

"Kyuubi talking."


Naruto's eyes narrowed at the arrogance of the Inuzuka. It didn't help him at all, that he stunk of the scent of dog. Knowing this issue needed to be nipped in the bud now, Naruto decided to make an example of him.

"Your woman? You think you can lay claim to my mate, stupid mutt?" Naruto growled, his anger rapidly escalating at being challenged by the dog boy.

"Yes, MY woman. Now I suggest you learn your place, and stay away from her, before I have to put you into the ground, permanently." Kiba growled back. By this time the exchange drew a lot of attention. Shikamaru, Chouji, and Shino, who knew Kiba's intentions, had followed him to the confrontation. Ino was sitting on a bench, her focus shifting between Sasuke, who was leaning against a tree, with his arms crossed, as he watched the exchange, and Naruto. The looks on the arguing boys' faces were starting to cause her to give them more attention. Hinata and Sakura were out of ear shot of the whole thing. Hinata chose to ask the pink haired girl for her notes, to catch up with what she missed, since she was the one with the most book smarts in the class.

"I know my place you damn mutt, and it's far above a beta like yourself. Now I suggest you walk away with your tail between your legs, before I teach you how inferior you really are compared to me!" Naruto said in a feral tone as he subtly shifted his weight forward and bared his fangs. Kiba, refusing to back down and deciding to prove his place as alpha, threw a punch at the red head. The attack only connected with air as Naruto ducked under the hook. He didn't even have time to register that his fist hadn't connected with anything before he was lifted off of the ground by a strong blow to his stomach. He jackknifed, as he flew through the air, with all of the breath knocked from his lungs. He saw a blur, flash by his side, as his wide eyes stared forward. In that moment the feral child was behind, and slightly to the side of him. Naruto, planted his feet, and slammed an elbow into Kiba's kidney, to ensure that he would remember this battle for a long time to come. The momentum of Kiba's flight was suddenly shifted by the attack. He was sent spinning, his body horizontal to the ground. The ground broke his fall, as he landed hard on his side. The demon child watched calmly as the Inuzuka laid there, coughing and clutching the area over his kidney.

By this point the battle had drawn a large crowd of the students. Many awed at the sight of the crimson eyed child dropping Kiba in a matter of a couple of seconds, giving weight to the rumors they had heard. When the initial shock wore off, the students started cheering for their respective champion as Kiba finally started rising from the ground, favoring his aching side. Hinata and Sakura, their attention drawn by the commotion, rushed over just in time to see Kiba launch his next attack. "Tsuuga!" He launched at the feral child, spinning as soon as he left the ground.

Naruto, watched as the drill-like attack approached. At the last possible instant, before he was struck, he flashed through a couple hand seals, while muttering, ''Kawarimi no Jutsu!'' A small puff of smoke, and a confused look on Akamaru's face was all anyone saw, as he was sent flying across the yard. He skidded to a stop on the ground, with a slight yelp, and whimpered in pain.

Kiba, seeing his companion in such pain, snapped, ''Die, you bastard!'' He dove at Naruto, ready to strangle him. Naruto, watching the feeble attack, grabbed Kiba's shirt and dropped to his back. As he fell back, he kicked up and monkey flipped the Inuzuka. Kiba's trajectory altered when he glanced off of a tree, with a sickening pop, as he flew through the air. He landed roughly on the ground once more, rolling and tumbling in an unceremonious heap.

Naruto rose to his feet, and glared at the grass stained kid, who was shakily attempting to stand. Kiba, on his feet again, met his gaze, and charged once more. However, due to his battered condition, his blitz was no faster than a quick walk. His arm hung swaying at his side from a dislocated shoulder, and he walked with a pronounced limp.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata yelled in an attempt to halt the fight. Her attempt fell on deaf ears.

"It's time you learn how weak you really are compared to me, mutt," Naruto growled out as he dropped to all fours. No one could follow the boy's speed. One second he was ten feet away from the limping Inuzuka, the next he was nearly on top of him. Kiba felt his legs get viciously knocked out from under him. He began to fall forward, only for a rising Naruto to connect with an uppercut upon his jaw, sending him into the air for the third time that fight. The feral child followed into the air with a jump, keeping the same altitude as the battered Inuzuka boy. Grabbing his shoulders, the demon child kneed Kiba in his abused stomach, causing him to hunch over. With his grip still on the boy's shoulder, Naruto spun around, throwing the dog boy hard against the ground. The red head shifted his weight, causing him to fall heavily. He landed with another fist planting itself into the prone Kiba's stomach, the prostrate boy's eyes rolled back into his head, and his body went limp.

Everyone stared in gaping awe at the brutality they just witnessed. Even Sasuke's mask faltered as he stared wide eyed, his jaw hanging. Hinata ran up to the victor. "Naruto-kun! Why did you do that?" She yelled, upset that Naruto would beat one of their class mates so brutally.

The boy in question looked over, "He challenged me for having you as a mate, and attacked me. I was simply defending myself, my claim, and showing him who was alpha," he said, unconcerned by the girl's anger. The wind went out of his mate's sails with the knowledge that the whole fight had been because Kiba challenged Naruto for claim of her as a mate. Ino, who approached the fight to get a better seat, heard everything. She the first person to snap out of their shock. He...He did that because Kiba challenged him...for his woman?! She thought to herself as a warm feeling grew in her stomach. She found herself unable to tear her eyes away from the feral child before her.

"What's going on here?!" An enraged voice yelled out. The students present turned to see their teacher approaching the battle site. When he saw the brutalized form of Kiba, with a limping Akamaru next to him, on the ground, he ran over to him and checked his pulse. Finding it to be strong and steady, he turned to those present. "What happened here? Who did this?" His voice rough and radiating with anger.

"I did, he...," Naruto started, but was cut off when Iruka jumped in.

"You did this?! What the hell were you thinking, brat? I...," it was Iruka's turn to be interrupted, as Naruto's vermilion eyes started to glow.

"You listen here you bastard! That...mutt...challenged and attacked me! I was just defending myself and my claim! If you don't like it, you're welcome to challenge me! Otherwise, know your place and shut the hell up!" Naruto growled out, his face betraying his feral nature. Iruka just stared at the boy, not knowing how to react. His first reaction would be to teach the demon boy a lesson, however he had heard much about the boy since his return the previous week. He didn't want to try his luck. Giving one last glare at the boy, he looked down defeated. Everyone sat in stunned silence as Naruto walked off, no one knowing what to do after all they had witnessed.

I can beat him! I know I can! The blood of the Uchiha flows through my veins! There's no way he can be stronger than me! Sasuke thought as he glared at the retreating form.

Iruka, his voice tired and strained from the stress, said, "Class is dismissed for today. I need to take Kiba to get treated," with that, he lifted the boy and leapt off.

The students, now alone in the school yard, began conversing on what they had just witnessed. Hinata, regaining her cognitive abilities, rushed after her mate. Chouji turned to the boy next to him, "Hey, Shikamaru, what do you think of the new kid now?" He then turned to his bag of chips on the ground, their contents spilled, with a forlorn look on his face. The Nara boy sat there contemplatively as he played the battle through his mind again. No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't help but respect the boy's strength. Shino, both of his eyebrows raised, watched the exiting forms of Naruto and Hinata.

Ino Yamanaka was many things, confident, brash, and cunning, to name but a few, so after Naruto's fight with Kiba, she realized, that Naruto had left without taking his books. Running back to the classroom, she grabbed them and flipped open the cover of one of the books. She saw an address to return it to, if found. Smiling she walked home to plan.


After dropping Kiba off at the hospital, Iruka made his way to the Hokage's office. Standing before the elderly man's desk, he began telling him about the Inuzuka's condition. "Naruto left him in very bad shape. When I confronted him about it he threatened me," Iruka stated.

"What caused Naruto to act in such a way?" Sarutobi asked.

"He said something about challenging him for his mate. Whatever his excuse was, what he did to that boy was uncalled for," Iruka reasoned.

Sarutobi, understanding Naruto's new instincts, took what he heard in stride. "Challenged him for his mate? Anything else?" The elderly Hokage inquired.

"I think he may have said something about the Inuzuka boy attacking him," Iruka said offhandedly.

The Sandaime eyed the academy teacher incredulously. "That's a slightly important detail to leave out. I think it would be best if we got Naruto in here to find out his side of the story," the elderly man interjected. Calling in one of his ANBU guards, Sarutobi gave him the order to retrieve the feral child. When the two were alone again, Iruka began to speak once more, only to be interrupted by Sarutobi raising a hand to silence him. "We'll wait until Naruto arrives before we continue," Sarutobi stated, as they waited for the boy to show up. The pair waited a full tweny minutes before he finally arrived.

"You wanted to see me, gramps?" Naruto asked as he entered the office. Through the door Sarutobi could see Hinata sit down. The glare Iruka gave the boy as he came in, also, didn't go unnoticed.

I'll have to be sure to have Naruto's escort keep an eye on Iruka. He's starting to prove himself to be a little untrustworthy. The Sandaime thought to himself. Then to answer the boy's question, "I heard about what happened between Kiba and yourself. I wanted to hear your side of the story."

"Simple, the mutt came up to me during the break, and asked me what my scent was doing on his woman. I informed him that she was my mate. He attacked me, and I put him in his place," Naruto said, unconcerned. Iruka began to protest, but was silenced, with a look, by Sarutobi.

"And what's this I hear about you threatening Iruka?" The elderly man continued, trying to get all of the details.

"I didn't threaten him. I was speaking and he cut me off, yelling at me. That is a challenge, in my eyes, so I told him he was welcome to face me if he wanted to challenge me. He didn't act, accepting his place as beta, and I left," Naruto informed Sarutobi, still not worried about the situation.

"I see. Anything to add, Iruka?" The Hokage asked as he turned to the teacher.

"That's a lie! He nearly killed the boy and threatened me!" Iruka yelled, leaning forward with his hands on the Hokage's desk.

Naruto, looking annoyed for the first time this conversation, turned and snapped at the teacher. "If I wanted that damn mutt dead, he'd be dead! Now I suggest you stop talking to the pack elder like that before I have to teach you your place!"

Sarutobi interrupted the growing confrontation before him, "That's alright, Naruto. I'm more than capable of taking care of myself. And you, Iruka. I suggest you start acting like a teacher and teach these students before I'm forced to relieve you of your position. We can't fault Naruto for defending himself. Now if teaching him is going to be an issue for you, let me know now. I'll find a replacement teacher for your class." This really irked the chunin teacher, but he knew better than to upset Sarutobi anymore at this point.

Shaking his head, Iruka spoke, in a subdued tone, "No, Hokage-sama. That won't be necessary. If there is nothing else, may I go? I would like to go check up on Kiba's condition, as well as inform his family."

"You're free to go. Just remember what we discussed here," the elderly man offered. Once the teacher was out of the room, Sarutobi turned back to the red head and sighed, "I think you could have handled that better, Naruto."

"As I said, the mutt challenged me for my mate and attacked me. That bastard challenged me for defending myself. I am the alpha of this pack, and I will not tolerate some betas challenging me!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Oh, so your the alpha? What does that make me?" Sarutobi asked curiously.

"You're the pack elder. A position of knowledge and great respect. I won't allow betas to go around challenging you either," Naruto continued.

"Really now. The pack elder huh? Well remember, this 'pack elder' can still fend for himself," the elderly man said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You're free to go now. You don't want to keep that mate of yours waiting."

Naruto stood and waived over his shoulder as he was leaving the room. "Later, gramps." The boy walked out of the room to his worried mate.

"Everything okay, Naruto-kun?" She asked, standing up when he exited the office.

"Everything is fine, Hinata-chan. Let's go," Naruto replied to the girl. He began making his way out of the tower with her.

"What did the Hokage want to see you about?" She inquired as she looked over at the the feral child.

Naruto, still looking ahead, responded, "He wanted to find out the story of what happened earlier."

"Why did you do that to Kiba?" Her voice carried a hint of sadness.

Naruto stopped, having just exited the tower, and turned towards his mate. "He attacked me, and made it quite clear that he intended to try and take you away from me. I was just making sure he knew I was alpha, and that neither of those actions were very wise," he stated. Hinata just lowered her head as she grew more depressed. He was worried that Kiba would steal me away? Doesn't he trust me? "Let's head home," he continued as he began walking again. The girl fell into stride with him, though the walk to the apartment they shared with Kurenai was silent.


Shortly after the pair arrived, Naruto took off, saying he was going to go hunting. It didn't matter to him that Kurenai was already there and preparing dinner. The despair on Hinata's face did not escape the jounin's attention. After setting the rice to a slow boil, she joined the girl at the table where she was sitting. "Is everything okay, Hinata?" She asked.

Hinata, who was fiddling with her empty tea cup, spoke without looking up. "I don't think Naruto-kun trusts me."

"What makes you think that?" Kurenai gave the girl her undivided attention. Hinata began to relate the events that transpired at the academy that morning. "So one of the reasons he fought Kiba was because he challenged Naruto for you?" Kurenai asked to verify what she heard. Hinata nodded without breaking her gaze away from her cup. "You know Naruto isn't a normal boy right?" The crimson eyed woman inquired, and smiled slightly as the girl nodded again. "It's not that he doesn't trust you. In fact, I would say, this is not a trust issue at all. He grew up in the wild, and he is part kitsune. It's just his instincts, to protect his right to his mate from anyone that may try to take her from him. It's his nature. In fact, I would suggest on trying to find some books on animal instincts, red foxes to be more specific," the woman offered.

Hinata looked up from her cup for the first time during their conversation, and looked at the woman. "You mean, it's not because he doesn't trust me?" She asked hopefully. Kurenai shook her head in response.

Kurenai, seeing her sister figure looking relieved, stood. "I need to get back to dinner. I hope I helped," she said as she turned to go tend the the rice. Hinata sat in silence as she awaited for her mate to return.

Dinner came and went. The pair of females waited for a while, after the food was done, for the boy to return. It had been well over an hour before they gave in and ate. Night had fallen, and the girls had began growing very worried. Kurenai didn't show it, though. She chose to hide her concern in favor of reassuring Hinata. However, both knew of the hatred the village felt for the boy, especially after his return since he actually sported features that betrayed his new demonic nature.

Hours after night fell the object of their concern returned. Hinata, who had been sitting in an anxious quiet, had her attention drawn towards the apartment door as it opened. When she saw a familiar head of blond tipped red hair enter, she jumped up and rushed towards the boy. She stopped short when he turned towards her, and she saw he was covered in blood. "Naruto-kun, what happened?" She asked in fear of her concerns being realized.


Naruto had just left the apartment. He still wasn't really used to it, but he could distinctly smell a difference in her scent as they walked away from the Hokage's tower. From what he could gather from his observations, the smell was that of sadness. He noticed, shortly after arriving, that a persons scent changed based on their emotions. Though still learning the difference, there were a couple that he could tell distinctly, and this one he had learned. He also figured he was the center of the reason based on how it intensified as she spoke to him. He didn't know why, or understand her reasons, but he chose to give her time. He left with the intention of working on his ability to smell baser emotions, and began to roam the town.

His wanderings brought him to the edge of a training field. He stopped in his training at what he heard.

"Hiashi-sama was about to take her and put the caged bird seal on her, only to have an ANBU step in and stop him," the boy with long brown hair said. Naruto could tell from his scent that he was a Hyuuga based on it's similarities with the ones he had met. The Hyuuga continued, "How did she get out of having the seal placed on her? She was made a branch member, she should be suffering like the rest of us. Her high and mightiness gets spared while the rest of us have to endure the seal."

"Neji-kun, I'm sure there's a good reason the ANBU stepped in and prevented her from receiving the seal. Have you asked her?" The girl asked, trying to reassure the boy. She wore a pink sleeveless shirt, with red rings around the shoulders and tied in the front with yellow cords, dark blue pants with white wrappings around her right leg under her weapons pouch, dark blue sandals, and a dark blue leaf hitai-ate. She had her dark brown hair done up in buns. Beyond the girl he saw a familiar figure in green spandex standing next to a young carbon copy of himself, down to the bowl cut and bushy eyebrows, punching and kicking a padded wooden post.

"Are you trying to justify their actions, Tenten?" Neji returned to the girl who was currently throwing kunai at a straw doll hanging from a rope over him. His voice held the cold tone of barely contained fury.

"I'm just saying we don't know the whole story. There may be a good reason," she said as she turned from looking at the doll to look at him.

"They're playing favoritism with Hinata!" He yelled as he jumped up. "Weak precious little Hinata. My father died because of her! Now she gets out of the suffering she is due? And even you side with her?" Naruto couldn't take what he was hearing any longer. Especially after Neji mentioned his mate in such a negative fashion. He dropped to all fours, and began running towards the Hyuuga boy. Neji didn't fail to notice the charging feral child. He was facing the direction he was coming from, and saw Naruto over Tenten's shoulder. He couldn't mistake the red hair or eyes. He knew it was the boy that somehow got Hinata to be spared her fate as a branch member. "You! This is your doing!" He bellowed out.

"Me?" Tenten asked, confused. Then she noticed that the Hyuuga boy wasn't looking at her, but behind her. Tenten turned to see what Neji was looking at, missing him entering his jyuuken stance, and saw a boy charging at them at an alarming rate of speed on all fours. When she saw the red glow in his eyes, she recognized him from the rumors. "This is Naruto? The one who killed a dozen ANBU?" She whispered to herself. She only had the time to finish that thought before she jumped sideways avoiding the boy in question.

Their confrontation ended before it had the chance to begin by the man in green spandex appearing between them. The man's sudden appearance didn't stop the feral child's charge, the peculiar actions and speech afterwards did however. His left arm held straight up, as his right was bent with his forefinger and thumb forming a ring he used to cover his eye. "Yosh! The flames of youth burn brightly in this one! Though I still can't let you and Neji-kun fight!" Naruto froze in his charge, which gave the Gai carbon copy the opportunity to arrive next to the man.

"Yosh, Gai-sensei! You are so great to preserve the spring time of youth in my eternal rival and the new boy!" The green clad boy exclaimed. Upon getting a closer look at the feral child, he continued, "You were right, Gai-sensei! The flames of youth burn so strong in him that his body even shows it! If he is as good as I hear, I may have a new eternal rival!" Naruto completely forgot what he was doing when he saw the two males in green spandex embrace each other in tears.

"Lee-kun! You make me so proud!" Gai said, tears flowing freely from his eyes.

"Gai-sensei!" Lee mimicked his trainer right down to the teary eyes.





Naruto, hungry and agitated, took this opportunity to leave the pair of nuts, to their own psychotic ritual, and went to make good on his word of going hunting. Neji and Tenten, despite how many times they'd seen it, still couldn't understand or do anything but stare in shock at the event that played out before them.

Dusk had taken a firm grip on the sky by the time Naruto made it to the woods. He found a deer, and still agitated about the days events, took his time hunting it, stalking it, and killing it. By the end it was really quite bloody. The blood trail extended for over a mile from his game of cat and mouse. Naruto welcomed any predator that chose to try to take his meal from him. He wanted to work out his aggression, but, much to his dismay, none came. After he finished his meal, he returned to the apartment, leaving the rest of the corpse for whatever scavengers ran across it. The guards at the gate were about to stop him to confront him, although reluctantly, about his bloody clothes, but they, themselves, were stopped. The ANBU who had been trailing the boy stepped in and informed them that the blood, they were so concerned about, was from an animal he hunted.


"It was just a particularly bloody meal," Naruto responded to his mate as he removed his blood stained shirt. He felt it unimportant to inform her of the events at the training field.

"Are you sure, Naruto-kun? Are you okay?" Hinata asked, still unconvinced. Naruto nodded, feeling relieved that the signs of her despair had vanished. He dropped his shirt to the side, pulled his boots off, and removed his pants. Kurenai, who had entered the room to greet him, blushed slightly and turned her eyes away, as she unintentionally got an eyeful. After the bloody clothes were off and he stood, he was wrapped in an enthusiastic hug from his mate.

Kurenai was happy to see the boy return uninjured. She chose to wait until after Hinata finished her hug before she spoke up, keeping her eyes averted, "Naruto, I'm glad you're safe, but your bloody clothes don't belong on the floor. How about you go and soak them in some water," she said causing the feral child to eye her curiously. He didn't get the chance to comply before Hinata picked up said clothes, and took them to place in water to try to get out the stains.

Naruto glanced at Kurenai, wondering why she wasn't looking at him. He stepped into her line of sight and asked, ''Is anything wrong, Kurenai?'' Seeing her eyes widen as he approached, he continued, ''Did I do something to offend you?''

Kurenai's cheeks continued to redden, as she forced herself to look anywhere but at the young adonis standing in front of her, "No, Naruto,'' she answered, ''you haven't offended me, but you really...,'' she was interrupted from finishing her reply by a knocking at the door behind Naruto. Her mind derailed at the thought of what everyone would say, when it got around that she had nude boys running around her apartment.

Naruto, having no such worries, calmly turned around, walked to the door, and opened it. Upon opening the door, he saw a vaguely familiar lithe young blond. It took him a couple seconds before he recognized her from the academy, as one of his classmates, but was never introduced to her. Noticing her standing there, in a daze, he saw that her eyes were not focused on his face, and blood was starting to drip from her nose. As he opened his mouth to ask her if she needed something, she collapsed in a faint.


After a relatively boring day helping her family at their flower shop, Ino went to her room, for a change of clothes, and a quick bath. She spent all of her spare time at the shop deciding how she was going to win over Naruto. Seeing how easily he put Kiba in his place, and stood up to Iruka-sensei, made her knees go weak, and sent a delicious shiver up her spine. She wasn't exactly sure what it was, but something about strong, forceful, men sent a shot of warmth through the center of her being.

As she dried off, from her relaxing bath, she decided to go ahead with her plans. She figured she could always help Hinata find a nice quiet boy, as an apology for stealing Naruto away from her. Conscience absolved of guilt, she pulled on her clothes, and after a quick spray of perfume, and pulling her hair into a ponytail, she headed for the door. She paused to grab Naruto's books, and told her mother that she was returning some books she borrowed from a friend.

She stood outside the apartment door, going through what she would say to him, and anything that might happen afterwards. Her thoughts ranged from Hinata going berserk, to Naruto hugging her, while declaring his undying love. Even with all her contingencies, what was about to happen, would have never crossed her mind.

Steeling her resolve, she knocked on the door. A seductive smile adorned her face, as she waited it to open. Muffled steps approached the door, and feeling her heart start to race, she couldn't help but wonder if this was what a battle felt like. She inhaled a calming breath as the ingress creaked open, and as she opened her mouth to start Operation: Steal Naruto, she suddenly lost her ability to speak.

Ino knew she was not a total square. Having learned about the birds and the bees a couple years earlier, due to her inquisitive mind, and a quick stop at the local library. She even kissed a couple boys during a game of truth or dare, that was being held during a lunch break, at the academy. However, all of this information did not prepare her to see the object of her infatuation standing at the door, in all his natural glory.

Her mouth hung open, as her eyes slowly traveled away from his face, down past his pectorals, beyond his washboard abdominals, and below his navel. As her eyes ventured a bit further south, they widened immensely, and her breath hitched. It's much bigger than what was shown in the books at the library. I wonder what it feels like. Maybe he will let me touch it. As her thoughts started turning in circles, she didn't realize she was forgetting to breathe, until she felt light headed and passed out.


Naruto blinked in confusion. What is wrong with these girls? Are they all sick? They keep passing out with bloody noses. He stepped outside the apartment, to pick up the fallen girl, as Kurenai's eyes widened at him stepping into the hallway in his birthday suit. He brought her inside, and laid her on the couch, while Kurenai hastily closed and locked the front door. "Eh, Kurenai? Whats wrong with these girls?" Naruto had a confused look on his face, as he continued, "I mean they keep passing out, and have blood coming out of their noses."

Kurenai cringed, as she realized Naruto had never really been taught the facts of life, other than what he saw in nature and what his instincts said. She prayed for an interruption, as she tried to come up with a decent excuse. Her prayers were answered as Hinata came rushing back in, with a sheet.

"Naruto-kun, you can't run around without any..." she trailed off seeing Ino laying on the couch, with a small trail of blood running down her nose. Knowing her mates lack of taboo about clothing, she decided that the first thing they were going to do when his clothes were clean, was go shopping for some more clothes. Shaking her head, to clear her thoughts, she wrapped the sheet around Naruto in a makeshift toga.

While Hinata was dressing Naruto, Kurenai grabbed her ninja emergency medical pack. Pulling out a small vial of smelling salts, she waved them under Ino's nose. The girl, smelling the vile substance, jerked awake. Naruto put a hand to cover his nose, as the scent of the salts drifted over to him. "That is the most offensive thing I have ever smelled, Kurenai," Naruto stated. After a few seconds he added, "What plane of Hell did you find that at? Hell, Kyuubi says he never would have attacked, if you had a couple dozen pounds of that stuff set up around Konoha."

Kurenai quickly glanced at Ino, at Naruto's quotation of Kyuubi, but noticed the girl was still slightly out of it, and trying to gather her bearings. "These are called smelling salts, Naruto. They are used to awaken someone who has passed out. They are extremely effective, as you can see," she lectured. Looking at the blond haired girl, she asked, "I am Kurenai Yuuhi, and this is my apartment. Now what can I do for you, miss...?"

Ino looked from Kurenai, to Hinata, and finally to Naruto, "I am Ino Yamanaka, a classmate of Hinata-chan and Naruto-kun's. There was a minor scuffle during afternoon break today. Anyway, our class was canceled, and I noticed that Naruto had left his books behind in his rush to leave the academy grounds. I brought them here with me. I must have dropped them when I fainted outside. Did you by any chance grab them, Naruto-kun?" Naruto shook his head in a negative manner, while Kurenai went to the door to grab them. Ino seeing Naruto's odd form of dress said, "I am not easily shocked by much, but I must say, seeing you in the buff, really threw me for a loop, Naruto-kun. I hope you don't mind me asking, but why were you roaming around the apartment naked, and why are you wearing a sheet now?"

Naruto just shrugged his shoulders towards Ino, and replied, "Clothes are too restricting. I spent the last five or so years, without them. As for why I was wandering around here without clothes on, well my only pair got bloodied up while I was out hunting today, and needed to be soaked."

Kurenai walked back into the room, setting the retrieved books on a table. Ino's eyes seemed to glaze over, as her memory played back the earlier scene. After a couple seconds of silence, Hinata looked at Naruto, and said, "Naruto-kun, that reminds me, tomorrow after class we are going to have to go shopping and get you a couple changes of clothes."

Shaking herself out of her temporary fugue-like state, Ino perked up at hearing the word shopping. "Tell you what, Hinata-chan, Naruto-kun. I will go with you, since I have great taste in style, and can tell what will make a person look amazing," Ino stated. She smirked as she asked, "Tell me Naruto-kun, how do you feel about skintight black leather?"


The following morning found Naruto and Hinata walking to the academy. Naruto, sporting his gray shirt, and dark brown pants, was glancing from their path to Hinata and back. Hinata was carrying two lunches she had prepared, as well as their books as Naruto forgot his again. She was looking at the ground worried about how the day was going to turn out, at class, especially after the prior day's happening.

Though the pair arrived at the academy early, most of the class was already present, discussing the previous day's events. Iruka had yet to show up, leaving the students to basically do as they wished. Everyone fell quiet, and turned to the new additions when Naruto and Hinata entered. Within a matter of seconds, the pair was surrounded by students asking various questions about the boy, the rumors floating around, and about his fight with Kiba. Much to their dismay, no answers were forth coming. The feral child began forcing his way through the group, leading his mate. Once the pair was through, they made their way to their seats. The group followed close behind, not giving up on their pursuit of knowledge.

Naruto's attention was drawn back to the door when a pink haired banshee stopped in the doorway, and turned to yell at someone outside of the room. "Well, Ino-pig. I'm here first. It looks like I get to sit next to Sasuke-kun," she said in an attempt to rub it in her face. The reaction she got was not what she was expecting, however.

"Hmm? What? You say something, forehead?" Ino asked, acting like she hadn't heard her.

"I said I'm sitting next to Sasuke-kun, and there's nothing you can do about it," the pink haired girl responded in a smug voice that contained a hint of agitation.

"Oh, that. You do that," Ino said in an uninterested tone.

I don't know what her plan is, but it's not going to work! Sakura thought to herself. Not wanting to give Ino a chance to do whatever she was planning, she turned and ran, taking the seat next to Sasuke. Having sat down, she turned to give a smug look to Ino, which went ignored as the girl, not even looking at her, walked to the other side of the room and took a seat next to Naruto. Sakura was a little confused, but let it slide in favor of trying to converse with Sasuke, who just ignored her as he glared at the red head.

"Good morning, Naruto-kun," Ino greeted him with a smile as she took the seat next to him, opposite of Hinata.

"Hello, Ino," Naruto returned. He was thankful the group finally gave up and left to talk amongst themselves again.

Ino's smile grew as she told Naruto, "You can call me Ino-chan, Naruto-kun," at his nod, and seeing Hinata look over at her, she began to greet her, only to be cut off by Iruka entering the room.

"Okay, quiet down and take your seats," Iruka said as he walked to his desk in the front of the class. Naruto, not wanting to endure a boring day like the last one, opened one of the text books Hinata handed him and began reading, completely tuning the teacher out.

Naruto's attention was broken away from his book by a shake of his shoulder. He looked up to see Hinata standing over him with her hand still on him. "Naruto-kun, It's time for our break. I brought us lunch today. Why don't we go outside and eat?" She inquired, smiling down at her mate.

"Sure. That sounds good," Naruto returned as he set his book down and began to rise.

Ino, who was sitting at her desk watching the two, asked, "You're both going outside to eat? Is it okay if I join you?"

Hinata, who was happy that her and Naruto seemed to have made a new friend, though she was still unaware of Ino's intentions, replied, "Of course, you're welcome to join us." The blond smiled as she stood. She grabbed her lunch, and the trio made their way outside. They picked a spot, in the shade of a tree, a short distance away from the academy. The girls were engaged in idle chatter, with Ino occasionally asking Naruto about his time out in the wild. About half way through their lunch break, as the three were resting, having already finished eating, Ino decided to ask the boy something that had been bugging her.

"Naruto-kun, is it true that you really killed a bunch of jounin and ANBU at the gate when you first came back?" She inquired as she looked at the boy. Hinata, surprised by the macabre question, left it to Naruto to answer.

"I didn't kill anyone at the gate, though some of them came close to dying. I tried to only knock them out," he replied.

"Oh. So you haven't really killed anyone," Ino spoke in a dejected tone, as she let her face fall, which made Hinata more concerned about the blond girl's mental state.

"I never said I didn't kill anyone. Just no one at the gate," he spoke up. The blond girl looked at the boy again as her face lit up.

"You really have killed people? Who?" Ino asked.

"Some guy with gray hair who had the Forbidden Scroll of Seals, the two nukenin that kidnapped Hinata-chan, a group of ninja that inhabited my last den before me, and a couple of others that found their way into my territory," he replied in a level tone.

"So you killed Mizuki-sensei?" Ino inquired in obvious fascination. Naruto didn't get the chance to respond as the conversation was cut short by another student making his presence known.

"You. You're Naruto Uzumaki right? I'm Sasuke Uchiha, and I challenge you," Sasuke said as he glared down at the red head.

"Really now. You challenge me? Fine. You must be anxious to join that mutt," Naruto returned as he stood. Sasuke entered his taijutsu stance, and waited for the feral child to stand completely. Hinata prepared to stop the confrontation when Iruka, who had been watching the entire time, walked up and stepped between them.

"I'm not going to have the two of you fighting. Break's over. It's time to head inside," Iruka said. It's not that he didn't want the demon child beaten, maybe even killed. He just didn't want to lose his prized student in the process.

"No! He challenged me, and I refuse to just let it go," the feral child growled out as he pushed Iruka to the side.

"I want to see how good he is, Iruka-sensei. It won't take long," Sasuke offered, still in his stance.

"Fine, if you both insist. However, I'll only allow an exhibition match, light contact taijutsu only, and it'll wait until after class," Iruka stated. Sasuke nodded, agreeing with the stipulation, and began heading towards the academy. Naruto didn't like the idea of waiting. He started after the black haired boy, but was stopped when Hinata grabbed him.

"Let's wait until after class, Naruto-kun. I don't want you to get into any trouble," Hinata said after Naruto turned to face her. Naruto grumbled, he still wanted to settle things with Sasuke right away, but said boy was already entering the building. The pair began to walk into the academy followed shortly by a slightly depressed Ino. She was looking forward to seeing the previous and current objects of her affection fight.

The rest of the day consisted of Naruto reading, Sasuke glaring at the feral boy, and just about the entire rest of the class whispering about the fight that was going to take place after class. More than once Iruka had to stop in his lecture to silence the students.

The time everyone had been waiting for had come. The students were gathered accompanied by their perspective parent or guardian. The adults were against the idea at first. That is until they found out that the Uchiha prodigy was going to be facing off against the demon child. In the center of the human ring, standing opposite of each other, was Naruto and Sasuke. The raven haired youth stood in his taijutsu stance, while the feral child just stood there. Iruka was standing between them, filling the roll of referee.

"Begin!" Iruka called out, backing away to the side. Naruto dashed towards the Uchiha. The raven haired boy threw a round house at at the darting youth. The feral child allowed himself to fall backwards to avoid the kick, and extended his leg. A loud sickening pop rang through the air as Naruto's foot connected with the side of Sasuke's knee. The Uchiha fell forward, unable to support himself on the dislocated joint. Everyone stood in stunned silence at what had just happened. Naruto was stopped from injuring him anymore when Iruka stepped between them as the red head stood. He knelt down to aid the injured youth, and began yelling at Naruto over his shoulder. "Dammit! It was supposed to be light contact!"

Naruto looked at the back of the teacher's head with confusion playing over his features. "What's light contact?" He asked, unfamiliar with the idea. The crowd, enraged at the boy for injuring their precious Uchiha prodigy, began to close in on him. The mob situation was diffused when the ANBU, who recognized the brewing danger, stepped in.

The ANBU in cat mask spoke up, "The Uzumaki boy is under our protection. Granted he injured the Uchiha, but it was a misunderstanding. Now, unless you want to be taken in, I suggest you stand down." The hoard backed away. Yes, they were pissed, but they didn't want to be arrested.

Hinata figured discretion was the better part of valor in this situation, and grabbed Naruto's hand, leading him away from the academy. "Come on, Naruto-kun. Let's go get you some new clothes," she offered. Ino, who was sporting a smile at her crushes victory, followed the two as they walked away.


After Ino caught up with Naruto and Hinata, they began discussing where they were going to go to get Naruto's new clothes. Eventually the girls decided on a store that Ino frequented. Naruto didn't contribute much to the conversation. The topic of the girl's discussion, and wearing clothes, didn't interest him. When the trio arrived, they received a cold welcome due to the company they kept.

"We have nothing for the likes of him!" The shop's manager exclaimed, gesturing at the boy. "You girls are welcome, but only if you come without that...thing." Naruto prepared to speak up and defend himself, only to get cut off by his blond companion.

"Now you listen here! His money is as good as anyone else's, and if you've forgotten I do come here a lot! However, if your going to treat customers this way, I'm not sure I want to shop here anymore! I should also mention, I'm quite popular at the ninja academy," Ino left the threat unspoken. After the girl's tirade the man gave in. As much as he hated the idea of the demon brat shopping in his store, he hated the idea of losing the girls at the academy, his greatest customers, even more.

The shop keep, at a loss for words at this new development, acquiesced. "Fine," was all he said before walking away. He could feel a migraine coming on, and he wanted to be far away from the loud blond when it took hold.

Ino lead the way to the section she used to day dream about taking Sasuke. Arriving at the department for ninja clothing, the blond girl sized up the boy's measurements. Giving a nod, she left the two next to the dressing room, and returned a few minutes later. A mass of black slung over her right arm, and a pair of black leather boots in her left hand. "Black leather? You were serious?" Hinata asked, not expecting what she saw.

"Why wouldn't I be serious? Here you go, Naruto-kun. Go in there and try them on. I think I got your measurements right," Ino said as she handed the clothing and boots to the boy. He entered the dressing room. When he stepped out a few minutes later, the girls could only stare, Hinata sporting a small blush, while Ino just eyed him hungrily. Naruto was wearing black leather pants, black leather boots, a black silk sash around his waist, a dull gray chain mesh vest which was open in the front, and a black band tied around his left bicep. The band was reinforced to allow it to hold kunai, and he had a pouch for shuriken stashed under his sash, hidden from view.

The girls' scent changed almost instantly as they saw him. The smell was enticing, Naruto's mouth started to water, and he found his body starting to act strangely, though he didn't know why. What's wrong with their scent? Naruto mentally asked his tenant.

"That is the smell of arousal," Kyuubi stated.

Arousal? Naruto returned.

"You really are daft, brat! It means their bodies are preparing for them to mate. They seem to be...pleased...with your new appearance," Kyuubi replied.

"I think we have a winner," Ino stated, refusing to tear her eyes away from the boy. Naruto nodded, thoroughly enjoying the scent and what it was doing to the females. After picking up a few more identical copies of the outfit, the entourage made their way to pay for it, only to encounter problems with the cashier. The manager from earlier was no where to be seen, and the loathing in the female's glare gave the girls pause, though it didn't phase Naruto. He was still riding the high of the girls' scent, and paid no attention to the woman at the cash register.

"We don't deal with your kind," she said in a cold voice.

The manager, who was sitting in the room behind the cash register with the lights out and a cold, damp cloth on his forehead, heard a familiar voice from just outside of the room. "What! We've already been through this with the manager!" He grabbed his head in pain. The yelling doing little to help his migraine.

"I don't care what you say. We don't deal with his kind here," the cashier returned.

Any farther arguments were halted as a man, the children recognized from earlier, stepped out of the back, still holding a rag to his forehead. "Check them out so they'll leave, Tsuki."

"But...," the girl began, looking at the man over her shoulder.

"No buts. Just do it so they'll go," he said. Not waiting to make sure she did so, he went back into the back room, closing the door behind him with an audible click. The female cashier tallied up their purchase which Hinata, who was carrying Naruto's money since he had no pockets, paid.

In front of the store Ino stopped the other two. "I need to run an errand. You two want to come?" Naruto shrugged.

"Sure, we'll come," Hinata stated.

The three walked down the street a few blocks, arriving in front of a weapon store. "I'll be right back," Ino said as she made her way into the store. I can't believe Hinata paid for his clothes. I can't let her one up me! Ino wasn't aware of the fact that Hinata was simply carrying Naruto's money for him.

The blond returned fifteen minutes later carrying a box wrapped in brown paper, tied with some twine. "Here you go," she said as she offered him the package.

"What's this?" Naruto asked, grabbing the box.

"I had to pick me up some shuriken and a couple of kunai, and I figured I'd get you some as well," Ino said with a smile. "Well I need to go. My parents need me to work in the shop. I'll talk to you two later." The blond waved vigorously at the couple, and walked off.

The two returned to the apartment shortly after. Hinata went to the kitchen and began cooking. Kurenai, who was out on a mission, would be gone for the week. Naruto sat at the dining table and opened the package. Inside he found a dozen kunai and three dozen shuriken, all of good quality. Taking three of the kunai, he slid them under the band on his arm, and placed the shuriken in the pouch under his sash.


The next day Sasuke arrived at the school with his leg in a cast, and walking on crutches. He kept glaring at the red head that had snapped his leg. Many of the other girls in the class were staring at the feral child in his new outfit, looks of longing in their eyes. Others, who were avid fan girls of Sasuke, simply glared at the boy. Naruto was wearing a shit eating grin as he reveled in the scent of all of the aroused females. Iruka arrived, and taught the class, only sparing the occasional glare at the demon child. He wanted to do more, but he knew that it wouldn't end in his favor.

The next three days went normal for the couple, Kurenai was still on the mission so Hinata did the cooking. After the academy, and sometimes after eating, the pair went to the training grounds to practice. When Ino didn't have to work at the shop, she went with the two of them and trained.

The third evening the pair were at the training grounds late. Ino working at her families shop, didn't get to join them, though she wanted to. Naruto and Hinata were walking home, having just left shortly after the sun had set. The two of them were walking side by side, holding each others hands, and discussing their most recent training session when their peace was interrupted.

"Wash thish? A-a demon bratth?" The horribly slurred voice came from behind them. They turned, and saw a ninja wearing a green shinobi vest, dark tan pants, and a slightly lighter tan shirt. His brown hair was a tangled mess with his hitai-ate caught up in it. In his hand he carried a bottle of liquor. "And whath doesh he haves wish him? A demon whore!" His belligerence continued as he stumbled. "Now I shink they should do the whole village a fava and shkin you bofe. Or maybe Ish shoudsh do the village a fava and kill you bosh myshelf." His glazed eyes were locked on them as he began stumbling in their direction.

Hinata felt Naruto's grip tighten and his muscles tense. She looked at his face when he let out a low growl, seeing his eyes begin glowing. "Naruto-kun, don't hurt him. I know he's saying mean things, but he's drunk. He can't help it. Please just let it go. For me?" Hinata pleaded causing the feral child to look at her. When he did she offered him a warm smile and gently squeezed his hand. As the red glow faded from his eyes, she knew she successfully convinced him. The look of anger still on his face, he turned and began walking away, Hinata falling into step beside him.

"Yoush will not walksh a-away from me!" The drunk yelled. The sound of glass breaking rang through the air. Hinata fell forward, her hand tearing away from Naruto's, and landed face first on the ground. Her back was wet, she reeked of the vile liquid, and fragments of the bottle littered the ground. The demon child spun around and let out a demonic roar that echoed through the streets. His red aura encompassed him as his eyes blazed with his vermillion chakra. The drunkard didn't even see the boy move, he just saw a red blur and felt a searing pain run through his leg, before he fell to the ground.

The ANBU in the raccoon mask began to dash from his roof top, three buildings away, only to be stopped by a hand grabbing his arm. "What are you doing?" The one in the raccoon mask asked his companion who was holding him back.

"Let's let this one slide for a minute," the one in the cat mask offered.

"Let this one slide for a minute?! What the hell are you talking about, he's killing him?!" The one in the raccoon mask returned.

"First off, we'll stop it before that happens. Second, the guy needs to learn a lesson. He broke a booze bottle over a little girl's back just because of the boy she's with. It just so happens the boy can put him in his place. Let's let him make an example of the drunkard. And honestly, how would you react if if someone broke a bottle over your fiancée's back, Hisao?" The ANBU in the cat mask inquired. Hisao couldn't help but to remember the diplomatic mission to Iwagakura. Him and his team, lead by their jounin sensei, were escorting the Daimyo. It was the second day there when it happened.


"Hitaro-sensei, have you seen Sura?" Hisao asked the man at the table who was rereading the mission scroll. Hisao was fifteen, he had failed the chunin exam the three times he took it. He had long blue hair and green eyes. A sapphire blue shirt and pants, with black boots and an ebony belt with a black steel buckle finished his outfit. That being his choice outfit during his entire ninja career, excluding when he wore his ANBU gear.

"I haven't seen her since after lunch. She said she was stepping out to go for a walk. I told her it wasn't a good idea, but you know her. It went in one ear and out the other," the jounin instructor returned.

"Did she say where she was going?" Hisao asked. It was already evening and, if she left shortly after lunch, she had been gone for over five hours.

"No, just said she was going to walk around the village. I'm sure she's okay. Remember, she is a kunoichi," Hitaro offered. It did little to reassure the blue haired youth. Making sure his shuriken holster was filled, and loosing the clasp on his twin falchions, he took off running out the door.

In a village of people who mostly wore earth tones, his blue outfit stood out, not that he cared. It took him an hour to find any signs of his missing teammate. He was walking down the street when he heard the familiar voice. However, instead of the usual energy it had, it was sobbing. It didn't take him long to find the alley in which the voice was originating. When he looked in he saw the black haired, blue eyed girl with her knees pulled up to her chest, rocking back and forth, and crying. The side of her face was red and swollen, her lip was split, and dried blood covered her face from various scratches and cuts. Her clothes were shredded. Hisao couldn't see anything, but he was fairly certain that the shredded clothing bared every part of her. He began to approach her slowly. "Sura?" He said her name as he knelt down in front of her. When she looked up and saw a friendly face, she flung herself at him, throwing her arms around him, and began crying anew.

"Th-th-they raped me!" They girl forced out as she cried.


Hisao shook himself from the memory of the rape of his friend, now fiancée. "I guess you're right, Ryu. People like that do need to learn their lesson."

The drunk was on the ground holding the bloody stump that was previously his leg. The adrenaline pumping through his veins causing the alcohol in his body to dilute. He could only look on in horror when Naruto lifted him using his shirt. "Please! Please don't kill me! I didn't mean it! It was the alcohol! It made me do it!" The man begged. The only response was a growl as the demon child grabbed the former drunks arm with his free hand, and tore it off.

"Oh shit, he just tore off his arm, and is he missing his leg?" Hisao spoke up after seeing the recent development.

"Fuck, you're right. I think now would be the time to step in," Ryu returned, then proceeded to jump from roof to roof, landing next to the boy, just in time to see the feral youth open the man's stomach with a backwards swipe of his claws, and start to beat the guy with his severed arm. In the distance he saw Hisao take off to retrieve medical assistance. "Naruto Uzumaki, I must insist that you stop this assault. You've done quite enough damage," Ryu said in an official tone. Naruto turned to the man, eyes still glowing, and growled. When the boy showed no signs of stopping, the ANBU reached into his belt pouch, pulled out an orb about the size of a quarter, and threw it on the ground at the youth's feet. It busted open, allowing the chemicals inside of it to mix, and a cloud of smoke exploded outward from it, filling the area nearly instantly. No wind was blowing which allowed the smoke to take a firm hold. The distraction was enough for Ryu to get behind the boy and chop the back of his neck, knocking him unconscious.

Naruto awoke, in a bed, to the morning's light flooding into the room. Looking around, he found himself in his bedroom. When he got out of the bed, he found that he was still wearing his pants from the previous day. He made his way to the door towards the common area of the apartment. Hinata, who was sitting at the table drinking tea, looked up as the door opened. "Good morning, Naruto-kun," she offered as the boy made his way to join her at the table.

"Good morning, Hinata-chan," he said as he took a seat next to her.

"Um, Naruto-kun, what happened last night? I woke up with an ANBU in a cat mask carrying us over his shoulder. I asked him what happened, but he wouldn't tell me. He put you in the bed and left, saying that he had to report to the Hokage. The last thing I remember is the drunk guy yelling something," the girl inquired.

"Last thing I remember is that bastard breaking a bottle over your back and everything going red. Until you told me just now, I didn't even know how I got back here," Naruto returned. He was a little less confused about what happened the previous night, though he couldn't consciously remember what transpired when he went berserk.


"Then I subdued him, while he was distracted, by striking him in the back of the neck," the ANBU in the cat mask informed Sarutobi.

"So the two of you sat back and did nothing until Naruto removed the man's arm with the intention of letting him 'teach the guy a lesson?'" The Sandaime inquired.

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Ryu lowered his head in shame, "At the time it seemed like a good plan. We had no idea Uzumaki-san would take it so far, so quickly."

"I don't agree with how you handled the situation. However, I also don't agree with what he did, nor how Naruto dealt with things, but from the sounds of it, the man attacked with lethal intent. Naruto was just defending himself and Hinata. I won't hold you accountable this time, but I expect you to show better judgment in the future," Sarutobi told the ANBU before taking a pull from his pipe. "Is there anything else?" The Hokage asked.

"No, Hokage-sama," Ryu returned.

"Then you are dismissed. I have matters to tend to," Sarutobi said. After the ANBU left, the elderly Hokage pulled out the paper work he was going to need for dealing with the man who attacked the kids.


A week passed since the incident with the drunk. The pair heard nothing of what happened that night, though people began giving him a wider berth than usual. Kurenai had arrived two days late. The reason that she gave, was that the chunin, who would have relieved her, became hospitalized with serious injuries. He was going to live, but his shinobi career was over. Aside from that it was the usual, they would spend time at the academy and training.

The pair were sitting in their seats in class conversing with Ino. The room was it's usual buzz of activity. Silence took the students, however, when someone entered the class. Everyone looked towards the door, at the sound of a small dog barking, to see Kiba. His left arm was held in a sling, a bandage was wrapped vertically around his head, running under his chin, and he was walking with a crutch under his right arm. On his head sat Akamaru, who had a splint on his right front leg and left rear one, as well as a bandage wrapped around his ribs. He hobbled his way over to his seat, going slow as not to cause his companion to fall. The Inuzuka boy had attempted to carry the dog in his jacket, as he generally did, but his bruised and battered stomach was contrary to the idea. The students just stared curiously at the dog boy, who sat in silence with his head lowered. After a moment of staring, they returned to their conversations, though for many the subject of said conversations changed.

Iruka arrived a few minutes later and, after taking his position at the front of the class, announced, "Today we're going to be practicing our taijutsu and our weapon throwing. Naruto Uzumaki, due to the fact that you've hospitalized the last two people you've fought, you won't be sparring anyone today. Now I'll read off the pairs for the taijutsu practice." He began reading off the names on his list two at a time. "Ino Yamanaka will be facing Sakura Haruno. Shikamaru Nara will be facing Hinata Uzumaki." The class broke out into an uproar.

Ino just sat there, wide eyed and jaw hanging. H-H-Hinata U-U-Uzumaki? She stumbled in her mind. Naruto grumbled at the fact that the chaos made his reading impossible, and Hinata blushed. She did not expect the news to create such a reaction.

Iruka's first attempts to calm the class failed, mostly because no one could hear him over the noise. "That is enough! This is my class room and I demand silence! If you children have anything to talk about, do so on your own time!" He yelled, finally being loud enough for the class to hear him, and fall silent. "Now you have your partners. Let's go outside and begin," he said as he made his way to the door. Leading the way, he took the students outside. Once outdoors they paired up and began. Naruto, still carrying his book, took a seat in the grass next to Hinata. Sasuke took a seat on one of the benches in the yard, setting his crutches next to him. Kiba just remained inside, though watching through the window.

Hinata and Shikamaru squared off, Shikamaru mumbling the whole time about troublesome sparring matches. He threw a lethargic punch, which the Uzumaki female easily sidestepped. She then struck his arm, followed with a strike to his shoulder, and finished with one to his heart. She didn't add any chakra to the strikes, though the Nara boy accepted the fact that he lost. He just wanted to be finished. The match being over, he walked over to a vacant patch of grass and laid down to watch the clouds float over head.

Ino faced Sakura. "So billboard brow. any luck getting Sasuke to look at you? Shouldn't be too difficult with a forehead like that," Ino taunted.

"At least I'm after a real man, Ino-pig. Better than that thing you're after," the pink haired girl returned.

"He's more of a man than you know," Ino said, allowing her mind to drift briefly back to the event in the hall of his apartment. Sakura saw the distracted look on the blond's face, and took the initiative. She threw a thrust kick, which Ino swerved to the side to avoid. The blond caught her opponents leg, and lifted it. She then proceeded to sweep Sakura's supporting leg, causing the girl to fall. With Ino still holding her leg, trying to get her balance back, the Haruno girl used her free leg to knock the blond's out from under her. Both females, finding themselves on the ground, flipped up. Neither wanted the other to get an advantage over themselves. Reentering their stances, the melee continued with Ino feinting a jab at Sakura's head. The pink haired girl dodged just as Ino had predicted, leaving her open to the knee which connected with the girl's hip. The attack connected with more force than Ino had intended. Sakura took this as intentional and gave up on the idea of light contact. She adjusted her stance to put her uninjured side forward, and adjusted her weight towards the front for the offensive. She feinted low with a shovel hook, and when the blond's guard went to block the punch, she followed up with a hook from her free hand, connecting with the side of her head.

Iruka, who had been walking amongst the students, saw the exchange between the girls and, when he saw Ino's head jerk to the side, promptly decided to stop the brewing fight. He made his way over to the girls. "That's enough. This is supposed to be light contact," he said as he stepped between the two, holding his hands up to stop them. After sighing, he spoke up for the class to hear, "Okay, that's enough taijutsu practice. It's time to move on to shuriken."

The students made their way to another part of the field. In this section three straw dolls, with a small bullseye on their chest area, were attached to post in the ground. The children lined up in rows of three. Kiba and Sasuke, who were in bad condition, were exempt from this exercise as well. The students each got six shuriken to throw. Shikamaru landed one on the bullseye, the other five were in the inner circle. Chouji, up next, connected three of the six in the bullseye. Ino and Sakura tied with four in the bullseye and the other two in the inner circle. Shino and Hinata did the best out of the class, connecting all six in the bullseye. Naruto only did average as he landed all six in the inner circle. Iruka allowed the students, who already threw to begin, their lunch break early.

Naruto and Hinata sat down and began eating. It didn't take long for a crowd to congregate around them, fishing for information on the whole "Hinata Uzumaki" thing.

"Well it started when I found her being carried...," Naruto began. He was interrupted when Hinata grabbed his hand, squeezing it to get his attention.

When Naruto looked at her, she spoke. "I'm not sure if it's a good idea to tell them, Naruto-kun. They may get the wrong idea." The boy gave her a curious look. After a moment, he shrugged and returned to his meal. The questions continued, but the only response was from Hinata. "We can't talk about it," she'd say. After the fifth time of receiving that response, the students gave up, leaving the pair to their meal, and began talking of their ideas on what brought about the name change.


The next couple of months were fairly uneventful. Kiba and Sasuke recovered from their injuries. The Hyuuga patriarch appeared before the council to get his daughter back, only to have the attempt halted by Sarutobi. Naruto had finished reading the academy's text books, and began taking other books to read. Mostly they were Kurenai's though he took a couple Hinata had retrieved from the library, and once a book Ino had gotten him. He didn't like the last one. He had no taste for romance novels. Iruka scolded the feral child about reading anything other than the material he was teaching as he gave lectures, but Naruto tuned him out. He would have raised more of a fuss, but the kid was scoring amongst the highest in the class on his tests, so he let it slide. The teacher really just didn't feel it was worth the trouble. Hinata spent most of her time training, or at the library researching red foxes.

A few days prior to the third month anniversary of Naruto's return found an elderly man in the Hokage's office. The man wore a black robe, the left side of which was hanging, revealing a white robe underneath. His right arm was missing, and he wore a bandage wrapped around his head, covering his right eye. His left eye was squinted, making it impossible to see the color, a portion of his short black hair hung over the bandage, giving it a disarrayed look, and an x-shaped scar on his chin, gave him a slightly menacing appearance.

"I have come to report that the arm we discovered of Naruto Uzumaki has finally began to decay. I feel it's imperative that we receive another to resume our research," the bandaged man stated as he stood before the Hokage's desk.

Sarutobi's eyes widened briefly at this request, until he remembered how easily Naruto just shrugged off the fact that he had lost his arm. Steeling his features, he asked the man, "Has there been any progress with the research, Danzo?"

"Nothing definitive as of yet, but we're close. It seems his blood has the properties of a panacea. Though we've yet to find out what has maintained the arm for this long," Danzo offered, reporting his findings from his mens' research.

"Really, has there been any side effects of the research?" The elderly Hokage inquired, interested in this development.

"We've yet to pinpoint the portion of the blood that offers the curative effects. Some of the...animal test subjects have had...rather unfortunate deaths from a misapplied amount of the substance, as well as the wrong substances we have isolated," Danzo returned. He had purposely left out some of the more gruesome details of the research.

"I see. I can't make an guarantee of anything, but I'll see what I can do," Sarutobi said after considering the man's request.

"Thank you. Now I must return to my work," Danzo stated, and left the office. Sarutobi, who was alone again, pulled out a paper and pen, and began writing a note.


I am aware of the fact that you've had issues with Konoha in the past, and I know that you have reservations of your home village. The purpose of this note is to inform you that we may have found the means to make a panacea. The research is incomplete, however, and we could use your expertise in completing it. I'm sure you know the possible applications of such a discovery. It is for this reason that I request you put the past behind you and return.

After setting his pen down, Sarutobi folded and sealed the note. The elderly man placed the note to the side, and called in one of his ANBU guards. "I need you to retrieve Asuma for me," the Sandaime said to the boar masked guard. Nodding, the ANBU did a hand seal, and vanished into a whirlwind of leaves. Within ten minutes, a man clad in a dark blue outfit, green jounin vest, and a leaf hitai-ate on his forehead, entered the office. He had his short black hair spiked, with a beard that met with his hair line, and brown eyes.

"You wanted to see me, Hokage-sama?" The black haired jounin inquired.

Picking up the note, Sarutobi held it towards his son. "I need you to find Tsunade, and deliver this note to her. This is classified as a rank B mission," the elder Hokage offered. Asuma took the note, and tucked it away in his vest, as he nodded to his father. Having his mission, Asuma left the tower to prepare to set out to locate the legendary slug Sannin.


Naruto was making his way to the hospital for his forth bout of donating blood. Hinata had remained at the apartment to discuss her findings at the library with their guardian. He entered the main area, and was greeted by a familiar old man. "Morning, gramps," the feral child offered as he walked up to the Hokage. Naruto failed to understand the old man's reasoning, but he insisted on being there to ensure that nothing went wrong, and Sarutobi was one of the few the boy generally wouldn't discourage him from coming.

"Good morning, Naruto," the Sandaime returned. Making their way to the room for him to donate blood, Sarutobi continued, "Naruto, I have a request. Your arm that we discovered prior to your return has finally began decaying. I normally would not ask such a thing, but with your nonchalance about regenerating it before, would you be willing to donate another one so we can continue our research?"

The boy stopped in his tracks. It took this long for it decay? Must be from the chakra I was channeling. Out loud he said, "I don't know, old man. That wasn't part of the agreement. I only agreed to donate blood."

The Sandaime Hokage stopped and turned towards the boy. After a moments thought, he spoke up, "Perhaps we can work out a trade. A new jutsu perhaps?"

Naruto considered the old man's offer. "Okay. I'll trade it for a jutsu, but it has to be worthwhile," he returned. The two, reaching an agreement, resumed their trek to the room for the youth to donate his blood.


Hinata was sitting at the kitchen table with her borrowed library book, sitting closed, in front of her. She was staring at her cup of tea, lost deep in thought. Kurenai noticed that she seemed a bit off lately, and deciding to see if she could help her as her self appointed big sister, asked her to stay behind today, so they could have a sister to sister talk.

Perceiving that Hinata would not start, Kurenai asked, "Hinata, is everything alright, between Naruto and yourself?" Seeing Hinata look up she continued, "If you're having any problems, I am always willing to listen, and help you through it."

A small smile lit momentarily on Hinata's face, at the thought of having people care for her, "Thanks, Kurenai-nee. Naruto and I are doing fine, I am just worried over some of the things I read, about the habits of red foxes." With a slight sigh, she opened the book, to a bookmarked page, and slid it over to Kurenai, who read the passage with eyes that widened slightly the further she read aloud, "The red fox (vulpes vulpes) are an omnivorous species, which are closely related to the wolf (Canis Lupus), and dog (Canis Familiaras) as they all come from the Canid family. The red fox is most commonly a rustic red, though it has been known to vary from red to golden with a white underbelly. It has black tipped ears and legs, and has a distinctive bushy tail, with a white tip."

"The eyes of a red fox are vertically slit, and are commonly yellow, or gold. Their eyes have been adapted for night use, the slit pupils have little mirrors in them, allowing them to collect as much light as possible, giving them extremely good night vision. Their extreme agility for a canid causes the red fox to sometimes be referred to as the 'the cat-like canid'. The long bushy tail allows stability in complex movements and long jumps, and they have strong legs, which allow them to run over forty-five miles per hour."

"An adult red fox may reach upwards of fifteen pounds, and their body can measure between fourteen and twenty-nine inches. Their tails can add another seven to twenty inches. The giant ears of a fox, can hear the smallest sounds for over long distances. It is believed that they can hear over one hundred fifty yards away. Their black noses can scent out over six-tenths of a mile away."

"Red foxes have very long, sharp claws. They can rip and tear through many things in a short amount of time. They attack their prey in a cat-like manner, jumping high in the air, and pouncing on the prey's back. Once there, they sink their razor sharp fangs into the prey's spinal cord and snap it. Red foxes eat fruits and berries. They hunt rodents, small lizards, and fish, but have been known to take down deer fawn. They tend to be extremely possessive with their food, with the exception being dog foxes (male) feeding vixens (female) during courtship, and vixens feeding their cubs."

"Red fox territories can be as big as nineteen square miles, though in areas of abundant food supply the territory is usually no bigger than five square miles. Territories have been correlated with the male foxes body size, as well as pressure from other males. Several dens are utilized within their territory, and are usually connected to one larger main den. The main den being used for winter living, and birthing of the kits. They defend their territory from other foxes, and some other predators."

"Red foxes have been considered a monogamous species, however evidence shows that the bigger males lean towards polygamy. This is thought to also be based on food surplus, and the distance between the male and females dens..."

After reading this last bit, Kurenai looked up at Hinata in shock, "Is this what worries you?" She asked. Upon seeing Hinata nod, she questioned, "Has he shown any affection to anyone else? Has he started putting his scent on someone else?" Seeing Hinata shake her head in the negative, she added, "Then I don't think you have anything to worry about at this time. The questions you should be asking yourself is, if there ever comes a time when he does, what will you do? Will you support him? Will you fight him over it? Is Naruto even aware that he might have instincts towards polygamy? And finally, are you going to discuss this with him?"

Hinata's eyes widened at the thought of talking to Naruto about this. As much as she wanted to know, she was afriad of the consequences of his answer. She shook her head as she said, "No, I don't think I could talk to him about this yet."

Kurenai sighed at Hinata's response even though she figured that would be the answer. Still she had to try to get her to talk to him. "You know that if he is ignorant of his instincts, and he does start having feelings for another girl, that he might have been able to avoid if he was aware. Then it will be your fault, for not talking to him."

Hinata sighed, "I know, but he swore he would never leave me, and demons are honor bound by their word. Even if he is only a half-demon, he is just as bound to it as a full demon is."

"Just because he would never leave you, doesn't mean he won't be polygamous," Kurenai stated. She saw Hinata smile, as if she had an epiphany.

"I realize that Kurenai-nee, but I...love him. I feel stronger when I am around him. As to the rest, I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it. If I come to it, who is to say he will be polygamous."


Hinata laid in bed, snuggled up to her mate. Unable to sleep, the conversation with Kurenai, from earlier that day, still stuck in her head. "Naruto-kun, are you awake?" Hinata asked in a soft voice as she looked up to see her mate lying next to her. She could only make out his silhouette against the dim light poring through their bed room window.

"Yeah," came the reply.

"I read up on your instincts today," she said, trying to built up the courage for the purpose of this conversation.

"Hmm? Anything interesting?" he inquire. Hinata could feel him shift to face her.

"Mostly about how territorial you are, and about how good your eyes and sense of smell is," she returned. I-I can do this. I have to do this.

"Anything else?" He asked as he wondered why she was telling him what he already knew.

"N-no, th-that's it," she stuttered. Why can't I tell him? Why can't I ask him if there's anyone else he's interested in?

"Okay then. Good night, Hinata-chan" Naruto offered as he rolled back over.

"Um, N-Naruto-kun?" Hinata attempted to gain the boy's attention again. Why is this so hard?

"Hmm?" His reply was soft, indicating that he was on the verge of dozing off.

"G-g-good n-night," she said, then turned over to face away from him. I can't! I can't do it! I'm too afraid! She curled up and began to silently cry, causing her to miss her partner's even breathing as he had fallen asleep.


The next two months passed, and the academy's graduation was growing near. Hinata had a better grasp of Naruto's instincts, but was still torn up on the inside about what she had discovered about the larger red foxes tendency towards polygamy. Naruto was currently scoring at the top of his class in the academics department, though he was only doing average with weapons and taijutsu. Iruka felt his feral combat style was unfitting for a ninja, and the feral child favored his claws over the ranged weapons. During the months Kurenai was acting different, and Naruto noticed that her scent was filled with sadness. When asked, she just replied that she was feeling down, and not to worry about it. Ever since the fight between Naruto and Kiba on his first day of class, the Inuzuka avoided the demon child. After he recovered, he intensified his training, determined to reacquire his alpha status.

Naruto found himself making his way back to the Hokage's tower. As soon as he had left the academy, he was greeted by a boar masked ANBU. He was informed by said ANBU that the Sandaime had requested his presence. A few minutes later, the youth entered the elderly man's office. "Wanted to see me, gramps?"

"Hello, Naruto. I think I may have found a jutsu to exchange for another of your arms. I discovered it in one of the scrolls in my personal library. It's a forbidden jutsu known as Honemi Bunshin. The way it works is that the user of the jutsu, upon doing the seals, removes a portion of his flesh, which begins to grow into a clone. The process generally takes twenty four hours. This jutsu was forbidden due to the requirement of the ninja using their flesh, but it would capitalize on your regeneration," Sarutobi said, handing Naruto the scroll with the details of the jutsu. The youth took a minute looking over the scroll before he made his decision.

"Okay, old man. I'll make the trade. When I donate tomorrow, you can take an arm," Naruto offered as he pocketed the scroll. "Is there anything else?" He inquired.

"No, that's all I needed. I'll have everything set up for tomorrow," the old man returned. Naruto left the office, waving as he went.

Three hours passed, with Sarutobi doing paper work, when the elderly Hokage got his next visitor. A knock at his door drew his attention. "Come in," he called out as he retrieved his pipe and began loading the tobacco into it. Asuma entered the office. "Hello, Asuma. How did the mission go?" He asked while he packed the contents of his pipe.

"It went well, Hokage-sama. I found Tsunade-sama, and delivered the letter," he returned. Pulling out a letter, and handing it to the elderly man, he continued, "Here's her reply."

"Did you have any difficulty finding her?" Sarutobi asked as he lit his pipe with a match. Asuma went on to tell of the seven villages he went to before he found the woman. "I see, and you found her in a casino as expected. Good job," Sarutobi offered. He reached into a drawer in his desk, pulled out a sealed envelope, and handed it to the black haired jounin. "Here's your marker for the mission pay."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama," Asuma said, taking the marker. "Is there anything else?" He inquired.

"No, you're free to go," Sarutobi returned. Asuma bowed to his father, before he left the office. Alone again, the Hokage opened the letter from Tsunade, and began reading.


I'm loathing of the idea of returning to the village after what happened. However, I can't discredit the possibilities of such a discovery as what you mentioned in your letter. I will return to offer my assistance, but I'm indisposed at this point in time. I should be able to arrive in about three months time. One last thing. If I find out this was just a ploy to get me to return, there will be hell to pay.

Folding the letter and taking another pull from his pipe, Sarutobi leaned back in his chair. He smiled as he thought, Same old Tsunade.


Here you go, kiddies. The next installment of this masterpiece. Many thanks to Endymionrose for his excellent work on this chapter. Enjoy.


Honemi Bunshin no Jutsu - Flesh and Bone Clone Technique - Rank A Forbidden Jutsu - With this technique the user of the jutsu creates a clone by using his flesh. The process and growth of the clone usually takes around twenty four hours. This jutsu was forbidden due to the requirement of flesh to create the clone. Unlike the Kage Bunshin, the Honemi Bunshin can take hits and injuries, and will even die. However, upon death the clone decays at an accelerated rate, turning to dust within an hour.

Omake 1:

King Sven, having made his way through the gates, listened as the chittering behind him quickly over took the screams of the guards. "It is unwise to anger the squirrels!" He decreed to any who would listen. As he wandered the streets he received many odd looks. Or was it the squirrel on his shoulder.

He was walking through the shopping district of the village when one of the more brazen members made their way up to him. "Um, sir? Are you aware of the fact that you have a squirrel on your shoulder?" The elderly man asked with a cocked eyebrow. In response to the man's inquiry, the squirrel turned and started chittering into the man's ear.

When the chittering stopped the black haired man focused back on the wrinkled man before him. "He says to piss off and mind your own damned business," King Sven, Lord of All Squirrels, Hoarder of the Nuts, and Keeper of the Cracker said, then turning to the squirrel on his shoulder, continued, "That's not very nice. As true as it may be."

"Excuse me?!" the elderly man exclaimed in an indignant tone. "What is your problem you psycho! I was just trying to be nice!"

"What! You have angered the squirrels! Now feel their wrath! Squirrel hoard the nuts!" The eccentric man said, pointing at the one who upset his minions. Upon the last sentence, the squirrel launched himself from the man's shoulder, landing on the elderly one before him. It quickly made it's way into his shirt and ran around, causing the old man to laugh and try to catch it. The laughter promptly stopped when the fuzz ball made it's way into his pants and chomped his 'nuts.' The old man's eyes crossed as he grabbed his package, the squirrel escaping seconds before to find it's way back onto his master's shoulder. The elderly citizen fell to the ground. With his path no longer blocked, King Sven made his way past, to resume his search for what he was there to find.

Omake 2:

Naruto's attention was drawn back to the door when a pink haired banshee stopped in the doorway, and turned to yell at someone outside of the room. "Well, Ino-pig. I'm here first. It looks like I get to sit next to Sasuke-kun," she said in an attempt to rub it in her face. The reaction she got was not what she was expecting, however.

"Hmm? What? You say something, forehead?" Ino asked, still reading her book as she acted as if she hadn't heard her.

Sakura turned back to her rival to reply. Um...Where did that book come from? And what's Icha Icha Paradise for that matter? She wondered as she stared at the orange book in Ino's hands.

(Later that evening.)

"So, Kakashi-sensei, do I get my mask yet?" Ino asked the gray haired jounin.

"Not yet. You arrived on time, didn't have an excuse, and Sakura didn't complain about you acting so cool. Keep up the good work though," Kakashi returned to his new student in 'Kakashi's school of pissing off everyone by acting like he didn't care.'

Omake 3:

It was lunch break at the academy. The majority of the class was outside enjoying the pleasant weather of the day, leaving the rookie nine in the class room alone. Too pass the time, they had decided to enjoy a game of truth or dare.

"Okay, it's my turn," Sakura said, having just answered her question. "I choose Ino. Truth or dare?"

Ino thought for a moment, "Truth!"

Sakura, who was slightly disappointed as she was hoping she'd choose dare, asked, "Have you slept with any boys?"

Ino turned to the girl, a firm look on her face, "No," she returned. Sakura was slightly disappointed at having her attempt at embarrassing her rival fail. "Okay, so it's my turn. I choose Naruto-kun. Truth or dare?"

"Um...dare?" Naruto offered, still not completely grasping the game. No one was able to miss the devious smile that spread across the blond's face.

Remembering Naruto's dislike of clothing, Ino stated her dare, "I dare you to strip off your clothes." Everyone, excluding Hinata, Ino, and the boy in question, gasped at the dare. They certainly didn't expect Naruto's cheer as he began tearing his clothes off. Kiba, Shikamaru, Chouji, and Shino promptly turned their heads away. Sakura stared wide eyed, slightly protesting what was happening, though the voice of inner Sakura promptly shut her up. Hinata stared proudly at her adonis as he presented himself to the class, and Ino stared hungrily at the boy. However, all of the festivities ended when Sasuke got a nose bleed, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he passed out.

"Um, Sakura," Ino began as everyone gathered around the unconscious boy as they looked down at him, "I think you're going to have to find a different man."

Omake 4:

Kurenai's cheeks continued to redden, as she forced herself to look anywhere but at the young adonis standing in front of her, "No, Naruto,'' she answered, ''you haven't offended me, but you really...,'' she was interrupted from finishing her reply by a knocking at the door behind Naruto. Her mind derailed at the thought of what everyone would say, when it got around that she had nude boys running around her apartment.

Naruto, having no such worries, calmly turned around, walked to the door, and opened it. Upon opening the door, he saw a purple haired jounin standing before him. "Damn! Looks like the party already started," Anko complained as she looked at the nude youth before her. Yelling beyond the boy at her friend, Anko continued, "Kurenai, you were supposed to wait for me! And why didn't you tell me he was that big?" The last part said as she focussed on the his privates. By this point in time there were many eyes watching her all through out the hall of the appartment. Pushing the boy in, and using the large bottle of dark liquor in her hand to push the door to, failing to close it, she shouted once more, "So, we about ready to get this threesome going? I've got the booze." When Hinata rushed in, wide eyed, Anko amended her previous statement, "Okay, foursome. Didn't know you were into little girls, too." Kurenai just stared at her friend, mouth gaping at the scene.

She has one twisted sense of humor. The crimson eyed jounin thought once her brain jump started again. "Okay, Anko. That wasn't fun..." Her complaint was halted as she saw the, now half empty, bottle of booze in the woman's hand as she had mouth locked with the red heads, causing her brain to lock up again.

No one got rest in the appartment that night as the passionate sounds of wild, unbridalled sex rang through the halls. None of the participants had even bothered to notice that, not only had the door not been completely closed, but it had drifted open, allowing any who walked by a show that Jiraiya would have paid good money to see.