Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. I'm an Irish-American single mother who has a very twisted sense of humor (Think SAW) and takes crap from nobody. Fandoms of choice include: Harry Potter (I swore I wasn't going to get sucked into this one...and held out until HBP came out. All I can say is...Snape. One of those characters that just grows on you. Like a fungus. ) Stargate: SG-1 Highlander Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Merry Gentry Underworld BtVS Twilight (Here's another one I said I'd never give the time of day. Thankfully, I'm not a screaming fangirl about this one.) At some point, I do plan to upload my own fiction here; but I'd like to get some of it at least close to finished before I do. Otherwise the people on Twisting the Hellmouth who have been stalking me about updates might do vile things to me. |
Cairis Rin (12) Hoshi-tachi (34) Jay of Lasgalen (52) Josephus Prime (8) | lovetvfan (15) rbutler (0) Shadewolf7 (17) silentlyloud (6) | sundaesinaugust (1) TheGodfatherSJP (1) xxSiLvErDrAgOnxx (6) |