Author has written 1 story for Naruto. MY DEVIANT! http:/// Name: Ash (: Gender: Ashley could be referred to a boy, but I'm definitely a girl... that or I have been buying the wrong under wear. Age: Eighteen (you'd think I'd be to old for this ;D) Sexuality: MEN MEN MEN! Useless Things About Me: I think of my self as an artistic weirdo, but it doesn't bother me much heh... My Ideas for my future as jobs would either be Graphic artist or a Therapist. I have three brothers that I actutally like but none of them live with me. I am exremely closter-phobic and hate crowded places. I live with my Grandparents. I absolutely hate my mother's side of the family. I have been to so many schools and moved so many freakin' times I lost count. I'm not very sure where i stand when it comes to religion, i dont critisize any though (exept for TOM CRUISE... his religion sucks.) Why I'm here: HINATA! I cant get enough of her. Its obsession. Hinataxanyone. SakuNaru, LeeTen, Im a shipper, as long as it doesnt involve pairings like nejiten, naruhina, sasusaku D; |
Backne (15) Baka Kyoko-Chan (5) Blue Quartz Foxy (37) Blue-shine-angel (4) DigiChar (3) hinataheir (5) iloveshiek21 (2) | Kichou (17) KyuubiPandoraChan (42) Nusaka (16) Raining Secure (12) rcr (19) Renoa Heartilly (3) | syaoran no hime (192) TakeHeart (0) tsubakitea (15) |