A Love Triangle: Chapter Twenty-six

A/N: Hi guys, I haven't updated this story since 2007-12-05, that's a long time. My writing skills have gotten much better since last time lol. I noticed I had one bad flame telling me that I 'suck' lmao. Yeah, flames don't bother me, most flamers come from people writing in 'anonymous' who are most likely a author on the site who I think are just too afraid post a review under their real name because they may feel the author may decide to flame them back out of revenge. I also have gotten two other 'bad' reviews for the last updated chapter.

Bad reviews won't tear me down but please flaming a person won't help. If anything I would prefer constructive criticism than a flame. I have nothing against Sakura for the review made by 'JunJun1990', that's just how I made her character for this story. I was younger back then when I typed this story in my honest opinion looking back on it now, it's not very good. But if you don't like something simply don't read it.

Well anyways, although I would like to say more, I shouldn't. This is the last chapter for this story, for some who hated this story or if this story 'annoyed' you I'm pretty sure that you're happy it's ending lol.

So please enjoy this chapter for those of you who 'did' like this story n.n


Five years have pasted since that eventful day, things have changed throughout the years as well. Most of the ninja located in Konoha have moved up in their ranks, everyone who were once genin working under their teacher, they now work together as comrades. But everything throughout the years hasn't been rainbows and sunshine. Sasuke had turned for the worst, abandoning everything that he once had and all for revenge. Leaving the village to go train under one of the legendary ninja, Orochimaru. Naruto had been so furious about the departure of the Uchiha; he made a promise not only to Sakura but to Sasuke's girlfriend Hinata that he would bring him back to Konoha.

Team Kakashi had encountered Sasuke so many times previously in the past only to come back to Konoha without him. This only frustrated Naruto even more, noticing how powerful Sasuke was getting, he needed to become stronger.

To add onto this stress, Konoha went through more destruction when the leader of the Akatsuki invaded the village and practically destroyed everything. Half of the villagers died that day, including Kakashi. But after a talk with Nagato; the man behind Pein, the male put his trust into the blonde and surrendered bringing everyone who he killed back to life. Months after that Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi ran into Sasuke only to see that he was completely lost within the darkness.

Naruto would never forget that day, when he mentioned Hinata's name he saw a flicker of emotion flash within Sasuke's eyes. Seeing that he knew that somewhere, Sasuke was still there, he wasn't completely lost within the darkness.

Asano and Heijiro often traveled back and fourth from their village to Konoha, when they had heard the news of Sasuke they took it really hard that he changed so quickly. Both males promised that they would also help and give it there all to bring him back.

As for Hinata, she mainly remained silent about Sasuke's disappearance. The only person she would actually speak her feelings about it with is Naruto and Sakura. Over the years, Sakura apologized to Hinata for her behavior towards her and admitted to herself that she was jealous of the relationship she was sharing with Sasuke. She knew that it was time for her to give up on her feelings for the raven haired male. The pink haired female actually became happy for the Hyuga and Uchiha couple during the time he was in Konoha.

It wasn't until four years ago when Sasuke finally made his appearance back in Konoha, but it wasn't with good intentions. He intended on killing everyone in the village right down to the smallest of child, his way of thinking he was revenging his clan. But his intentions fell short when he was met with a fist colliding to his face by the most unlikely person; Hyuga Hinata.

Of all people who he was expecting to fight, she was not on his list. He was surprised by how much strength that she had accumulated over the years, he would say she would come after Naruto when it came to strength. He had been fighting Naruto when Hinata suddenly appeared out of nowhere, standing in front of the blonde with a glare so intimidating he hadn't dreamed of ever seeing her look so fierce.

He didn't want to fight her but opted to, in result of his strength, he had hurt her pretty badly. After that everything had faded into black when he was taken by a surprise to the blow on the back of his head. Waking up days later, he noticed that he was inside the hospital. He had been under watch for six months and even interrogated by Ibiki under Tsunade's orders. He was isolated from nearly everyone for within those few months. He showed that he didn't care about the isolation but in the back of his mind he wanted nothing more just to see someone he knew.

It took a lot for them to break down Sasuke and convince him what he was doing wasn't right. That by going into the path he was heading towards, he wouldn't be bringing justice to his clan but instead disgrace a shame. Revenge was just a cursed thing that keeps repeating itself over and over again, non-stop and it wasn't worth it. He had thought over the words along with Naruto's words. Finally, surrendering to Konoha, Sasuke was slowly coming out of the darkness.

The first person he wanted to see was Hinata, but due to her injuries that he had inflicted on her, he wasn't permitted to be within fifty yards of the Hyuga heiress for within those six months. It pained him that he couldn't be near her, the girl that he had once loved and still loves couldn't be near him. He had asked Naruto has she moved on during the years, the blonde answered by telling him that Hinata has been waiting for him. Hearing this made his heart pound against his chest.

He also heard that Heijiro and Ino were dating, despite of their long distance relationship; they had managed to make it work. As for his brother, Asano, the black haired male wasn't dating anyone and still refers to Sasuke as his brother. He smirked at the thought of both male brothers, they hadn't changed one bit, still annoying but still all together guys that he could call his friend.


The eighteen year old female sighed softly while looking up at the clouds in the sky. It was a peaceful day in Konoha, the clouds in the bright blue sky, the birds chirping happily and the cool breeze that was caressing her skin. A smile graced her features, looking away from the clouds she continued walking down the dirt pathway. She was currently headed towards park but was stopped when she heard a voice calling out to her. Turning around she noticed Asano waving his hand up in the air while running towards her, "Oh, hello Asano" She smiled softly at him.

The jet black haired male smirked widely at her, over the years he has grown taller, even taller than Kakashi; who is six feet tall. His once short spiky hair had grew longer, he now wears it a ponytail. Very much similar to how Itachi's hair used to look. "I just wanted to catch you before I go back to my village, Heijiro wanted to come too but he's with Ino right now" He sighed, looking down at her while shaking his head.

"Ah well I can understand that" She stated to the male. Hinata, who was very shy and had a habit of stuttering, grew up to become more confident and learned to speak up for her. She even made it to jounin level and now has her own team to watch over. Her father was now proud of her, giving her praises almost every day. Raising her hand moving some of her hair behind her ear, she stared up at the male with that same smile on her face. "How long will you be gone for this time?"

The male leaned back on the heels of his shoes, "Um, maybe in about five months or so" Asano glanced down at her with a smirk on his face, "It couldn't be that you are missing me already?" He grinned at noticing the blush of embarrassment on her cheeks; shaking his head he parted his lips, "I'm just messing with you, oh I should tell you this before I forget. Someone wants to meet you near the training grounds"

Hinata raised her eyebrows up, "Who wants to see me?" She asked curiously.

Asano leaned forward, placing his finger on his lips, "It's a secret" He smiled brightly at her but yet mischievously. He leaned away from her as he began walking past her, "I'm leaving now, I'll see you the next time I'm here Hina-chan" He smiled as he continued walking past her.

Over the years, despite the fact he use to like her in the past the two have grown to becoming closer than before. Not in a sense that they both are closer in an intimate way more like siblings than anything else. He also had gained the respect of the Hyuga's, unlike in the past they thought of Asano to be very annoying and someone who seemed to held no respect for any Hyuga. Hinata smiled warmly at his departure, "Asano…" She thought to herself.

Turning around she began thinking over his words, she couldn't think of anyone who could want to meet her in the training grounds with the exception of Naruto. Walking towards the training ground wasn't much distance, seeing how she wasn't too far away from the destination. Walking into the silent parts of the area, her eyes scanned her surroundings until her eyes landed on the last person she imagined seeing. "Sa-Sasuke-kun…" She whispered softly.

He stared into her lavender-grey eyes; his facial expression didn't display any emotion but his eyes displayed everything. You could easily see the longing look in his eyes; he missed her dearly but yet felt terrible for attacking her. He stood still to show her that she shouldn't be afraid of him. After all he hasn't seen much of her after the fight they had. "It's been around since we have seen each other, hasn't it?" He asked lowly. His hair has grown slightly longer than how it used to look, his bangs now covering his forehead, wearing a black shirt with the Uchiha crest on the back of his shirt along with black shorts.

Hinata was in too much shock to even get herself to speak. There he stood, right in front of her. She had missed him dearly the last past year, despite the fight her feelings for him hasn't faltered over the years. She could feel her eyes beginning to water just at the sight of him; her legs began to have a mind of their own. She ran towards him, everything appeared to be going in slow pace as she ran towards him.

His eyes widened once she ran into him with so much force it knocked him to the ground. Her face was buried on his chest, he could his shirt becoming wet, "She's crying" He thought in sadness, lifting his hand up placing it on the back of her head. "Why are you crying?" He whispered softly to her.

Lifting her head up, she stared into his eyes, "I've missed you so much, Sasuke-kun. Not a day has passed where you don't cross my mind" She sniffed as a blush appeared on her cheeks. Her hand went down to caress his cheek softly; a small smile was seen gracing her face. "You won't leave again, will you?"

He sat himself up, pulling her close against his chest, closing his eyes as he rested his cheek on top of her head, "I won't, I'm sorry for causing you so much pain. I was lost within the darkness; I took a turn for the worst. Which resulted in me leaving you behind, something I never intended on doing" He placed his hands on her shoulders, leaning her back, "I love you, Hinata. I promise I'm never going anywhere again" He leaned forward pressing his lips against hers, kissing her passionately enjoying every second of their intimate kiss. It's been years, five long years since he had the chance of kissing her.

They sat there for a good few minutes, until Sasuke broke the kiss. Resting his forehead against her, his coal black eyes stared deep into her orbs. "Do you love me still?" He watched her nod her head, leaning forward to give him a soft peck on his lips, whispering softly to him that she still loved him. He smiled warmly at her; it was a rare smile, something that he intended for only her to see and her alone.

"I'm glad"

"Why are you happy?" She asked curiously.

"Because, I have you back in my life. No more revenge, those days are over. With you by my side," He paused as if he were trying to gather his thoughts, "I know that I don't need anything else. You are my light, my life, my world and my happiness" Sasuke hugged her close to his body, in a tight embrace. This girl, in his arms he loved her deeply and tonight will be the night he will finally ask for her hand in marriage.


Not a very good ending and you could probably tell that it was rushed. I'm sorry for that, this isn't one of my good works. Most of my older stories I typed when I was much younger than I am now. I have been contemplating rather or not to delete those stories since I 'now' have no idea where I was heading towards in those stories. Well now that this is over, I would like to thank everyone who liked this story. I first came out with this story when I was around seventeen-eighteen years old. I'm now twenty-one, so that's a long time lol.

I plan on working on 'Only You' last chapter next. And then onto my most recent fanfics, which are far much better than these old stories with better dialogue and longer details.

Once again, thank you for reading n.n