help me train, like we did before the Chunin exams? If it had not been for you then I would never have gotten this far so I know with your help I can do even more."

"You do realize that we may end having to fight each other in this thing?"

"Yeah, I thought about that but it's a risk I'm willing to take." She flashed him a wicked little smile. She had meant it to be a joke and it did make him laugh. It felt good to laugh. It had been so long that he almost forgot how.

"Sure Sakura. Give me a few days to work some things out and we can get started training together. In fact could you do me a favor now?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"I need to go do something this afternoon. Could you stay here with Hinata while I'm gone? I would hate for her to wake up alone."

"Of course Naruto."

"Thanks." He stood up and went to the open window. "I've got a toad to catch." He jumped out the window leaving Sakura very confused.

Naruto had caught his chakra sent yesterday. It was unmistakable. The sheer power of it nearly overwhelmed everyone else's in the village. Racing over the rooftops he made his way quickly outside of the village. The sent grew strong as he got closer to the river falls. He came to a stop in a tree overlooking a pool of water the falls fell into. Four young women were splashing around in the water laughing and enjoying the afternoon sun. Off in the bushes he saw what he had come looking for.

Naruto jumped down behind the bushes. What he had come to find was a most unexpected disappointment. Crouched down peering through the bushes was an older man with a large scroll of some sort strapped to his back and impossibly long white hair. The hair reminded Naruto of a porcupine. He had not even noticed Naruto come up behind him as he was far to engrossed in his peeping.

"Oh baby, that's it," the old letch said. "My research is really coming along "swimmingly"." He laughed at he own bad joke.

"Hey pervert," Naruto said sounding annoyed.

"Hu?" The old man looked back also annoyed. "Hey, beat it kid. Can't you see I have important work to do? So go run along and play someplace else, will ya?"

Naruto knew that more drastic measures would be required. With the old man's attention once more on the young girls splashing about it was simple thing then for Naruto to walk up behind him and kick him. Kick him hard enough to send him crashing through the bushes and into the water. The next thing Naruto heard was the screams of the girls, some splashing about, and even a slap to the face.

Naruto waited a few moments for the ladies to leave before walking through the bushes feeling really proud of himself. The old man was far from happy. He was dripping wet and his face was getting redder with each passing moment.

"Oh, that's it kid," he stated to scream at a still grinning Naruto. "You asked for it. Do you have any idea who I am?!"

"One of the three legendary Sannin, Jiraiya the Mountain Toad Sage." Naruto knew much about him.

"That's right you little brat . . . hey wait a second?" Anger quickly replaced by confusion. "Who the hell are you kid?"

"Naruto Uzumaki. And please let's drop the act where you pretend you don't know who I am. I seriously doubt someone, even as old as you, could forget the name of the vessel that contains the Nine-Tailed Fox."

With his anger forgotten and his confusion giving way to amusement Jiraiya smiled at Naruto. "So, the Nine-Tailed kid has grown up. Naruto was it?" He asked jokingly. "You have gone through allot of trouble to find me. I can only assume you need something."

"I need you to fix this." Naruto lifted up his shirt. Manipulating his chakra some he was able to make the seal visible.

Jiraiya knelt down in front of Naruto and examined the seal. "Amazing. So this is the seal that keeps the Nine-Tailed Fox's power in check. But there seems to be another 5 pronged seal on top of it. But an odd numbered seal on top of an even numbered one? The formula is crude, and very familiar."

"I assume you see the problem? That extra seal completely cuts me off from the Nine-Tails and her power. Also it messes up my own ability to use my chakra."

"I can see that. What I don't get is what you want me to do about it?"

"I want you to remove it so I can have access to the Nine-Tail's power again."

"Forget it kid. You're better off without that influence anyhow. I can't see what possible good could come of you wielding any of that power."

"If you don't then I'm going to die." He looked up at Naruto unsure what he meant. "I'll make it simple. I have been exposed to demon energy everyday of my life. It has incredible healing powers for humans in small douses. Like the ones I get. Without it my body is slowly dying. This is an incredibly simplified explanation of what I'm going through but you should get my point. And besides, you owe me."

"Owe you? How do you figure that?"

"The Fourth Hokage, your student, did this to me. He made me into a freak, he made me hated by the village, ensured I led a life of misery and pain." Naruto tried to calm himself. Lashing out in anger would do him no good now. "Now I'm dying. The legacy left behind by the Fourth dies with me making him a failure. Making you a failure by proxy."

"There is a lot of hate inside you kid."

"I have recently learned there are lots of things inside of me. Ironically the only good thing is the Fox. My whole life she has been my only family. The only person who ever looked out for me."

Jiraiya began to laugh. "I like you kid. You speak your mind and don't mince words." For a moment it seemed as if he was lost in thought, remembering the past. "It was never supposed to be like that, your life that is. He would have been ashamed of the village if he ever knew. Naruto, I'll make you deal."

"I'm listening."

"I'll fix this on one condition. That power inside of you is incredible. I don't know what you have been able to do with it so far but if you let me train you then you can grow up to become something amazing. The Fourth had a plan for you and I guess it's high time I did my part. I owe him that much. What do you say?"

"Deal." Naruto smiled. Everything was working out the way he had planned. "To be trained by someone like him will make me unstoppable."

"Good." Jiraiya raised a hand. Removing the new seal placed on Naruto would be an easy matter. "Now for some payback for earlier." Before Naruto knew what he was talking about Jiraiya slammed his palm and fingers into Naruto's stomach. The blow knocked the wind out of him and set him sailing into the river. He could also feel a slight burning as the seal was removed and then a sudden surge of power. It was so explosive that Jiraiya could see it engulf Naruto and then it was gone. "Hey kid, you OK?"

Naruto could not hear him. He was already deep inside his own mind. With the blocks that had denied him access to where the Fox resided ripped away he wasted no to time trying to get to her. For as far back as he could remember he had never been without her and he was worried that she may be hurt in some way. He missed her more then he realized or would ever admit.

"Mom!" Naruto yelled across the field in his mind. The grass was as green as ever and the sky bluer then anything he had ever seen before. The small cave the Fox lived in, was imprisoned in, came sharply into focus. Standing at the bars looking as beautiful to him as he had ever seen her, the Nine-Tailed Fox waited smiling at her son.

"Naruto. I feared I would never see you again, my son." She looked down at the blond haired boy who tried his best to hold back the tears in his eyes. She would tease him without mercy if he cried.

"Where did you go? Are you OK?"

"I'm fine. I found myself in a very dark place. I could not see or hear anything. I feared the worst for you. But look at you. You seem so different. Open you mind to me, show me what I have missed." Naruto closed his eyes and let the Fox into his mind. He showed her everything that had happened. Except for the vision of a dead village and the other Naruto he encountered there. He kept that hidden. "You have taken many steps towards becoming a great man. I'm proud of you."

He wanted to stay longer with her but Naruto had to go. He said his goodbye, not that she would not be with him. Coming out of his head Naruto found himself still standing in the river. Jiraiya staring at him asking him if he was OK. Everything that took place in his mind only lasted a second in the real world.

"Yeah," Naruto said calmly. "Everything is great, ya pervy sage."

"Hey, could you not call me that. You are my student now after all."

"Maybe. I got to go. I'll see you here tomorrow morning for my training."

"Go? I'd figure you would want to get started right away or something. But not like I care. If I'm lucky I can find some new subjects for my research." He suddenly got that far off pervy look in his eyes.

For a brief moment Naruto had second thoughts about what he had just agreed too. He knew it was going to be a long road. But it should be worth it. He left Jiraiya to his "research" and headed back to the village. He wanted to get back to Hinata as fast as he could.

"Your feelings for her are far stronger now," the Fox said to him. "She has sway over you I see."

"She keeps me from lashing out and killing people you mean," he said dryly.

"Hinata will become very useful in the future I think. And speaking of things that should prove useful you and I have some training of our own to do."

"What do you mean?"

"I think that you are ready to learn a fairly dangerous technique. It will take some time to master but once you do you will truly be a force to be feared my son."

Naruto smiled. He had no idea what she was talking about but he knew it was going to be fun. Finally for the first time in weeks things were looking up. The next month was going to be very busy. But for now he needed to get back to the hospital and check in on Hinata. With luck she will be awake soon and tonight he can sleep soundly.