A Light in the Dark
I suck at summaries but basically Sasuke comes back from a mission and Hinata treats him and by shear of ( luck) her father decides that she should marry Sasuke for the well breeding. Will love form between them or will hate rule there lives?
The was pouring down leaving droplets on a pale delicate fore. Hinata ( now 18) had
been walking for around an hour. She wasn't needed at the hospital today for it was her
day off. Even though she was not needed she still found herself walking into the Hokage's
office. She rapped the door softly twice before she heard a voice.
" Come in!" Came Tsunade's reply. Hinata opened the door and walked in to see a very
stressed Tsunade and two members of ANBU holding a very pale looking Sasuke.
Tsunade looked up at Hinata and relief flooded her face.
" Hinata, I need you assistance. I would like you to take Uchiha back home and treat his
wounds. We can't care for him here seeing how is that we don't have anymore room."
She said as Hinata looked at Sasuke. ( He had came back from Orochimaru's after finding
out the hard way that he was just a perverted hermit who was well gay. He had long since
been forgiven and was now a jounin.) Sasuke had a long gash going from his middle of his
stomach and his middle back. It didn't look very good. Hinata gave him one more look
and then looked back at Tsunade.
" Hai Tsunade-sama but….. I can't." She stopped when Tsunade looked at her shocked.
She blushed and finished her sentence. " I can't lift him by myself." Tsunade gave her a
small smile and nodded at the ANBU who nodded at her back.
" The ANBU will help you with that." She turned back to her work. Hinata saw an
ANBU come of behind her and hold onto her arms. They were fixing to leave. In a poof
they were gone and in Sasuke's room in the Uchiha manor. The other ANBU who didn't have Hinata laid Sasuke on his bed and they both left. Automatically the medic nin and
Hinata kicked in and she ripped his shirt open and examined his wound. As she cleaned it
up she couldn't help but notice that Sasuke had a nice well toned chest. She blushed at her
own thoughts and mentally kicked herself not having any idea that Sasuke was watching
her silently.
Sasuke had woken up to soft hands touching his side cleaning his wound up. At
first he had no idea where he was then the surrounding seemed familiar to him and he
realized that he was in his room yet he still had no idea who was touching him. That's
when he heard a light sound come to his ears.
'What is that sound?' He asked himself then realized who ever it was, was humming.
'Well that solves one problem it's a girl. I just hope that it's not Sakura or Ino. Kami
help me if it is.' ( Both girls like her are 19 and still crazy about him even though Ino is
dating Chouji.) The humming was driving Sasuke to the verge of sleep when he felt a
string against his side.
" Oww! Fuck!" He said wincing in pain and making a very shocked Hinata jump.
" Sasuke-san? You you you are awake?" Hinata asked politely.
" Hai I am awake." Came the reply then a sigh. " Could you at least turn on the light so I
can see you face dammit!" He lashed out.
" Hai." Was the only reply then a blinding light came on and Sasuke couldn't see for a
minute. When he finally blinked it away before him was a very bloody Hinata Hyuuga. She
started treating his wound again but this time a little uncomfortable under the icy stare of
Sasuke. Suddenly she stopped.
" Umm Sasuke-san could you well can you sit up for me so I can wrap you up?" She
asked then looked at him but when she did she quickly looked away. He smirked as a
blush crept into her face as he removed what was left of his shirt. He sat their waiting for
her to do something only to get agitated when she didn't.
" Well don't just sit there." He said coldly.
" I well I need to umm lift you arms up. I can't really do anything when your arms are
crossed over you chest." She said then getting braver added. " I'd figure a genius like you
would have at least known that." He glared at her coldly but lifted his arms up anyway.
She started to wrap him up having to lean into him every other second. At first Sasuke
glared at her then he suddenly got a whiff of something. ' What is that smell? It smells like
lavender no no its lilac. Mmmm it smells good but where is it coming from?' He asked
himself then suddenly the smell vanished and he opened his eyes not knowing that he had
closed them. That's when he realized that the smell had been coming from Hinata. She
was now finished and had now started to leave. The lightening flashed outside and he
wondered what she was doing.
" Where are you going Hinata?" He asked and she started to wring her hands together.
" Umm where else would I be going. I am going home to sleep I need some rest." She
started to leave again. Sasuke swiftly got to his feet and stood up less than a foot behind
her. The lightening caught his attention again.
" Your not going anyway until this rain lets up." He said sternly. She turned and looked at him.
" What if it rains through out the night?" She asked quietly.
" Then the obvious happens." She looked at him questionably as he rolled his eyes. "
You'd spend the night here." She blushed and made an O shape with her mouth. He
looked down at her. He was a good 3 inches taller than her. The lightening flashed again
but this time it was followed by a VERY loud thunderclap. It made Hinata jump into
Sasuke. She was being plagued by memories that were childish but none the less thunder
still scared her senseless. She didn't even seem to realized that it was Sasuke's bare chest
that she turned into and nuzzled her head in. Sasuke was shocked and had no clue what to
do for there was a frightened woman hugging him and nuzzling his chest. He stood there
for a second then wrapped his arms around her trying to calm her down.
" Shhh Hinata-chan it is going to be okay." He whispered in her ear warmly. Hinata
looked up at him and backed away blushing from head to toe. He gave a little smirk. ( She
kind of looks cute like that. I wonder if her blush goes down to her…) He mentally kicked
himself he wasn't suppose to think like that he was an avenger he still had a job to do.
" Gomen Sasuke-san I I I." She faltered and sighed. " Gomen." He half smiled half glared
at her when his stomach growled. He was hungry but what it for more then food?